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Stir crazy :-{


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I really NEED my feet to leave the ground :x

It's been weeks.... no hang on, it's been 10 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour 23 minutes since I last touched down (is that excessively desperate?).

I'm beginning to understand the frustration you must have felt in Britain last year, why won't this rain just xxxx off???????????????

.... and it's going to stay this way all month :(

I really am feeling the need for air, sigh, and all the real ale from the UK has run out :cry:

Cheers, Alan

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3 days flying in November, 1 day in December and 1 day in January. Worst 3 month flying record in 17 years of flying these chair-o-planes.


Fustrating yes.... but the way I look at it is... I'd rather be out having great flights in perfect conditions, than risking my equipment on crappy days for a few short flights... Hopefully the summer is on it's way soon. fresh snow has just fallen here though :(

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This is when the winter hobby kicks in to distract one from the frustration of being grounded.

A couple of weeks ago, my new milling machine arrived and I'm now making parts for my 7 cylinder radial engine (not to fly!).

The mill may be standing idle this Saturday - looking good for a flight.

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.... and I'm now making parts for my 7 cylinder radial engine (not to fly!).

Sounds interesting Pete :?:

Hope you do get a good flight in, please report back so we can all enjoy :)

I agree with Gordon, I'd rather be flying in good weather.

My winter project is finished so I'm at a bit of a loose end, see viewtopic.php?f=10&t=8522,

Cheers, Alan

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Alan, I'll post some pictures in the 'Other' section when there's anything that looks interesting. I'm making oil pumps at the moment, so nothing interesting to look at.

Saturday weather for my location still looks good, but it's predicted to be a day's calm in otherwise fairly active weather systems - so I'm not holding out too much hope.

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I really NEED my feet to leave the ground :x

It's been weeks.... no hang on, it's been since I last touched down (is that excessively desperate?).

I'm beginning to understand the frustration you must have felt in Britain last year, why won't this rain just xxxx off???????????????

.... and it's going to stay this way all month :(

I really am feeling the need for air, sigh, and all the real ale from the UK has run out :cry:

Cheers, Alan

Ahh I wondered where all our rain and cloud had gone for the past 10 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour 23 minutes. You've got it Alan.

Wall to wall sun here, flying everyday. Can you tell i've been reading a famous book by Dale Carnegie. :wink::)

Y'all need to jump on a bus and head down to the Costa.

...mind you it didn't stop my brand new Thor drilling a piston the other day and dumping me on the beach :(

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another polini thor bites the dust...

was it the 200 or 110..??

I wouldn't say it's bitten the dust, it was sorted within 24hrs by Pierre at PAP. Basically Polini send out the Thor 200 tuned so rich that it simply doesn't function correctly and needs to be leaned out...just not too much.

Bottom line is this engine isn't finished and Polini are selling them. It is outrageous, but this seems to be all part and parcel of paramotoring with 2 stroke engines.

I have to just say that I have never experienced customer care like I just experienced from PAP. I returned the engine to Pierre at around 2pm. At 9.30pm he text me to tell me he had finished repairing it and would test it in the morning. Modifications have been implemented to prevent a re-occurance (increased squish, richer mixture etc).

Pretty impressive.

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This is when the winter hobby kicks in to distract one from the frustration of being grounded.

A couple of weeks ago, my new milling machine arrived and I'm now making parts for my 7 cylinder radial engine (not to fly!).

The mill may be standing idle this Saturday - looking good for a flight.

I was going to make one of these 9 cylinder radials a few years ago but never got around to getting started! http://www.agelessengines.com/

Have a look at this http://www.5bears.com/curproj.htm He put some great progress stuff up.

Tom :D

P.s absolutely gagging to go flying!! (bloody weather)

p.p.s Neigh :lol::lol:

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Hi Tom,

I'm doing something a little different. My engine uses existing cylinders and heads (Dnepr motorcycle parts) with my own design cases, timing, lubrication, supercharger etc. With 7 cylinders at 325cc each, it will be a 2.3 litre beast. If it runs reliably, I'd like to build a Morgan style chassis for it.

Don't expect to see video of a running engine for at least a couple of years.

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Pleased to announce I finally got my feet off the ground this afternoon, for the first time in weeks! A short flight coz it started raining but a flight nonetheless.

Hope some of u managed to get flying too - looks like the next flying window will be a little while away. :lol::lol::lol:


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Hi Tom,

I'm doing something a little different. My engine uses existing cylinders and heads (Dnepr motorcycle parts) with my own design cases, timing, lubrication, supercharger etc. With 7 cylinders at 325cc each, it will be a 2.3 litre beast. If it runs reliably, I'd like to build a Morgan style chassis for it.

Don't expect to see video of a running engine for at least a couple of years.

Now that sounds pretty awesome! stick some pictures up when your done :-) i'd like to see it.

Pleased to announce I finally got my feet off the ground this afternoon, for the first time in weeks! A short flight coz it started raining but a flight nonetheless.

Hope some of u managed to get flying too - looks like the next flying window will be a little while away. :lol::lol::lol:


Chance would be a fine thing! weather is awful!! wish I hadn't sold my revo now as I'm gonna need to learn how to fly again at this rate :explode:

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