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I flew this morning.


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I got up early today to take advantage of the promising looking weather.

Arrived at the field just before sun up;


Once aloft i settled in for a long XC - i didn`t really know which direction i was heading for as the WX forecasts had the wind direction from all over the shop and changing hourly due to a pressure centre right over my flying area. Once flying i was able to get a handle on the conditions and decided for my `Circa Soton` route which takes me all around Southampton CTR.

The wind was about 6mph and north easterly at this point. If the forecasts were correct i`d have a tailwind on my way back..

I`ve been flying for over seven years now and in that time i`ve never thought `Wow, i`m a bit warm, i wish it was a bit cooler up here`, but today was the closest i`ve ever got to actually agreeing with that thought - it was so warm and humid for September it was unbelievable. The air actually felt warm on my face.. Smooth too, hardly any bumps were felt at all.

The low-lying misty stuff made for some interesting vistas below;


I always feel especially smug on early flight when i see all the workers travelling to work, and it was a busy morning down there on the M3;


I was making good progress so once around the top quarter of the route i espyed Portsmouth in the distance and made a detour over there.

P`mouth harbour;



You`re looking at 7 billion quids worth here;


Once out of P`mouth harbour the Isle of Wight beckoned - well, i might as well, eh?

It`s a 3-mile crossing at this point (yes - i have flotation);


Over Cowes to Gurnard, then the second crossing back to the mainland - a shorter 2-mile jobbie for this one.

Clarence House;




At Cashot there is a disused power station. It`s being demolished at the moment. I`ve flown over it many a time but i wanted to try and get a straight-down-the-chimney shot before it`s demolished (planned for next year i think).


The chinmey is 600` tall and has been a VRP for many a pilot - it marks the edge of Soton CTR;





I was up for just over 3 hours and did nearly 100 miles once i`d done a bit of local stuff when i got nearer home.

It was one of those flights you remember.



Edited by Hann__
i edited it.
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The funny thing is when you are preparing for launch at the field it may be in mid summer with 26 degree-plus heat bearing down on you in the middle of a heat-sink of a field, but you just know that you have to don that extra fleece under your flight suit `cos after 2/3 hours + `up there` you`re gonna` be glad you did.

Just suiting up, getting the motor on your back and started, and the walk to the wing to clip in can have you sweating. It certainly concentrates the mind for a successful first launch attempt because the effort of setting up again doesn`t bear thinking about.

In the depth of winter i have about 4 layers on my legs and 5 on the top!

....and a neoprene muff to keep my hands out of the wind..

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On 15/09/2020 at 17:53, Hann__ said:

i`ve never thought `Wow, i`m a bit warm, i wish it was a bit cooler up here`,

You need to come and fly in the south of Spain. 44 C on the ground at times and can still be 30 C at 5000 feet. Quite often in the morning it is chilly (well 15/16 C) on the ground but 25 to 30 C at 2000 feet. Having taken off with warm gear on I have often thought "I wish I was a bit cooler up here"!!!!!

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