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I wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone of you :-)

This site has become an amazing source of information about Paramotoring, which is how I always dreamed it would become.

Often I find myself googling something and getting pointed to the answer here on this very site lol. This is of course thank's to you all for adding the content and keeping it up to date and not full of BS. :-)

You have all helped to create an awesome little site which I am sure will continue to help and inspire others for many moons :-)

Thanks in particular to the people who have taken the time out to create training blogs. I hear very often from people who have been inspired by your blogs and taken the leap in to becoming a Paramotor Pilot via whatever school. :-)

I have seen people be inspired by the early blogs such as Dan the Man, then get training, then write a blog and then inspire someone else!!!! :-) That's just brilliant! Pat Pux, you have inspired 3 people so far with your blog! ( that I know of )

The first ever training blog award (which is a packet of Prawn Wakers) goes to Slim. (Stuart Morris)

Also a particular thanks to the 'geeks' We have radio geeks, mechanical geeks, wing geeks, nav geeks, and so on ( you get the point ) those of you that you happy to share your knowledge to help people who don't yet posses it... you are all awesome! :-)

And of course, thanks to my close crew the two Colons ;-) and PeteB

Seriously... Thanks to all of you! :-) :-)

Life is short, and I don't say thank you enough!


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Thanks to you also Simon :D

It's such an invigorating sport on many levels that you almost automatically want others to share it.

...... the two Colons

Hmmm.....you must be wired differently. I am missing a bit of mine, can I have some of yours :?:

Cheers, Alan

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My iPhone corrects Colin to Colon. Who I am to question it? So now I run with it.

They are the two Colons. :-)


My first time was with one of said Colons! He checked my equipment, primed me, got me up and brought me back to earth safely... with his unforgettably firm but reassuring voice guiding my every step of the way! :wink:

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It's a great resource for paramotorists new and old, thanks Si.


Most of the experts manage to contain themselves and give constructive advice even in the face of the numptiest of questions from us beginners.

And navigating a difficult course through the occasional personal brick bats whilst performing Moderator duties is masterfully done!

Long may it last- thanks

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Simon, give yourself a pat on the back too!

It takes a hell of allot of work/time to maintain a site and monitor it 7/24 just to offer this wealth of knowledge to others.

You even allow the riff-raff to hang around and pitch in (myself included).

good on you!

"Life is short, and I don't say thank you enough"

No one does these days!



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Thanks in particular to the people who have taken the time out to create training blogs. I hear very often from people who have been inspired by your blogs and taken the leap in to becoming a Paramotor Pilot via whatever school. :-)

I have seen people be inspired by the early blogs such as Dan the Man, then get training, then write a blog and then inspire someone else!!!! :-) That's just brilliant! Pat Pux, you have inspired 3 people so far with your blog! ( that I know of )

The first ever training blog award (which is a packet of Prawn Wakers) goes to Slim. (Stuart Morris)

Cheers Simon it's a great site with a good vibe, I think my blog is a gnats away from 35,000 hits :)

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I've only met Simon once, but his enthusiasm and infectious passion for the sport has me sold.

I hope that I might be able to make a positive contribution to the site too.

I'm hoping to start training soon, so will definitely be "blogging" about it. It might help somebody else, it will certainly help me sitting down and thinking through the days lessons to sort it in my head and hopefully cementing it!

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