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Darrel Training

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I started training with Simon a few weeks back. Had a good few days of training and just when things were starting to gel the bad weather hit us. It's been a few weeks since I last saw any action and I was getting a little worried that i would forget everything I learnt. Anyway, I just picked up my new wing and thought I'd give it a quick go over the local park.

Good news is that I remembered nearly everything. Flew the wing on the risers first time and had it nice and controlled. Climbed into my harness and managed a couple of pretty good reverses. Then the wind picked up (well gusts anyway) and I realised just how big a 34m2 wing is. After a short run across the field and looking at the impending weather (check out the 3rd photo) , I decided it was time to pack up and go home.

So all looking good for that first flight. Just need a break in the weather and a decent day.





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  • 2 weeks later...

So the crap weather has made training a little difficult. I must admit that I’ve almost forgotten what Simon and Membury look like ;)

Anyway, the rain has stopped for now so my brother (Chris) and I took my wing and harness out for a little play. Had a really good couple of hours in wind that went from 0 to 15mph in an instant. Great fun when the wing was up since it lifted us up and away. What a laugh. Several reverse launches and push along runs makes me long for a motor on my back. How many times did I think “ If I had a motor on I’d be up and away by now”. Even worse when you think I have a motor sitting in my garage ready to go. Before anyone says anything, no I’m not that stupid. I’ll wait for Simon before I venture on my own. Still it’s very tempting.

Still the weather will break at some point and I can take comfort in fact that I remember enough of Simon’s teaching to finally get me in the air when it does.

So here’s a quick question for you. Does it make sense for me to ask an experienced paramotorist to test fly my paramotor before I use it. Although I’m a good engineer, I’ve no idea what feels right on a paramotor. Any volunteers?


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Man nice practice field! It should make a nice launch area soon :mrgreen:

Man I would love to have the parks and open areas here in Vitoria Brazil you guys in the UK/NA have.

With the mountains here open areas are far and few and they don't keep things here like they do in UK/NA. If its an open area and not used why trim and clean???? lol

But keeps the tax down!

Welcome to the sport! man.... wing & motor available..... but no Simon.... man that would be hard.

Come on Simon get this man in the air!

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I am here :-) 'Assuming' that he is ready were waiting for first flight weather, thats all. :-)


I know. Is there not some sort of dance you can do to rid us of this crapy weather. Tell me, I'm now totally addicted to weather forecasts. Is this normal :shock:

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Welcome to the life of a pilot :-)

Just be careful with the looking up to the sky, and the flying field spotting while driving :-):shock:


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I am here :-) 'Assuming' that he is ready were waiting for first flight weather, thats all. :-)


I know. Is there not some sort of dance you can do to rid us of this crapy weather. Tell me, I'm now totally addicted to weather forecasts. Is this normal :shock:

It get's worse.... its only the start. You're are going to be in many serious that you will not remember because your watching the trees, birds and clouds. Just pray they are not with the wife and about money and you`re agreeing to everything just to make the conversation stop.


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I know how you feel mate. Had one flight to really get me buzzing then nothing for 3 weeks. I'm now on morphine to numb the pain!!! And yes I do find my self drifting off looking up and spotting nice fields. I also find myself thinking "I wonder what that looks like from 1000ft?" still chin up!!! Can't last forever, can it?

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Another good day with Simon and the guys at Membury today. Plenty of practise. Ready for my first flight on the next good day. Just a little more time to play with my motor while keeping everything crossed for good weather. The next week looks pretty crappy but who knows.


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Well I'm killing time now. Just hung the motor again and checked all my straps. Everything feels fine and I can slide into the seat with ease. Even took it for a powered run for 10 to 15 mins. Engine ran @ 4K with no problems, did not get hot and the plug was lovely. Guess my mixture is fine. Now time I got back to watching the weather channel :roll:


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Darrel, I feel for you. I'm in the same situation - done the ground handling and free flying, just itching to get the Bailey out of the garage and into the air.

I have also become a weather bore and I've tripped over the dog a few times due to looking at clouds while walking her.

Roll on some better weather.


Bailey 175

Ozone Indy

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Sat and Sun are still looking a bit borderline blowy. That combined with some thermic activity could get interesting. I'm still exercising patience over enthusiasm :(


Bailey 175

Ozone Indy

Do you know what. I'm so sad that I've even taken to reading Met Office weather charts like this http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/surface-pressure/

That said, there is still a nice bit of high pressure due with nice wide iso bars. Should indicate settled weather over the weekend (although looking out the window I find it hard to accept).


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Well unless I can convince Simon to do a really early start on Sunday, this weekend is blown away. Oh well back to weather watching. Still my new flight suit arrived today. I can now walk round the house in a giant baby grow. Yes the wife has already called me a knob.


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That said, there is still a nice bit of high pressure due with nice wide iso bars. Should indicate settled weather over the weekend (although looking out the window I find it hard to accept).


I feel your pain. I was banking on the high pressure settling things out, but all the while believing that it just wouldn't pan out that way and would still be crap for flying. Was booked in at Airways and had the "cancelled" message this morning. Am booked in for Tuesday also. Hopes are low :?

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Thursdays looking good long range tuesday looking blown out... :wink:

Yea, Thursday looks nice. Need to make the most of it I think. Like everyone else, I'll be keeping an eye out.

Managed a little more ground handling today. A bit gusty but good fun anyway.


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