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Tom's training skyschool 09


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  • 1 month later...

Well I have now done my second week with Skyschool!!!

Got out to Spain last Sunday 20th via ryanair into Gerona and the week started on a good note as the girl on the Hertz counter upgraded me from a 1l smart car that I booked due to it being the cheapest of the cheap! to a BMW 120d coupe!!! :):):) can't be bad.

Anyway the week started on Monday morning with a strong northerly wind which they call the tramontana :( this proved to be a feature of the week. Monday was spent doing GH and settling in to the fantastic surroundings of Ordis.

Tuesday morning and the north wind is stubbornly hanging around, so after a morning of lectures we jump in the skyschool minibus and of half an hour down the road to another airfield and by now the wind has dropped down virtually to nothing, We get all the kit out and Kester goes up to test the air but no good as there is some dodgy air up above so more GH it is ! :(

Wednesday is an early start in the mini bus and off up the road to the other field, Kester is straight up and all looks good :? by now I'm bricking it as I haven't flown since June and it's the first flight on my revo, And to top it of the wind is non existent. Kester lands and I get set up ready to go, So Alex on the radio and Kester counting me down 3,2,1 and i'm off forward launch run run run keep running! and away... two days of weather induced frustration are forgotten :D Good take off but I wish I could say the same about the landing, I was coming in and at two metres started to flair when I felt my self lifting again so I decided to put my hands up and flair again !!!!!!!!!!! splat I go with a nice big graze on my knee as a reminder of my "ugly landing"

But I still had a big smile on my face and went back to Ordis for a great meal courtesy of Rob the skyschool chef extrodinaire !! and plenty of red wine to wash it down with.

The rest of the week was fantastic with six flights in total including two sunset flights along the beach and my first xc to Figueres fort, also managed to get into full reflex and get up to 40 mph on the GPS :D

What a great week ! I would recommend it to anyone who fancy's getting away from our dull weather for training and having a great laugh to boot!

Tom :acro:




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Well done Tom!! The pictures look great, especially the sunset flight.

I'm hoping to get out to Ordis in a couple of weeks, if I can manage to stay in one piece between now and then :roll:

Just out of interest, what should you have done to avoid that grazed knee :?:



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  • 3 weeks later...

At last! after what seems like ages I've got all the kit together I need to go flying :-) I just fitted my reserve to the harness and that's the last piece of a rather expensive puzzle that's been me learning to fly and getting all the kit (all second hand bar the reserve)

I am left thinking "now what" it quite strange as I have been on ebay,forum,classifieds for ages and now all I have to do is go flying :shock: when the weather is right that is!

I am slightly bricking it about my first flight on my own, not because I don't know how to do it but because I'm used to that reassuring voice in my ear and now It's just me making all the decisions (good ones I hope!)

But I can't wait to get up too :D:D:D:D:D

Tom :acro:

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'Rock-on Tommy'..............I know the feeling well when you have to do it yourself.

I find the thing is to prepare and set up slowly and surely, preferably with nobody else around hurrying you along. Check and double check!!

Without hanging onto your instructors apron strings it is a bit unnerving!!!

See my flight in the Kent section under 'Interesting Flight'

I now havent flown for three weeks and am still nervous getting ready for the flight.....everything from loading up from home to getting to the field.

But it always, always falls into place..........hence the importance of good training.

They tell me it gets easier and easier?


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At last! after what seems like ages I've got all the kit together I need to go flying :-) I just fitted my reserve to the harness and that's the last piece of a rather expensive puzzle that's been me learning to fly and getting all the kit (all second hand bar the reserve)

I am left thinking "now what" it quite strange as I have been on ebay,forum,classifieds for ages and now all I have to do is go flying :shock: when the weather is right that is!

I am slightly bricking it about my first flight on my own, not because I don't know how to do it but because I'm used to that reassuring voice in my ear and now It's just me making all the decisions (good ones I hope!)

But I can't wait to get up too :D:D:D:D:D

Tom :acro:

Hi Tom. Well done.

Flying alone is not ideal, but like you a necessary thing. Most of my flying has been done alone. (Billy no mates here in Cornwall :cry: )

Pick good weather for your first flight, give yourself plenty of time, take your time check check re-check so you are confident with the kit and you will wonder why you were apprehensive.

I still document everything about my flights. If I have a bad take off I document it and why, if I adjust or fiddle with kit I document it and why. In my early days it was very valuable to read through and I feel sure improved my confidence and rate of progress because I had a better understanding about my kit and about what was happening.

Have a working mobile phone and preferably a GPS when alone.

Have fun.


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Thank's for all the advice and words of wisdom :D it's always welcome, as I know that I still have a hell of a lot to learn about flying.

Hopefully I shall have lot's of fun learning, and I'm already dreaming up XC's I can do.

I'm hoping to go field hunting this weekend so hopefully I will find a nice farmer :?

Tom :D

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