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How many of you go XC


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I was reading flying doc's idea of flying form lands end to JOG and wondered how many of the pmc memeber do fly XC. And not just fly around your take off site. If so what is your furthest flight. out and return or just a long down wind flight.

I have only done two cross country flights my first was with ben and tom clowes and we flew from waterloovile up to hungerford and the west to avebury ring and then back to waterloovile a round trip of 200km. My second was with rob jones and we flew to brighton and back from my home field in earnley. This in my eyes was my true first XC as i was leading and not just following higher air time pilots and was only done on old school map and compass.

I now have many more flights planned out all i need now is better weather!!!

so please post your best/furthest XC and also your years flying.

Also if you dont fly XC why not?????

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For me, most of my flights are 'out and backs', simply down to logistics- it's not easy talking people into driving you 40/50 miles and back for a pick up/recovery. I've done a few XCs and they are by far the best flights i've had- using the wind to your advantage certainly lets you cover ground quickly- even better when you don't need to worry about flying back...


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I can not top your 200km one but most of my flights are around the 30 to 40 mile radius i usually fly with Mark T and we have been planning some longer flights, landing out and refuelling.

We also want to do a 10,000 foot flight in summer as the airfield we fly from has microlights and one of the pilots did this last summer and we can't be outdone lol.

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I was alot slower than they were but i am light on my fusion as i use it for free flying as well...

Nah, it's just cause they were flying synths. :-)

Ha ha ha i did think to myself why they were so much faster than me. I checked out the synth perfomance and its just as fast as the fusion. Then i remebered why i bought the fusion "to free fly and to paramotor" so i am just about middle in the weight range or just under to be honest so that makes me quite slow compared to others!

But i like to thurmal as well as just motor. so i guess it swing and roundabouts you cant have both!!!! WELL NOT YET ANYWAY

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I was sort of the inspiration of this thread I thought I would put in my 2p.

I have only done 12 hours of paramotoring so far, and usually from the same field. I have never yet done an 'out landing'. But I have flown several times around Southport, along the beach and back and the view is great. A round trip of only 13 miles though so maybe it doesn't count.

My next planned extension is to try to fly home. I have already picked out a suitable landing field. The distance is only 34 miles from where I take off so should be easy on one tank as long as the wind is in the right direction. It does involve flying down the Manchester VFR corridor but that could be fun.

The only obvious problem is I have to get someone to drive the car home from Southport.......

Probably need a few refresher T&Gs first but that seems like a logical next step.

Lets get some air beneath our feet!


Roll on the better weather please.......

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In aviation terms, a cross country flight implies a land away from home base. Distance covered is irrelevant. Believe it or not, the non stop round the world flight a few years back would actually be logged as a 'local' flight because the t/o and landing site were the same.


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At the moment I'm still on the ground planning training (due to commitments blah blah blah, study, blah blah). However I am planning to fly xc every opportunity I get. The flexibility the paramotor gives you, such as landing near a petrol station, is the attraction for me.

Also, flying xc will give me further skills needed for PULSAR!

Am looking forward to seeing people's adventures this year as I complete my studies and start flying lessons. Come on August!!


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