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Being new to this I've got to ask what is it with park rangers and paramotoring. This morning I've been kicked off of Cannock Chase where I was doing some ground handling, despite being in possession of a letter from the local council stating I'm permitted to ground handle there.

The reason given was "health & safety" and the risk posed to other users of the area despite there being no one around at the time!

Is this just a West Midlands thing or is it more widespread? The same thing happened at Sandwell Valley in West Bromwich where I again had permission to ground handle. Sutton Park didn't want me scaring the dog walkers and I'm fast running out of local options, which makes me wonder whether it's worth carrying on!

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Hi Neil

Good to see you getting back into it.

What you need is a friendly farmer as most of them have never heard of Health & Safety@ :D

Don't let these people put you off, they are always going to be a bit of a pain in public places.

Hope to see you soon.


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Hi Neil

What ever you do don't give up, that ranger bloke is a t****r, as you know I work in a public park and we get loads of paraglider and paramotorists ground handling when ever the weather is right, we don't get any problems or complaints, if fact they are lass of a problem than some of the power kites people use.

Having said that I do agree with Eddie (never thought I would say that), find yourself a friendly farmer who will let you ground handle and even fly, it's worth a bottle at Christmas!!

Don't give up mate, not unless your going to give me that nice new motor of yours LOL


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I was down my local park, ground handling. Someone cameout and asked me not to do it for health and safety reasons.

The asked did I mind not doing it. I of course being well brought up and polite said oh sorry I will move on.

Whilst packing up. I thought to myself. People play rugby and football all day in this park, break their backs doing so. I am resposible for myself.

When he comes back I will tell him to stick it, and call the police, if he wishes

Why I have had enough of these pathetic laws dictating what I can and cannot do. in the name of health and safety. Let me judge whether flying a kite is dangerous.

I shall mention that perhaps the bloke should not approach within a 20 M radius without wearing a helmet in case he gets hit.

long live the revolution

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Cheers guys for the comments - it's always a case that after the event you think of the smart replies, so driving home yesterday I came up with hundreds! All I managed to ask at the time was to see the copy of the risk assessment specifically pointing out that ground handling is a danger to those using the same area of grassland. I got the jobsworth's name so will put in a request to their H&S people tomorrow, quoting his name on the email. I'm determined not to drop this as I actually went to the bother of getting permission from the council prior to driving up to Cannock Chase - in fact the guy I spoke to on the phone a couple of weeks ago even mentioned that people had flown out of the grassland adjacent to Chase Road.

Until this is sorted I think I'll get myself down to the Flagpole, especially as it will give me the chance to meet up with a few people on here. I still need to improve my ground handling and my wing is no use sat up in the loft at home.

Onwards and upwards!

PS. Tim - you hit the nail on the head mate in your post above, the only danger yesterday was to me. My son was useless as a safety man, rolling around laughing when I had a brake line wrapped round my neck. Kids....

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We had a similair issue at Windsor park, we use the kite flying area to ground handle and have done on many occasions with regular visits from the parks police, I have always managed to put my point over and have been allowed to contunue but Ken (Togsie) was asked to leave when he last went there. It's the usual health & safety bullshit that's killing our country :roll:

Francis has this very good point........

Forgiveness is much much easier to obtain than consent. :wink:
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Is this just a West Midlands thing or is it more widespread?

No the infection has spread to oxfordshire too ! :D

It's lucky though really because if it wasn't for all the do'gooders we would have school children running all over the place with giant conker splinters sticking out of their eyes!!! and god forbid people enjoying themselves!

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All I managed to ask at the time was to see the copy of the risk assessment specifically pointing out that ground handling is a danger to those using the same area of grassland. I got the jobsworth's name so will put in a request to their H&S people tomorrow, quoting his name on the email. I'm determined not to drop this as I actually went to the bother of getting permission from the council prior to driving up to Cannock Chase ....

Good on you Neil, tell him to go fly off next time :evil:



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A lot of these people that "moan" don't know what they are talking about and you do feel like telling them where to get off politely lol.

I was ground handling once and a chap came up, red in the face, and said "you can't fly here, its not allowed" this was a flat field and l had not got my motor with me. Did he expect me to magically get lifted high into the air. stupid sod.

I hope alot of these "Jobs Worth" people eat their hats and choke lol.

Mike :lol::lol:

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