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Everything posted by outkast

  1. I would go for some tixylix too as that cough sounds nasty
  2. I know a girl who claims to have a big fan, at least I think thats what she said
  3. in the city we call that cottaging
  4. http://docs.google.com/View?docid=d7v5w ... gd=1&hl=en
  5. I have an Ozee winter flying suite for sale, it has only been used once and as such is in as new condition, it is a medium in size and would fit someone around 5feet 5inches or under, its blue with 2 large pockets on the hips. £40 plus postage.
  6. May I just add that Pete and his baby wipes had no part in the easing of my passage
  7. http://www.betterlifehealthcare.com/pro ... QgodmWwwDA
  8. I only started getting interested in paramotors this year, I did the usual searching the web for info and came across this site amongst others, I have to say that I found the members on here to be very helpfull and supportive and this site has certainly eased my passage into the air, I think it is a credit to its creator and its members and long may it continue. all the best fellas and lets hope the future brings more fun and progression for all those involved. "we happy few, We band of brothers" Dave.
  9. do you want to see me bum again or was it to traumatic the first time? Pete b I am sure I will survive without the benifit of that experience Pete weekender sounds a great idea Simon, lots of flying and funs things.
  10. thanks mate, I just read a bit in the paper that said experts rekon the weather for 2009 is going to be the best we have had for a long time, bring it on I say
  11. as above, to each and every member of the forum, hope you and your loved ones have a great new year safe flying Dave.
  12. Thanks mate, nice to have met you too, dont know what I ate but it went straight through me you were not the only one with motor problems, mine would not start either think the coil is knackered.
  13. Hello peeps, my second flight was a lot better than my first, got nicely in the seat this time and really started to enjoy it, 30 mins was about all I could do as my gloves were crap and my hands had turned numb, so much so I could not feel the stop button on the throttle, had to reach across with my left hand to cut the engine, was interesting today though, tried a bit of wieghtshift while turning etc, got up above the inversion too, good day all round, pity it was so cold, if you are going up in the next few days take some warm gloves as you will need them, god luck fellas. Safe flying, Dave.
  14. if the plane in wich the prop is spinning moves too far from the vertical you will be seriously close to encountering torque proccesion, a very serious problem, get it down to Pete before attempting to fly it again, you may need to do a hang check on it to get it set up properly once the problem is solved.
  15. Hi graham, click on the link below, then look at the first add, at the bottom the guy has a couple of old wings for sale, that may suit your needs http://www.paramotorsuk.co.uk/maincontent.asp PS: where in essex are you? Cheers, Dave.
  16. No worries Pete, I know what its like, I once had a van stolen, inside was my race quad, al my tools all my race clothing and spares, the van was found cleared out about 4 days later, parked right next to a travelers site, the insurance covered the van but not what was in it, I got payed out for the van £1000 but the stuff in the back was worth around £5000.
  17. sorry to hear that Pete, was it only the paramotor gear they took? was anything valuable nearby left? if so you may have been targeted by someone knowing you would be at the christmas doo, will definately keep my eyes open on other forums in case it reappears, the problem now is some unfortunate newbie may buy it in good faith
  18. Hello Major, I am in the same boat as you in that I have had my first flight and am eager to get back up there, all I can say is keep up the ground handling even once you are flying reguarly, in the book powered paragliding bible, the auther Jeff goin quotes "to master kiting is to master launching" wich I took to heart and got in as much ground handling as possible and will carry on doing so, good luck with the rest of your training, do you have anyone near you who is at the same stage as you, as I found when training its good to do it along side others as you can swap ideas and experiences wich makes the whole process more enjoyable. cheers, Dave.
  19. just watched it start to finish, well done chaps looks like you had your hands full on more than one occasion
  20. Gordon, you seem to be getting a quite irate about something you claim to have no interest in, would it not be less stressfull for you to simply ignore the thread?
  21. putting more oil in just to make it easier to see is not a good idea, our 2 stroke motors mostly run on a 50 to 1 mix for a reason, 2 strokes fowl plugs enough as it is, with more oil you are likely to have a fowld plug more often, not only that but too much oil will eventually cause any wadding you have in your silencer to became clogged and useless.
  22. outkast


    CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE KIDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1920s, 30s , 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s!! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us and lived in houses full of asbestos. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese & tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes or cervical cancer. Then after that trauma, our baby cots were covered with bright coloured lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets or shoes, not to mention, the risks we took cadging lifts. As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. A trip to the coast on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the stream and NOT from a bottle. Take away food was limited to fish and chips, no pizza shops, McDonalds, KFC, Subway or Kebabs. Even though all the shops closed at 6.00pm and only opened for a few hours at weekends, somehow we didn't starve to death! We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this. We could collect old drink bottles and cash them in at the corner shop and buy fruit Spangles and some bangers to blow up frogs with. We ate buns, white bread and real butter and drank soft drinks with sugar in it, but we weren't overweight because...... WE WERE ALWAYS OUTSIDE PLAYING!! We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. No mobile phones & no one was able to reach us all day. And we were always O.K. We would spend hours building our trolleys out of scraps and then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. We built tree houses and dens and played in streams with matchbox cars. We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, no video games at all, no 99 channels on Sky, no video tape or DVD movies, no surround sound,no personal computers, no Internet or Internet chat rooms..........WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them! We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no Lawsuits from these accidents Only girls had pierced ears! We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever. You could only buy Easter Eggs and Hot Cross buns at Easter time........no really! We had air guns and catapults for our birthdays, We drank milk laced with Strontium 90 from cows that had eaten grass covered in nuclear fallout from the atomic testing. We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just yelled for them from the street! Mum didn't have to go to work to help dad make ends meet! Mum & dad didn't need Brandy, Whisky whatever when they came in from work! Footy had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!! Our teachers used to belt us with big sticks and leather straps and bulliesalways ruled the playground at school. The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of.They actually sided with the law! Our parents got married before they had children and didn't invent stupid names for their kids like 'Kylie' and 'Blade' This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever! The past 70 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned HOW TO DEAL WITH IT ALL! And YOU are one of them! CONGRATULATIONS! You might want to share this with others who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before the lawyers and the government regulated our lives for our own good. And while you are at it, forward it to your kids so they will know how brave their parents were. Kind of makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn't it?! PS -The big type is because your eyes are shot at your age
  23. Well I have just spent the past year developing a handbrake for a canoe, dont tell me I have been wasting my time
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