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My first flight today ..yeeesssss!!!!

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Well I have just got back home from the most exhilerating day of my life !,after many months I finaly did my first flight today up at membury,we had a perfect weather window up there just a nice light breeze.

Did some ground handling drills to warm up then motor on my back ground handling ,then colin gave me the flight plan of what I was going to do.....gulp the penny has now dropped that im about to go for it !

Did a nice reverse launch turned into wind then colin shouts down the comms full power !!,before I new it I was leaving the ground and climbing rapidly ,nothing kind of prepares you for the sensory overload that im experiencing now, after a while you start to calm down and think a bit more about what you are doing ,the feeling of exhileration is beyond belief ,I have done many extreme sports in my life ...this one is just the best !,unfortunately I did not manage to get into the harness seat (a common problem with first timers ) so I was in quite a bit of discomfort so I did just one circuit and colin brought me in for a lovely touch down ,cant wait to get back up in the air now ...huge thanks to colin ,simon pete and raf colin for some brilliant instruction, cant praise these guys enough if you are thinking about taking up paramotoring just do it its amazing :lol::P:D

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nothing kind of prepares you for the sensory overload that im experiencing now

Good isn't it :?::D

,the feeling of exhileration is beyond belief ,I have done many extreme sports in my life ...this one is just the best

This is what it's all about :!:

...huge thanks to colin ,simon pete and raf colin for some brilliant instruction, cant praise these guys enough if you are thinking about taking up paramotoring just do it its amazing :lol::P:D

Just do it, you can't beat it. Praise be where it's due.

Well done Mark :P

You can't quite put it into words how it feels, all the blogs and reports on here don't encapsulate the sheer thrill, now you know how it feels - brilliant.



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Well I have just got back home from the most exhilerating day of my life !,after many months I finaly did my first flight today up at membury,we had a perfect weather window up there just a nice light breeze.

Did some ground handling drills to warm up then motor on my back ground handling ,then colin gave me the flight plan of what I was going to do.....gulp the penny has now dropped that im about to go for it !

Did a nice reverse launch turned into wind then colin shouts down the comms full power !!,before I new it I was leaving the ground and climbing rapidly ,nothing kind of prepares you for the sensory overload that im experiencing now, after a while you start to calm down and think a bit more about what you are doing ,the feeling of exhileration is beyond belief ,I have done many extreme sports in my life ...this one is just the best !,unfortunately I did not manage to get into the harness seat (a common problem with first timers ) so I was in quite a bit of discomfort so I did just one circuit and colin brought me in for a lovely touch down ,cant wait to get back up in the air now ...huge thanks to colin ,simon pete and raf colin for some brilliant instruction, cant praise these guys enough if you are thinking about taking up paramotoring just do it its amazing :lol::P:D

well done mate, sounds like a carbon copy of my first flight, now all those frustrating days of trying to achieve the impossible when groundhandling will fade into a distant memory.

you wont forget your first flight ever, now its out the way you can get on with the serious side of flying, enjoying every minute :D:D

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