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Everything posted by asquaddie

  1. Ye, sorry. It just shows you only put bad/moaning news in the forums and it is very rare you write good stuff down. Well, only the gods will really know what is wrong. Every time the motor goes back to Parajet it is perfect - no problems at all. They test it on the ground, even Tom had a flight on it (I think Parajet have clocked up more hours on my machine than I have lol ). At home I still have all the problems. Well, after further investigation and plenty of talking to Dan at Parajet ( once again credit to the team) it appears that they only use 100ml to 5l mix in all the motors they test/fix. And at home I’ve been using 125ml to 5l as per the instructions. I’m using TTS, not sure what Parajet is using, I guess not the same). Well, in the end I asked Dan to write an email to me and tell me to us the 100ml mixture. It was still under warranty and I did not want to blow a hole. Now for the goods news, I took it to the field and put 100ml in and it was great and since then I’ve had plenty of hours in it and never had a problem (I guess it is slight cheaper too ) I can’t explain why, in fact really, I’ve never had a problem as long as I put 100ml into 5l it works ‘sweet as a nut’. I think as to date my longest flight is 130 minutes.
  2. ??No. One end attached to the HT lead and the other attached to the cage with the handle protruding pilot side. Pilot pulls the handle, which pulls the HT lead, which pulls the cap off the spark plug. I think I've seen a picture on FB.
  3. We must all know this is a fake. Or very lucky person to get a video footage of the plane coming towards him and going going away again. If that was me I would have both hands on the reserve handle waiting for the turbulance.
  4. I did see (not sure where now) a strap device thingy that connected to the HT lead and a handle by the pilot (like the pull start). Bad description I know, but has anybody seen/tested one yet?
  5. re: clear days - you do need to pick the right ones, because it is the highest airfield in the UK. Best times are in the evening - the wind seems to blow in the right direction and the air is clear (most of the time) I thought he might, because the guys that use Davidstow are always PG pilots too. Tony
  6. Pasty Currently I am responsible for a small group of PPG guys at Davidstow, but I'm afraid we have no instructors of sort!! But, a guy taught three of the chaps who flys from here. He is from from Redruth, but I can’t vouch for him. I know his Facebook name is ‘Fly Phippsy’ and I am not sure if this is the guy from Cloud 9 or not. Of course you're happy to come down here and see the guys and once you’re in the air and a competent flyer – you’re be welcome to fly with us anytime Tony.
  7. I think you're so right. How many answers can we get from that statememnt?? I thought you prefer choppers
  8. I thought I'll open a topic on the 'Peabee' Anybody seen it, flown in it or know anything about it apart from a non professional facebook page (sorry mate who created it , but I am bringing it to life on this best PPG forum in the world ) (not responsible for the above comment due to my prescribed drugs I'm taking) Tony
  9. Really - no need to come all this way just to see me - honest.
  10. i had the same about 4 years ago and had a op through work (private medical insurance). It was good, I was up and walking straight away with no pain and flying again after 4-5 months. Your right about landings. The trikes I have seen with my own eyes have been a bit 'hit and miss' and I've always said in the pass that I'll never do that
  11. Andy Guess I won't complain about just my two bursting out then. Sorry to hear, but I guess you get tired of hearing all this etc.... I'm on Oxylan and Gabapentin, which is now maxed out too, so now just have to grin and bear it until my appt in Sept, I'm the same too, can only stand or sit for about 1 minute or 2 then need to lay down until it wears off. This is not a medical forum - so let's shut up and get on with flying. I am hoping for an op so could be up and straight ready to go again, but maybe this is a warning and I don't want to live in a wheel chair later on in life, but I do want to get back up in the air again. So maybe a trike/microlight is the best way to go. In a way, it brightens the day up researching and looking at all the different options. Good luck and hope to see you in the air as soon as possible Tony
  12. Hi Tim Had a quick look, but that is another new machine - as you know I've just brought my V3 etc I'm just laying in bed 24 hrs a day online most of the time and my head is full of drugs so not sure where I'm going really. I just looking around to see what I can get with the kit I've got. Hope the weather will be better for you next week. Are you bringing your motor with you? Tony
  13. Dito I have two prolapsed disc's, no pretty pictures to show sorry. I have an appointment in early September and hoping for surgery to sort it out. This is the second time now, so I think it may be a warning to me....
  14. Guys Just started a topic, so in the future, if someone does a search on Falco they will come to this topic and maybe get in touch with me So, I'm doing a bit of forwarding research on the Falco Trike and hoping someone has just/thinking of purchasing one and gets in touch with me. Cheers Tony
  15. Cheers Guy I'm more of a 'No Mods' person to be honest and haven't got the right skills set to make a homemade one. So I'm doing a bit of forwarding research on the UK trikes especially the Falco
  16. Not sure what the weight of a Falco(not showing on their site) is? How about a Moster and a rather old'ish worn out 88kg old body? Am I guessing the Synth 2 is no good either?
  17. I am right in saying that The Falco is legal in the UK as a single seater without any licenses? Still, don't see many YouTube vids. They are mostly the 'Green Eagle' and the Blackhawk ones, with a sh!t load of homemade ones... Need to change that Just doing some long term researching - feel like a newbie again Tony
  18. Good luck to the guy on Monday Is there anybody on the forum who flys a Falco?? Don't seem to be much info about it on the web even on the Parajet web site? Tony
  19. Seems to be a very quiet area, I thought it would be buzzing with the changes made. Does any guy own a Parajet Falco. I don't see it mentioned much on this site or even on Youtube? Tony
  20. Come on down - the price is right..... Enjoy
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