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Darrel Training

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Keep the faith dude we are all in the same boat not being able to fly.... Wednesday is looking good but could be very thermic during the day... :lol: Almost perfect XC conditions...

As soon as you get your arse of the ground you will forget all the waiting... :wink: you seem to be using the time wisely checking over your equipment and learning to use weather forecast's

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Well is been a wonderful day. Pitty I could not fly today but fingers crossed since Saturday is looking good. Discovered that the Spanish have no idea how to wire so spent a couple of hours redoing poor electricals on my Airfer. All sorted now.

Also got stick from the wife. I ran the motor up in the garden without closing the back door. Although I was 60 feet away, the motor push the fumes around the house. Don't you just love that 2 stroke smell.


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Well tomorrow is looking good all be it a little cloudy early on. Could it be first flight day......Will have to see but it's looking hopeful.

Just decided to have a walk around the garden with my motor on. Must admit that I've not tried it before. Was impressed with the weight but the cage is bloody massive compared the little macro's Simon and Co use. Still I ran it up and gave it some beans, Wow it's got some thrust and that's with the smaller prop. Christ knows what it will be like with the proper 130 tri-blade fitted. Anyway, got the new engine mountings on it now and they seem much better. Less shaking of the engine and it's lifted it up a little in the frame. Don't let the wife know, but I think I was suffering with a little droop!

One thing I did notice was that as I walked around the seat board shifted up a little. Only an inch or two. I can wiggle it down but I just wanted to check if this is normal. I guess in the air I would be sitting on the edge and would need to shuffle back a bit.

Anyway, that’s it for now. Roll on tomorrow.


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Well it was going to be first flight day. Now I need my new prop quick. Very good day although you can guess I screwed up a bit. My brother, Chris, done well and Colin and Jamie were spot on. He had a great first flight and I put it all down to my expert demonstration of what not to do. Anyway, thanks to both of them for their help today. I've learnt, the hard way I guess, but as soon as the prop arrives I'll give it another go. Given the day was ultimately a flop for me, I'm surprisingly happy about it. Colin has a lovely picture of us in high spirits with the remains of my motor. I’ll post it up, or he will, shortly.

Till next time


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I thought I did. My brother has just shown me the video and it seems I swung to the left under the wing which lifted me off the ground. I was still running and legs were still going, then I landed going forwards and right and my legs folded up. Face plant in the grass. Funniest thing is watching Jamie dodge a piece of my prop. He’s nimble I’ll give him that.

Still it’s all learning I guess.

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The remains of my motor but I'm still a happy bunny.


Bad luck mate, we have all been there, I have been flying 6 years now and recently did a prop, the second in that time, this flying malarky, and especialy getting airbourne, only comes about when a number of things go right, as you have found out, any number of those things can go wrong and spoil your day.

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Darrel, your to do the roll in the hay with the wife at home not the motor! :mrgreen:

Glad your ok with nothing more then hurt pride! looks like a bit of work to fix the motor up, you do good work!

We've all been there not to worry.

Nothing a cold beer will not fix!



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You made be remember one of my face plants. We have a nice place to take off at one of the beaches here but this day the school was taking the whole spot up. So I thought no issue me and another two pilots headed to the long grass to figure out a way to take off. We had a little wind but the grass 5 meters in front was at least waist high. I was the first to go. The mistake I made was not walking the take off and checking for things to mess with my feet. So the guys held the front up, I start the take off and just as everything was going good a log just in the front of the weeds took my feet out. I almost got everything sorted as I exited the weeds but all I did was slow down just before I did a graceful face plant in the sand for whole school to see. Man I lost a ton of pride that day.

Make things even worse the teacher had told the school to watch the forward launch lol.

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It's good to see and hear that I'm not the only one who makes a hash of it. Anway, I'm feeling much better now since the motor is all fixed and ready to fly (ok, I need to tweak the netting a little). Fingers crossed for a nice evening window on Wednesday and I'll crack this flying thing :D


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So here is a video of my first flight. Yes I’ve learnt a truck load of things.

1, Make sure you hold your brakes way up at launch. Looks like I was dragging mine a little to start.

2, A dab of brake can save your arse on launch – Lucky Colin told me about that on this one.

3, My hand point is wrong, I was tipping to far forward. Need to adjust that.

4, My engine is rich. I need to tune it a bit weaker. Play time in the garden.

5, Helps if I flare a little closer to the ground. Still I made it down with me and my kit in one piece.

I'm not sure what's up with the youtube clip so here is the link as well


[/youtubevideo] Edited by Guest
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Looking good. Looked like some of my landings yesterday!!

Just a small point from another learner.

I know the motor was under full power, but around the 52-57 sec mark in the vid, the prop line of the engine looks to be almost vertical.

Is it not supposed to be a few more degrees back to help with lift?

Hopefully someone with a more experienced 'eye' can verify/disprove this?

My Parajet still leans back a few degrees even under full power when climbing.

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Looking good. Looked like some of my landings yesterday!!

Just a small point from another learner.

I know the motor was under full power, but around the 52-57 sec mark in the vid, the prop line of the engine looks to be almost vertical.

Is it not supposed to be a few more degrees back to help with lift?

Hopefully someone with a more experienced 'eye' can verify/disprove this?

My Parajet still leans back a few degrees even under full power when climbing.

You are bang on. Already noted that I need to adjust it and tilt it back more. Under power i was tipping slightly forward with my lines on the top of the cage. Something to check and adjust over the weekend.


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Congrats on your first proper flight Darrel.

I hope my first powered flight is less expensive :D


Bailey 175

Ozone Indy

Indeed. Although it's all good learning I guess. I have found it really useful to get someone to video them since you pick up so much to improve (unless of course yours is perfection).

Good luck with yours and I hope all goes well.


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Looking good. Looked like some of my landings yesterday!!

Just a small point from another learner.

I know the motor was under full power, but around the 52-57 sec mark in the vid, the prop line of the engine looks to be almost vertical.

Is it not supposed to be a few more degrees back to help with lift?

Hopefully someone with a more experienced 'eye' can verify/disprove this?

My Parajet still leans back a few degrees even under full power when climbing.

You are bang on. Already noted that I need to adjust it and tilt it back more. Under power i was tipping slightly forward with my lines on the top of the cage. Something to check and adjust over the weekend.


well done mate, definately need to do a hang check and set your motor up, something your instructor should have had you do, looking at the vid, its not that you flared too high, but its the amount of flare at that hieght, if you had had your hands a bit higher at around ten feet off the ground you would have came in nice and gentle, still you did great for a first flight, bet you were buzzing your tits off all the way home.

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