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Everything posted by poz

  1. poz

    A few jokes...

    My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning. Can you believe that, . . 2:30am?! Luckily for him I was still up playing my Bagpipes. ---- I sat on the train this morning opposite a stunning Thai girl. I kept thinking to myself, please don't get an erection, . . . please don't get an erection. . . but she did. ---- The Grim Reaper came for me last night, and I beat him off with a vacuum cleaner. F**k me, talk about Dyson with death. ---- Did you hear about the fat alcoholic transvestite? All he wanted to do was eat, drink, and be Mary. ---- Paddy says "Mick, I'm thinking of buying a Labrador." "F**k that" says Mick, "have you seen how many of their owners go blind" ---- Man calls 999 and says "I think my wife is dead" The operator says “How do you know?” He says "The sex is the same but the ironing is building up! ---- I was in bed with a blind girl last night and she said that I had the biggest penis she had ever laid her hands on. I said "You're pulling my leg" ---- A man walks into a Welsh pub and orders a white wine spritzer. The bar goes silent as everyone stares at him... "Where are you from? You sound English" "I'm from across the Severn," replies the man nervously. "What do you do, just across the Severn?" "I'm a taxidermist." "What on earth is one of those?" "I mount animals." "It’s alright boys," shouts the barman he's one of us.
  2. Nice vid. Just out of interest, horrible injury aside, if you had to give up one, microlighting or paramotoring, which would it be?
  3. Excellent video! Well done. Definitely worth the wait! A little scary at times, especially through 3D glasses Just out of interest, how many props did you go through?
  4. Jesus, I'm now expecting the paramotoring equivalent of Avatar. Now, where did I leave my 3D glasses....
  5. Nothing on this video could be as bad as my return to earth last night Hang strap was wrapped around arm when I took off, tipping me right back. I failed to notice as I was trying out and concentrating on my new Gin cockpit which I thought was meant to attach to the carabiners). Spent a scary 5 minutes trying not to completely tip back. Paramotor landed first , followed by me. Now when I stand the paramotor up, the engine sits at 45 degrees to the ground. Even worse, my mum, who is over in Spain at the moment was watching. Still, I am intact
  6. C'mon!!!!, stop making us wait, let's see it then, Bloody hell, you're worse than Apple
  7. Well thats your fault for not coming. Can't argue with that logic
  8. Excellent vids! Would like to know what you thought about Motril. Looks nice on the video and Google earth. Would you go back? Also, did you meet with any resistance from the locals? Cheers Dan
  9. LOL Well actually I do have an enormous ....1) heart 2) overdraft 3) chip on my shoulder (helps counteract torque steer) Believe it or not I take size 10's Don't know why they look so big. Blame it on GoPro and the setting sun
  10. October sun, empty beaches and a need for speed....Ok, well 2 out of 3 ain't bad, the 3rd had to be sorted out during editing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn9I2xs9m1k
  11. I guess when you've got lots of oil and time.....and a few screws loose...
  12. poz


    Which descends faster, a skydiver with chute deployed, or a man (or woman) in a wingsuit. The answer may surprise you.... http://vimeo.com/15776958 Dan
  13. Thanks for the (much appreciated) input. I agree, it is bonkers. During my training (on a Revo1 28) my landings were great, and I really thought I had it cracked http://www.paramotorclub.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4078 (I'm afraid the vids been moved, but you can see the comments) But since I got this 26 Revo 2, I've been touching down sooo fast. My trimmers cannot be pulled in any further. It's got to the stage that I dread coming in because I know it's going to be traumatic. I'm wondering if I'm unknowingly trying to land like I used to land the Cessna ie gently pulling back on the yoke, almost trying not to land until the aircraft lightly touches down. (600hr habit) Maybe I need to be a little more aggresive with my braking action in order to utilise the energy. When I was learning PPG, although my landings were good, I was just doing what and when I was told via the radio link with the instructor. Oh, one other thing is that the wing will never fall back after landing, it always shoots past me. I got Pierre (PAP) to have a go and it did exactly the same to him. This suggests that the brakes are to long, but I've measured and adjusted them as per Paramania's updated instructions. Hi Poz, your story tells me there is definitely something wrong with the way you land or learned to land. You probably had no problems with your training kit as it was oversized for you, so you touched the ground like a butterfly. You should not try to land the way a cessna lands, gently slowing down (applying breaks) till the wheels touch the ground. It just doesn't work like that, you need speed to be able to land and flare correctly a paraglider. So, as Simon said, hands up starting at about 50 feet, get some speed, and then flare at 5 ft with energy. The fact that the glider is always shooting past you is an indication that there isn't enough speed in your landing. You have to get used to the feeling of it, at teh beginning you feel like you are crashing to the ground at speed, but soon you understand that the speed is needed for better flaring. I wonder though why you haven't learned this basic rule during training... Were you sleeping over the lessons eh? Hi Dede2008 Thanks for the input, but as I thought I'd indicated in my post, I know the correct way to land, it's not exactly rocket science. My problem, if you'd have understood my post, isn't a case of not knowing what to do, but more a problem of 600hrs of coming in to land in a very different way ie a good habit for GA, but not so good for PPG. As far as the wing shooting past my head, point taken and I'll pass on the advice to Mr PAP as well Just read my post, and I don't mean to be short, but instead of playing Simon says, perhaps you can offer me some advice on getting over an inappropriate habit ....if you know what I mean ....there I go again. must have got out of the wrong side of the bed
  14. Thanks for the (much appreciated) input. I agree, it is bonkers. During my training (on a Revo1 28) my landings were great, and I really thought I had it cracked http://www.paramotorclub.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4078 (I'm afraid the vids been moved, but you can see the comments) But since I got this 26 Revo 2, I've been touching down sooo fast. My trimmers cannot be pulled in any further. It's got to the stage that I dread coming in because I know it's going to be traumatic. I'm wondering if I'm unknowingly trying to land like I used to land the Cessna ie gently pulling back on the yoke, almost trying not to land until the aircraft lightly touches down. (600hr habit) Maybe I need to be a little more aggresive with my braking action in order to utilise the energy. When I was learning PPG, although my landings were good, I was just doing what and when I was told via the radio link with the instructor. Oh, one other thing is that the wing will never fall back after landing, it always shoots past me. I got Pierre (PAP) to have a go and it did exactly the same to him. This suggests that the brakes are to long, but I've measured and adjusted them as per Paramania's updated instructions.
  15. This rule is fine if you are not an absolute beginner. But it's really difficult to assess your equipment when you've got that whole adrenaline pumping through your veins thing going on, like you have during your first few post-training flights. You're just thankful that the wing got you back to earth safely. As I said it was about 10 hrs that I realised how much more fun it would be with a bit more of a dynamic wing. However, I certainly do not speak for all newbies. Just me I will try the wrap to see if that gives the wing a bit more ooomph, although I can't work out how to wrap with a throttle in my hand. What size of Revo 2 have you bought? Maybe you should have tried a smaller size for a more dynamic response, without going up to a top advanced wing (Fusion) straight out of training... Size 26. I'm 85kg. Not sure I'd want a 23 as the nil wind landings on the 26 are fast enough for me
  16. Then he's 82kg then 75kg soon to be 70kg... that's some mad diet for a skinny git(!) Now the two son's statement.... My monies on ''he who shan't be named'' trolling from his sick bed Rich OMG I went to bed completely normal...and this morning I've woken up....and I'm a troll
  17. How did you get to be so clever! I bet you ate all your veggies when you were a boy. I ate ice pops
  18. No, it's me. Hopefully sorted. Ta for the YT comment Stuart Dan
  19. Nothing exciting I'm afraid, but as there's been nothing here for a few days I thought I'd post this little video I made for the guys that I flew with. It was one of Gonzalos first flights and the first time we have flown together (the other guy is his instructor on the orange wing). Looking at his landing, personally I think he needs to do a hang test. However, he's recently suffered a calf injury and I know he was nervous about landing heavy on it. Amazingly, he didn't break his prop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGCf8CO58Hg Dan ps Gonzalos was a bit embarrased about the landing, so of course any YouTube comments would be appreciated
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