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Best laid plans...


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..of aviators and friends.

Sunday was going to be my first proper XC, not far only 26km, flying over to Wanafly to see Dave and Amanda.

I had added a little extra noise deadening to the air intake to make it quieter for the pilot and was going to have the map holder strapped on for the first time, so a little test flight on Saturday morning was called for.

Up to the field and the wind was a little variable and it was a little cooler than previous flights so I had put some lightweight gloves on. All set for forward launch but the wind dropped just as the wing was overhead causing it to droop a little. Unfortunately I stumbled just at this point and was frantically trying to kill the motor but having the gloves on delayed proper contact with the kill switch.

I heard the sickening sound of things making contact that shouldn't as I fell to my knees and thought that's b***ered it again.

These things happen but it was so dissapointing as I had made plans for my mini adventure. The cage quarter is at the welders and a new prop is on order, everything else I managed to straighten out. I have now found out my fuel tank has a leak so more expense. I couln't give this up though, the bug has fully wormed it's way into the psyche.

Good flying everyone,


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when that 'FLACK! - SPLATATAT' noise

A very good description of the sort of noise Norman, I was trying to think how to describe it when I posted.

Thanks for the sympathy chaps, it is heartening that you are not on your own, not wishing it to happen to anyone of course.

With the weather getting cooler and hopefully calmer throughout the day I might even manage the XC both ways in one day, that would be good.



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it gets like that! i went to fly the other day and knocked the sump out of my van while taking a run up to get through a boggy puddle - £225!!! but better that than my equipment.

just a note on your first xcountry flight, do you have a mirror to check your fuel? i find it useful for that and also in flight you can check the motor to make sure that things are secure and not about to drop off if you here or suspect anything in flight!!

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Look on the brightside, it could have been worse, I know what you mean about best laid plans and all that, took this week off work hoping to get some flying done, then the weather turned crap :( now I am sitting each day looking out the window at the bloody weather.


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Look on the brightside, it could have been worse, I know what you mean about best laid plans and all that, took this week off work hoping to get some flying done, then the weather turned crap :( now I am sitting each day looking out the window at the bloody weather.


Snap, i am really cheesed off i also knocked the sump off my multipla a few weeks ago whilst paragliding.

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Look on the brightside, it could have been worse, I know what you mean about best laid plans and all that, took this week off work hoping to get some flying done, then the weather turned crap :( now I am sitting each day looking out the window at the bloody weather.


Snap, i am really cheesed off i also knocked the sump off my multipla a few weeks ago whilst paragliding.

Well leave it at the launch site Then.

You must have a bloody big wing to carry that weight :D:D

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Look on the brightside, it could have been worse, I know what you mean about best laid plans and all that, took this week off work hoping to get some flying done, then the weather turned crap :( now I am sitting each day looking out the window at the bloody weather.


Snap, i am really cheesed off i also knocked the sump off my multipla a few weeks ago whilst paragliding.

Well leave it at the launch site Then.

You must have a bloody big wing to carry that weight :D:D

Nice one Pete left myself wide open to that one lol thought i would possibly emulate Giles, but with the ugliest car instead.

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