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All, here are the details of the first Paramotor Club fly-in of the year :-)

:D:D:D:DYou will be pleased to know that will are having another bore chasers Fly-in on the 8th,9th,10th of April. :D:D:D:D

Location has been confirmed as the same as last time so ROOMS ARE AVAILABLE TO the early birds who get them booked!

CALL 07970 771039 to book a holiday let.

As always, full members entry is 100% free. to upgrade, click the my subscriptions link :-)

All others £25. Under 16's FREE, Non Flying partners / mates £5.

The entire weekend has 4* tides which can be followed as before.

Food as before, in fact EVERYTHING will be as before because it was AWESOME! :-)


Milton end farm, Arlingham. GL2 7JH.


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Brill :-)

They are self contained barn type, buildings finished to a high standard. I stayed in one last year.

They are about a 3-4 min walk or 1 min drive from the flying field.

I think a couple of them have already gone (since my post yesterday) so it may be worth just calling them a bit quick for any other info and availability :-) :-)



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Location is the address above.

Joining instructions, arrive :-)

There is camping for Camper's and of courser tents. (as well as the rentable accommodation)

There is food on site, the same food as our other events (much more than just burgers and chips)

Hopefully see you there!! :-)


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That would be cool! :-) Please do and please do.

Let get them to take a picture of something at the other end.



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All, you will notice below a current and up to date air chart for the area.

The closest and most obvious of the airspace being the Bird Sanctuary just to the South.

Although I have confirmed the dates for the airspace to be from the 14th of September until the 01st of April (meaning its not actually active) during the fly-in, I have also spoken to the reserve who suggest that there is still a lot of bird activity during April.

It is my recommendation and request that you treat the airspace as active during our time there please. :-)

I think this is the 'right thing' to do even though not a legal requirement.

That and the tide flows away from the airspace anyway... should be no dramas. :-) :-)

As always there will be copies of airspace maps and out local flying procedures in the main tent for you to take with you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is going to be busier than I expected for the time of year!!! :-) :-)

I played this one down a little thinking that only a few people would be attending but it seems there will be at least as many people if not more for this one!!!!

Can't wait to hook up with you all again!!


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Help needed for setting up.

All, there is no other way to put this,.. I fked up!

Soooooo, the fly-in starts on the 08th and my plan was for the normal skeleton crew (myself and little Col) to arrive the evening before to set up.

I have now (luckily) remembered that it's my wife's birthday on the 07th and so will be going out for dinner and feel it's most likely best if I stay the evening for that one LOL

My question: Is there one or maybe two people who can help little Colin and happy to arrive on the Thursday at about lunchtime to help with the set up please??

I will be arriving at something around 0800 - 0900 on the Friday Morning.

Please reply here so that we can all know its sorted and who the awesome people are! :-) :-)

Many Thanks!


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Quick update:

We all know the worst thing about going to any sort of outdoor event is having to use the porta loos.

Today, I am booking the 'proper toilets' for the first bore chasers. :-) :-) It's a trailer based 'bathroom' unit with hot water and lighting.


It will start off clean when it arrives (making it a pleasant place for all to poo) so PLEASE leave it as you found it and clean up after yourself.

This is basically a trial for future events. If we have to spend half a day cleaning, it will be back to porta loos. If we mange to keep it clean between us, we will continue to hire them for all future events. :-) :-) :-)

Thanks in advance for your understanding and help! :-)



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Just to let you know that shortly I will be selling my Paramotor and Wing.

It is at Parajet now for a 'Health Check' and hoping to pick it up on Friday just before the fly-in.

Of course I will (weather/health permitting) be flying/showing both.

My reason for selling is for an upgrade and not sure about the price yet, but it will be UNDER £2,000 for BOTH

Anybody welcome to have a look and ask about it.

Obviously it is an ideal package for a new guy under training.

Just ask anybody about how solid the cage is and how safe the wing is.

Anyway - just a quick note to let guys know about it and it you're interested please let me know.


Sorry - motor and wing is as per my signature block. :)

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Hi Simon

I have just come to this site and found the information about the bore event. Unfortunately I am unable to get to the details of the last event so would it be possible to have the details re-sent to all those on the mailing list? If not can you re-send to me?

As you can imagine 'EVERYTHING will be as before', is not available to me or anyone else that has not been luck enough to attend what must be a fantastic club event.

If you have any links to the details, that too would be helpful to expand club attendees.


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Hi Richtofen,

In a nut shell, we will be meeting on Friday the 8th for a weekend of camping and flying at the River severn (location in first post)

We have toilets, food, drink, and a fire pit on site with music and an awesome vibe.

The idea is that we follow the surfers on the tidal wave that the Severn is famous for.

So please do turn up with the family if they fancy it. :-)

Non paid up members (you) entry and camping costs £25 for the weekend. If you upgrade before the event this fly-in (and the two others we are having this year) will be free entry.

Please do ask if you have any specific questions :-) :-)

Hope to see you there!


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