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My first Paramotor Video

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Nice first video


ps 500 foot rule, dont chase animals!!

Hi Pete,

Are you refering to the building at the end next to the lake? If you are I was asked by the owner to take a video for him, it is a fishing lake and he wants to get a clip to put on their web site. The field we fly from is right next to it and normally it is a no fly zone.

They are wild deer, and I did not do it for long. I would not do that to livestock.


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nice video Barry, thanks for sharing it. how did you find the setup and use of the camera? is it one of these new fully tango'd up beasties with the wifi and everything?

Hi Al,

I really like it, it does have the built in wifi which can be used as a view finder, but it kills the battery life if you do. I got around 1.5 hours with wifi at the 1080p setting and I got around 2.5 hours without the wifi.

Although I did find an issue with it. You can clip it onto the mount facing either way, which I did not realise, so I was following Mark down the river Arun yesterday with some amazing foot drags, only to find that when I landed Mark was about to kill me as I had it pointing backwards. (Sorry Mark :))

Which meant he had to do it again and my camera skill were not s good the second time around.

I am going to get a leg mount as I think it will be easier to keep pointing towards the subject, as I find that when it is on the helmet Every time I go to get the brake handles or look around to see what is going on it wastes a good shot.

But overall I am very pleased with it considering the cost.


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Great vid, really enjoyed it. Not quite so impressed with harassing the deer, but maybe I'm just a spoilsport and alone in thinking that's a bad idea. Otherwise, as I said... A great vid. New camera seems to perform pretty well, even in low light situations.

P.s. it doesn't make a difference if they are wild or livestock. They can still spontaeously abort and suffer heart attacks through stress, even apart from the fact that its hardly going to look good to anyone else watching. (just me being grumpy again).

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Nice first video


ps 500 foot rule, dont chase animals!!

Hi Pete,

Are you refering to the building at the end next to the lake? If you are I was asked by the owner to take a video for him, it is a fishing lake and he wants to get a clip to put on their web site. The field we fly from is right next to it and normally it is a no fly zone.

They are wild deer, and I did not do it for long. I would not do that to livestock.


No probs :D

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Great vid, really enjoyed it. Not quite so impressed with harassing the deer, but maybe I'm just a spoilsport and alone in thinking that's a bad idea. Otherwise, as I said... A great vid. New camera seems to perform pretty well, even in low light situations.

P.s. it doesn't make a difference if they are wild or livestock. They can still spontaeously abort and suffer heart attacks through stress, even apart from the fact that its hardly going to look good to anyone else watching. (just me being grumpy again).

They can also jump out on to roads and deer tend to jump at windscreen height, I saw the results of that once, it ended up in the passenger seat!

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At least they are safer than camels. They wander onto the road at night to keep warm and when you hit them, half a ton os smelly camels comes sliding through the windscreen and leaves your head in the back seat along with the obligatory box of tissues. So, watch out for those camels!

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  • 1 month later...

I understand it's tempting to get close to wild life, I've got close encounters with moose, deer and fox myself and those crazy rabbits :lol: One time I starred a fox right in the eyes at about 20m and they where bright orange shining like fire and it felt magical. And an other time I circled a moose several times and got pretty close but every little indication that it was about to back of I turned away and that made it stay it's ground and let me come back.

But I never fly straight at them as that keeps them much calmer, and if I see that they back of or start running i immediately turn away and that may even get them to stay so that I can pass them by more then once. I don't think they'll get a heart attack if you chase them but they might injure them self, breaking legs or run into fences and such if they panic like that. And it doesn't look good if someone see you and if there would be an incident from it those things could get us banned.

I hope you'll get you're own magical encounter someday but be careful and fly responsible :wink:

Here's the fox, and he first faced me and we are both about to turn away from each other at the picture and he didn't even start running just keep on walking down to the lake. (Had my GoPro on timelapse)


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Hi Barry,

I wonder if you would be so kind as to email me a 10 second clip of raw footage from the Sony. ?? It's a bit of a big ask, but I think you have used some pretty full on compression before or during upload which is taking a fair chunk of quality out of the shot.

It would be very helpful if you could so that I can see what It will look like uncompressed for TV.

Pretty please.... :-)


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I've been impressed with the footage from mine - when it worked.

It's back in the shop now because it regularly started recording gash footage, in fact I haven't yet managed to get any flying footage with mine!

It's totally bonkers that you have to take the camera out of the case to turn it off (or in fact make it do anything except start/stop recording) & mine also doesn't want to charge - every time you plug it in it switches on, which is great because it will only charge when it's switched off!

Long story short, I'm trying to get my money back & get another GoPro.

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