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Tandem Flying.


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Thanks guys.

Truth be told, I would much rather not have done it :-( but.... the overall vibe of the forum was very much being effected. The stats were dropping as a direct result. That says to me that the members do not want to read it.

So thanks! its great to have support with decisions like this one.

Now then......

Lets get some fly-ins arranged! and forget this ever happened.

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Clive, it was remove Francis or remove many others... either way it had to stop.

Assuming we can now get on with some fun paramotor related stuff this thread will die away with the others. Re-posting will simply keep it active for longer. The sooner its gone the better IMO.


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I'm against censorship but some of the valid points were being lost in the personal slanging match ... It seems to happen on every forum when the likes of Francis, Murray or Dell get going - as they all seem to provoke strong reactions by claiming only they know what is best and disregarding other opinions.

Perhaps such threads (or personalities) could be moved to a 'Boxing Match' area of the website, only accessible to those who have been members for a couple of years, or "Paramotor Club 500' posters ? That way it wouldn't affect the normal discussions or people coming on here seeking advice ?

Back to the "tandem flying" topic, one of the reasons I bought the Kobra Evo was it has the required power and they make a very good purpose designed tandem kit for it (as do several others) which is available for anyone to buy & use. As much as I am tempted to give it a go, the lack of any clear route for training / rating or insurance puts me off. It is currently a grey area which does need resolving, but preferrably by discussion & agreement rather than one man on a mission (or agenda).....

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  • 2 months later...

Hi to answer the first question about the PAP Ros 125 , we have done a few tests with the Ros 125 with tandems ; It all depends on your wing , if you use a proper tandem wing within weight range and a tandem kit no problem , we have done it at Cape Town pilot 80 kg and passenger 105 kg and a few other no problem what so ever . If you want to do tandem regularly , get yourself a proper tandem motor although the Ros can do it the motor have to work hard .Would you tow a boat with a 1600cc car or a v6 ? Most of our tandem ppg flights is forward launch even if the wind is strong there is just too much that can go wrong if your pax do not work with you . In South-Africa a pilot need to have more than 300 hours and a sport lisence before you can start your tandem course , you also have to have a first aid course and a he'll of a difficult exahm to pass , all the best Thys .

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  • 1 month later...

hurrah, a bit late but im one who left as the forum chit chat got to much like going through a bible on law. Hope fully friendly chit chat restored.

btw.. self taught, no qualifications and flying tandem.. never had any accidents in PPG never broke a single prop. I will not enter into a tit for tat argument. I have friends who are self taught. I never recommend it as I have also seen many pilots who really need training and looking back it would have given me a head start, put me on a faster learning curve than the one I took.

Yes tandem is a whole new game, its not just the size of the thing its the whole methodical setup and pre-flight checks. Passenger can be distracting but you must still maintain 100% concentration on the task at hand.

I keep tandem flying to calm evenings when the wind is in my fields ideal directions.

At first it took 4-5 tries to launch, then it got down to 2 goes, now if conditions are good we are up first try every time, my son knows what to do, so that helps a lot.

I have no intention of flying anyone else except my daughter but she needs some training first. I have been asked, hinted at, but the answer is always no to other kids / friends. Maybe in a few years it is something I would consider.

If you are considering going the tandem route, try to get your hands on a friends wing and just ground handle it, you will learn a lot quite quickly. Long lines, slow launch, physical size will surprise you. Wing choice is important. Most tandem are designed to be launched from a hill, so finding a good flat field tandem for PPG is a must, as is safe handling, weight range.

Tandem spreaders and passenger harness is just as important. Carabiner choice.

Larger reserve and where to put it.

Enough thrust...

Tandem wings are expensive, large reserves are expensive, safe carabiners are expensive, decent spreaders are you guessed it expensive. Dont expect much change from near £4k

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