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Everything posted by outkast

  1. I hope so as i ordered a pair of gloves a week before he left
  2. killswitch should be your first port of call, check that is operating correctly, you can trace the wires down to the motor, theres 2 connectors on top of the motor, you can pull those apart, pass a current into one and then connect the other connecter to a multimeter press the killswitch and see if you are getting a current through the circuit.
  3. outkast


    These have a good spec and thankfully they do them in plain colours http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :IT&ih=011
  4. Have you solved the problem? reason I ask is I have just had the exact same happen to mine, I took the plug out, disconected the killswitch and now I have a healthy spark, have you definately eliminated the killswitch as a problem?
  5. oh, well its was a box that you could plug all your bits into, MP3, radio, mobile etc and it paired up to a bluetooth earpiece
  6. Frazer, I think the only problem you may have fitting those risers is brake line length, I have those risers on mine so we will have to take a look at them when we are next over westmill.
  7. just seen this on another forum http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0147727628
  8. Norman, how tall is he and how much does he wiegh?
  9. http://www.powerplay-gliders.de/preview ... er〈=en the price on there is in euros, but I have seen them elsewhere for about £75
  10. They plan to drive the buggy over some fairly rough terrain and fly the bits they cant drive, I think thats why they chose a vehicle that has some off road capability
  11. Good luck to all involved, sounds like a fantastic adventure, will be up at the flagpole while you are away so hopefully should have a few more hours under my belt on your return. good luck, safe flying. Dave.
  12. I will do, everytime I turn it on I descover another cool feature it has, my only gripe so far is the user manual could do with being more descriptive, but most of the features are pretty self explanatry anyway. I have already planned a nice little cross country in mapsource and as soon as my motor is running I will give it a review
  13. if you have not changed the air filter or exhuast then you should not need to change the jets too far off what they originaly were in the stock carb, if you know of a good mechanice who owns a lambda sensor then tune it using that, a plug chop is ok but does not really tell you what you carb is doing throughout its rev range.
  14. Frazer will do. it does look good, It comes with mapsource for planning all your routes and waypoints etc, what swung it for me was every review I read about it said the barometric altimeter was found to accurate to within ten feet, I am going to get the topo maps for it also. you can also download all your flights to mapsource and then view them in google earth
  15. done a bit of reading on the net and decided to bite the bullit and get the garmin vista HCX, arrived yesterday, looks the dogs.
  16. outkast


    Ah, I did spot you on your stand at Weston but you were with the t**t so didn't bother saying hello! Is my old quad still running somewhere? last I saw it it was up for sale on adtrip, think the guy kept it in the end as he could not get the price he wanted, I road registered it before selling it and made more than what I payed you for it
  17. outkast


    Me too, how many years have I known you Malcs and we still aint met face to face
  18. I have the same wing and have seen that in the manual too, I think sometimes they put things in the instructions wich may just an arse covering excersise, using the speedbar may take the wing out of its certification but may be perfectly safe.
  19. Thats because you are still at that desperate to fly stage, once you've nailed a few good ones there's no hurry any more! I hate the fecking cold so I don't wanna go flying in it although the clear days it often brings do look quite appealing! When did you get your 2nd one in then, I didn't see a report, did you get in the seat that time? http://www.paramotorclub.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2447 I was wearing apair of MX gloves wich were tottaly inadequate for the job, rest of me was nice and toasty though should have my motor sorted within the next couple of weeks, I will have to swing by your way Malcs and have a bit of a bumble around
  20. Pete whilst Simon is away will you be up the flagpole at weekends or will you be going up during the week?
  21. on site the other morning the thermometer was reading -3, did not get any higher until around 11.30, I fecking froze.
  22. Malcs you big nancy, I have only 2 flights to my name but still went up in the cold
  23. outkast


    stunts are great, although not so good if it all goes wrong. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XLj66QKrtQQ
  24. who uses them? are they any good? and wich do you recomend?
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