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Miniplane strength


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I have seen the miniplane and fly with a guy who has one!!! :shock: I would not have one at all. It takes an age to set up and de rig. I can turn up at the field 30mins after him and still beat him in to the air...

There is to much plastic and too many clips,hooks for my liking. You also have to be carefull when doing a forward launch as the frame can bend and put the netting into the prop.

They are very light and are built to be light so i suppose you have to accept that its not going to be the strongest set up out there.

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Rigging and de-rigging would be the issue, but if you have a means to transport the machine without disassembly then you are at an advantage- ie small van, etc..

In terms of strength, the Miniplane cage would not be as strong as a stainless steel welded cage, but the main advantage you have is a very light machine. For an experienced pilot, with a reduced chance of a 'bum landing' this is has got to be an advantage- but for the novice then this may be detrimental. Some argue that power launches are not recommended on the Miniplanes also, as the pressure of the lines on the cage could also result in distortion. I wouldn't be too concerned about this, as it can be cured by a change to the launch technique... simply launch as normal, keeping pressure on the 'A' risers while moving forward- then put the power on as the wing gets to the 10/11pm position.

I currently fly H&Es but i'm pretty sure the next machine for me will be the Miniplane.

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Actually the Miniplane takes bum landings in its stride unlike a PAP which tends to bend halfway up the 2 chassis uprights! However the machine is so light that Miniplane pilots tend to leave the falling over to those that like fighting the extra weight. Power launches... do you need them when the machine is not much heavier than a heavy PG harness? As it happens the Venezuela expedition sponsored by HP used XL Miniplanes with Synthesis 34's. They used the stick kicking frame supports which slightly stiffen the cage and were power launching these big wings at hot and high take off sites every time.

The downside is the assembly/disassembly so ideally it is best to keep the machine rigged. Once again the benefit here is that it is sooo light you don't even need a towbar and a Bakrak as it can be carried on a very cheap Halfords bike carrier attached to your boot lid.

Beware of opinions from people that have never owned one!

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I fly a Miniplane and I am relatively new to paramotoring. I wish that I could claim that all my landings were perfect, but the truth is that one or two have fallen short of the mark. I can tell you with absolute certainty that my Miniplane is not any the worse from the numerous knocks that it has received while in my hands.

On the plus side…….

It’s so light that you can practice ground handling with it on you back. The Top80 seems to use no fuel, so you can leave the ground with less fuel, which makes its all up weight lighter still.

Nil wind launches………

Nearly all my launches are nil wind launches. Power launches might not be a good idea (I don’t know, I’ve never tried), but there are other techniques that work just as well.

On the negative side………..

I think that the breakdown might be more complicated than others, but once you’ve done it a couple of times it need not be a lengthy process. It doesn’t affect me as I do not have to break mine down to put it on the car.


(more bum landings than I care to admit)

Miniplane Top80 Ø115 prop

Ozone Roadster

5’7” with short legs

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Mat you should definatly try a Miniplane to replace (my old) your PAP Top 80.

Power launches, yes on mine it will catch the cage under high load but I do have a 135 comp prop so its not surprising. But if you want the extra draft for inflation just give it 10 seconds of wash then back off and launch straight away (this is how I was trained anyway) This method works fine.

Because the machine is sooo light landings are much easier as your not catching hardly any weight when you touch down. My XL framed machine is 18kg dry with no reserve. I have a Gin Yeti reserve thats only 1.5kg so 19.5kg plus fuel. Its the way forward!!

They're not indistrucable but must be pretty good as Paul Mahony trains with them and we've all seen school machines and the hammer thay can get.

Build up times, ok they aren't a 3 piece cage PAP but if all you have to do is take the cage of to transport it then its not too bad and in my opinion definatly worth the few minutes more assembly time for a lighter machine.

If you want more power ie 100cc just stick with the Top 80 but have the bigger cage and run a 125 or 135 prop. I can climb on full bar on a 20M wing and you and I are similar weights.

Something else that hasn't been mentioned yet on this thread is the geometry on the Miniplane is excellent (ABM model) and a real pleasure to fly. Its a pity your so far away or you could try mine.

Just to make things a little harder to decide, have you seen then MACFLY 80. http://annecyparamoteur.com/crbst_45.html

Its made by Jean Mateos, (Alex/Coralie Mateos Father) and it's a full titainum framed kinda Miniplane copy but using the RM80 PAP engine (by the looks of it). The cage breaks downinto 3 pieces and its way stronger.

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Matt EC Extreme with Vittorrozi 100 evo you know its the only way to go!!!!!

1, Excellant build quailty

2, Superb engine quality

3, Super quality harness

4, Next to perfect power to weight ratio

5, Unbelievably Dealer backup

6, Unbelievably Engine Supplier Backup

7, Unbelievably EC Backup

8, Need i say more!!!!!!!!!!

Matt you know it makes sense

All this talk of PAP Miniplane etc they are way way behind in the industry

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...All this talk of PAP Miniplane etc they are way way behind in the industry...

Care to support that with some stats? PAP and Miniplane are both proven through competition. I'm not saying EC Extreme aren't a good brand, just that you might want to see how things pan out before declaring the game won. Third machine now for you isn't it and I seem to remember they were all the greatest thing since sliced bread when they arrived!

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...All this talk of PAP Miniplane etc they are way way behind in the industry...

Care to support that with some stats? PAP and Miniplane are both proven through competition. I'm not saying EC Extreme aren't a good brand, just that you might want to see how things pan out before declaring the game won. Third machine now for you isn't it and I seem to remember they were all the greatest thing since sliced bread when they arrived!

Actually my 5th and yep they all were/are great and get greater each time i change......Not heard of any issue's with Moster or EC but not to say there is not any just not heard of any, since i started out the industry has moved on with the times and especially in the last couple of years and to the better for us big lad's, Moster and the Thor are fantastic motor's, frames and harnesess too have come a long way i just prefere to move with the tech advances as they come along, and in the long run have help me enjoy the sport as for the Miniplane & PAP issue they have stayed put reproducing the same old spec's im not one for specs etc but most comps i seem to look at Bailey's seem to be ahead as do Dudek wings......

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Had a Top80/Bailey which was great.

Now have a miniplane Top80 which is fab (1.3m prop).

Both second-hand bargains.

Depends what you want your motor for, last years British Champion won on a miniplane.

BTW once you rig a few times its pretty straightforward.

Good Luck, Teresa

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  • 10 months later...
I have seen the miniplane and fly with a guy who has one!!! :shock: I would not have one at all. It takes an age to set up and de rig. I can turn up at the field 30mins after him and still beat him in to the air...

There is to much plastic and too many clips,hooks for my liking. You also have to be carefull when doing a forward launch as the frame can bend and put the netting into the prop.

They are very light and are built to be light so i suppose you have to accept that its not going to be the strongest set up out there.

Just recieved my Miniplane.... well had it a few weeks now. First thing you notice about this machine is the weight!!... or lack of. Surprisingly light. Was able to do a complete engine run-in with it on my back without tiring... The frame, cage, etc.. is surprisingly strong when assembled- the rigging/derigging seems very complicated at first, but with a bit of practice i've got this down to under 10 minutes now- which isn't that bad. I spend longer on my preflight check anyhow. Very well designed machine, the priming system is great- no more leeky/perished primer bulbs!!!

Can't fault it.


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Edson had a Miniplane and changed the cage for a bespoke stainless one after one of the plastic tent clips broke the first time he put it together, so he may have a cage - a plastic tent clip knocking about....

Try Rigger ( on the forum ) as a point of contact.


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Anyone know how much a miniplane cage and harness is and where i could enquire about one?


I also have one. I know everyone has their preferences but I can not imagine buying anything else. I like the thought of a 4 banger but until they get down to 20k I`ll have to wait.

I have the small cage with 130 prop and gears set to match

What I love..... walk over to your mini grab the shoulder strap pick it up with one hand and throw it over the other shoulder.... I`m the only one that starts a launch in this manner.

For me its all about being light with great weight shift and with the 130 I can take off with the monsters in the same foot steps.

Are you 67k? as in your profile? man a 130 mini would push you nice.... 130 wow

I think all motors take the same time + - 5min

I can say no matter what motor you own buy a carry all. The truck attachment cost me about $75EU ($160RA) and the carry all cost me around $80EU ($99.00Can). You can get a hitch these days for any car or truck. In the pictures you can see I`m ready to fly in the morning but when I`m not I simply pull the pin and slide the mini and carry all out of the hutch and they sit on the ground waiting for the next flight. As you can see I only have a parking space, so it does not take much room.




If you want the same and light with some teeth I love the looks of these but man $$$$$

and they now have ABM!

http://footflyer.com/Equipment/Paramoto ... tra130.htm

I might have bought one of these if I would have known about them before.....

this baby must really have some balls

good read too (its old but info non the less)

http://footflyer.com/Equipment/Paramoto ... /index.htm

cheers guys have a good weekend

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