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Camera which one and why

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Hello i am pondering buying a decent camera for aerial photography now i have thought about the main features i would be looking at ie easy to use with gloves on large screen etc the one i thought might be best was the lumix maybe.

What camera are you currently using and what do you like or dislike about it cheers Alan.

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I used to have a panasonic lumix fz18 ......it was a good camera for two weeks....then it didnt work so I sent it back under warranty .....and I was told I had put it under water !!!!! it had never been near any water I said......but they were adamant it would not be repaired under warranty... :x

I can only assume that the change it temperature due to a sudden height change when paramotoring caused condensation within the camera and that is what they found when they opened it up........I have never knowingly bought anything by panasonic since.....I now use a olympus 520 slr and had no problems at all big button for on and off and I can use it with my big winter gloves + its got live view on the rear lcd .........I know its not the best camera out there but it does me fine :)



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I have got on quite well with my Panasonic lumix fx 10. It's small. Good lense. Cheap at £80. You can reach right over the top for the button with the left hand. If you want to see video from it go to youtube dave00009. Will try to put up a picture here shortly

If someone can tell me how ?

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I shoot stills with my lumix fx37. before that fx12. I have shot some with my FZ30, but to be honest I find the compact easier than the bridge when flying - too much movement to use the 12x zoom.

The fx37 shoots 720p video too.

Actually I have 2 of these - that was what I shot my 3d paragliding video with ( 2 next to each other).

My Las Candelas video was shot with the FX37:

I find it great for still too with the really wide angle lense - I usually have it on burst mode, and can take 5 or 6 pics in a few seconds guaranteeing one in focus.

course if you just want video, I love my goproHD now - but for versatility, I love the lumix range.

I don't think bridge cameras are well suited to aerial photography - I reckon the choice is either compact or DLSR (for the faster shutter speeds and focusing). But I get all the stills I need from the lumixs.

All the aerial stills on my smugmug are with lumixes (expect the gopro stills):


I've also got some comparison shots between the bridge FZ30 and compact FX12.


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Cheers Gary i must admit if i have problems with things i tend to steer clear of them and go for a different make

Dave i will check out those pictures thank you.

Powerlord fantastic video really enjoyed that, have you any videos done by your Hd go pro that i could watch also what is the camera pictures like when you set it to picture mode cheers Alan.

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Some fab videos here!



if u want a paramotor one - the one I posted in the snow a few days ago was shot with the gopro.

I've not tried stills yet to be honest. early indications are they are 'ok', nothing great - only a little better than the stills you can grab from the video (which are pretty decent anyway - the smugmug snow ones are stills from the video).

what I would say, is that unless you are going for a fisheye like the gopro - getting a camera with a decent optical (not digital) stabiliser is very very worthwhile for flying - and the lumix one is really great imho.


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I have got the lumix tz7 and I find it very good. 10.1 mp, massive screen,25mm leica widescreen lens, 1080i Hd video (only15 mins at a time)

It's very easy to use even with my left hand (rh throttle) I covered mine in heavy duty velcro so it sticks to my reserve container or fits in my jacket pocket.

I tried taking a dslr up last flight but its a pain in the arse!! cant use the bloody thing with the left hand :( no live screen, cant zoom, too bulky for flying imho

Here are some images I have taken with it.



here is a vid it's an awful vid but gives you an idear of the quality


It's not the cheapest camera out there but you get what you pay for :D

If I was buying a camera for flying and general picture taking I would buy this one, but if I was buying solely for flying I would get the gopro hd.

Tom :acro:

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Keep an eye on TZ-7 prices, as they are likely to drop soon - following Panasonics launch of a slew of new Lumix cameras at last weeks CES in Las Vegas.


Cheers Andy handy to know and thanks Tom for your comments i will probably go for the lumix and also a go pro hd i had been looking at the contour hd head cam has any one got one of these cheers Alan.

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good point with the throttle hand.......my Pap is fitted with a right hand one as standard....

its now fitted with a left hand one ..and Ive changed every paramotor that Ive had to a left hand throttle....much easier to operate all cameras and videos as they dont seem to make left handed cameras......

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I am 100% convinced with the Go Pro HD. http://www.paramotorclub.org/catalog/pr ... st20q2if05

I have sold a few of them now and everyone who has one has given amazing feedback. It's fair to say I have not heard anything bad about it yet.

If we have 3 or more people interested, I will be able to get a good discount. :!:

The non HD version which I currently have, is also an awesome bit of kit if your trying to spend a little less.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Keep an eye on TZ-7 prices, as they are likely to drop soon - following Panasonics launch of a slew of new Lumix cameras at last weeks CES in Las Vegas.


Cheers Andy handy to know and thanks Tom for your comments i will probably go for the lumix and also a go pro hd i had been looking at the contour hd head cam has any one got one of these cheers Alan.
Not sure if you have already purchased a camera Alan, but if not check out the replacement Lumix model for the TZ-7: Panasonic Lumix TZ-10

Due out next month - it has some interesting enhancements, including the built-in GPS function.

A cheaper alternative would be one of the new Lumix 'F' models - which all support 720p, and look aggressively priced:

F3 (12.1MP, 720p): $130

FP1 (12MP): $150, FP3 (14.1MP, 720p): $230

FH1 (12MP, 720p): $160, FH3 (14.1MP, 720p): $180

FH20 (14.1MP, 720p): $200.


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I am 100% convinced with the Go Pro HD. http://www.paramotorclub.org/catalog/pr ... st20q2if05

I have sold a few of them now and everyone who has one has given amazing feedback. It's fair to say I have not heard anything bad about it yet.

If we have 3 or more people interested, I will be able to get a good discount. :!:

The non HD version which I currently have, is also an awesome bit of kit if your trying to spend a little less.


I'll hopefully be trying out my new GoPro HD this Wednesday weather permitting!!....

I've also bought the chest harness for it, which looks quite a useful piece of kit.

I'll post up the results when I've had a play...... :D

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Not sure if you have already purchased a camera Alan, but if not check out the replacement Lumix model for the TZ-7: Panasonic Lumix TZ-10

Due out next month - it has some interesting enhancements, including the built-in GPS function.

A cheaper alternative would be one of the new Lumix 'F' models - which all support 720p, and look aggressively priced:

F3 (12.1MP, 720p): $130

FP1 (12MP): $150, FP3 (14.1MP, 720p): $230

FH1 (12MP, 720p): $160, FH3 (14.1MP, 720p): $180

FH20 (14.1MP, 720p): $200.


Cheers Andy i have not bought one yet partly because my hands freeze when i take my gloves off to use the one i have but it gives me more time to research.

I am definitely interested in a hd go pro Simon so let me know when you are ordering next month would suit me cheers Alan

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Cheers Andy i have not bought one yet partly because my hands freeze when i take my gloves off to use the one i have but it gives me more time to research.

I am definitely interested in a hd go pro Simon so let me know when you are ordering next month would suit me cheers Alan

HD Go Pro is certainly very compelling, and definitely the way I would want to go once I have got my wings. So am watching with interest how neilc gets on with his over the next couple of months.

Meanwhile I need a decent compact camera with HD video capability. So I am going down the Lumix route, and should have my hands on a Lumix ZS7 (= UK TZ10) in a couple of weeks.

So will let you know how well some of the new functions (GPS, manual modes, enhanced HD engine, improved OIS etc.) work.


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I am 100% convinced with the Go Pro HD. http://www.paramotorclub.org/catalog/pr ... cts_id/150?]

I'll hopefully be trying out my new GoPro HD this Wednesday weather permitting!!....

I've also bought the chest harness for it, which looks quite a useful piece of kit.

I'll post up the results when I've had a play...... :D

Have you used it yet and what did you think, cheers Alan.

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