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Our first one this year!

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I would love to post some of my videos on here but won't due to likely comments I would receive. I guess I'll keep them for private eyes.

Great video by the way.

You have just put into words what I was afraid might happen.

We all enjoy watching others videos, and right or wrong, usually the most borderline clips are the ones that get the most views. For example look at this post, it's had more views than any other video post for a long time.

Those pilots that like to fly controversialy will continue to regardless of whether they feel able to post their vids here or any critical comments they recieve, such as with this post.

I have to admit I've made a couple of comments about what I considered to be reckless flying vids in the past, but I find that these days I've just gotten over myself and now just enjoy them without comment.

I'm saying nothing here about right or wrong, I simply like watching others videos and would find it a shame if people stopped posting them because of fear of judgement by the angry amongst us.


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Firstly Simon is not a moron he is a great bloke who takes the sport seriously, he is a cracking pilot who in my view fly's as the sport was intended, to fly free man and machine V the elements. We have all bent the rules and maybe got a little over enthusiasitic, but hey is that not the sport we indulge in. I know the area we fly over and i worked hard talking to the farmer to get permission to fly the land over a year negotiating, we all care about our sport and how we are perceived by others, so lets cut the name calling crap especially on a public forum, you got something to say say it to our faces, Dont call my mates MORONS, (Thats my JOB).


Ps Simon i am gonna kick your ARSE tho LOL

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I know some people have great difficulty in judging distances :wink:

I might allegedly fall into that category on occasion .... :wink:

I think the vast majority of us strive to be better and safer pilots, but we do this thing for fun - not just to travel from point A to point B at 1000 feet. Sometimes the things we do for fun stray into the grey area that some might perceive as 'reckless' without actually being 'dangerous'.

I enjoy watching the antics of Top Gear and videos of Ken Block on Youtube - as I also drive a TVR sports car on race tracks and public roads - sometimes in a similar manner to the above. I've taken advanced driver & skid pan training to better understand the limits of what is safe, and I know what is legal or not.

Who can honestly say that they have never knowingly broken a speed limit, parked where they shouldn't, drank one too many or travelled a bit too close behind the car in front ? We probably wouldn't post such exploits on the internet or brag about getting a speeding ticket, but most of us will have made an informed choice of when it is safe or acceptable to break the law.

Each persons idea of "safe & acceptable" will be different and there will of course be the odd 'boy racer' just like on the roads. On that note I'll excuse myself from the queue to throw stones at glass houses .... :oops:

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I read both my earlier posts in this thread, a moment ago. I hope they weren't misunderstood. I wasn't angry or bigotted. I've made loads of mistakes. Indeed my second post was asking Simon to let me take the rap for buzzing my cameraman. And even after another read I only see my comments as polite and helpfull to all who read them. It's not a big crime to make mistakes. But it's a bit worse not to learn from them and worse still, not to admit to them. Clear and logical thinking is important, on the ground, and, even more so whilst in the air

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Well i enjoyed the video and Poz's comment about the 720p made me lol

nothing on there that i dont do on occasions and truth be known i look for open spaces where i can hedge hop but i dont speak sheep unfortunately

so i can not comment on them(great remark simon101)

Yours A Moron. ha ha

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We are planning a flyin in the houses of parliaments gardens next if anyone is up for it!


We could call it a cross country from the houses of parliament, couple of spirals around Westminster Abbey, touch and go in Chelsea barracks then on to see her majesty at Buckingham Palace for tea and cucumber sandwiches!

If we plan it for the bank holiday on 29th April we wouldn't even need to video it if as there will be plenty of other people about to capture it for posterity!

By the way, I enjoyed the video even though you were very naughty boys in it.

Best regards,


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Well with all this cafuffle I suppose I should bat back with a few thank you's, some sorry's, one or two sniggers and another eat my shorts lol

I do fly safely most of the time but some times I do things that I look back on and think (normally after Neil or Matt say oooooo) that was maybe a tad too dodgy and reckless. It might be the 10 pints of stella or the crack cocaine, I don't know.

Love ya Neil and all other lovers of life and fanny. Yes that includes you matt you gay X

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