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A Challenge! to Paramotor from Lands end to John O'Groats.


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Hi Simon,

I know that you mentioned late summer 2008 for this epic flight. I think now is the the time to start fixing the actual months/dates, as there will be lots of people out there, thinking of getting involved, that need to arrange their 2008 family and work commitments accordingly.



ps; What is the start point. Lands End or John O'Groats?

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Hi Simon

I know we can't guarantee the weather at any given time. But, usually arranging time off work and booking holidays and confirming these dates can be guaranteed. So what months would you suggest? :)

I phoned the Met office at 1630 hrs today and spoke to them on your behalf, they suggested that late August and September would be a good time. :lol:



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OK, After talking to both the Met Office and the BBC in more detail than I care to think about :lol::lol::lol::lol: We now have a date for the Tip to Tip flight for the Forces Children Trust and the Air Ambulance (my though is that we split the 50% Air Ambulance half between the air ambulance trusts we fly through, starting with Cornwall (the one that saved my dads life)

We will aim to fly between ( 28th July 2008 ) and the (15th August 2008)

So thats it :o The date is set everyone :o:o:o We aim to be at Lands End EARLY on the 28th of July to leave at sunrise on the 29th of July 2008




The mission will be easy if you think of the reason for doing it


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I would like to invite, in full public view......in no particular order..........the following people to fly the tip 2 tip 2008 flight with me.

Simon Payne, Pete Boldwin, Clive Bunce

Will you please come with me on this mad flight? HAVE ALL SINCE AGREED THANKS!!!!



Other required help will be,

Ground Crew,

1 x 4x4 with tools, petrol, first aid, spare motor, Radio, Mobile Phone, Money, Spare GPS, Batterys, Emergency Kit,

1 x van with tools, petrol, first aid, spare motor, Radio, Mobile Phone, Spare Wings, Food, Water, Tents, Money, Spare GPS, Batterys, Emergency Kit. THANKS TO COLIN FOR FILLING THIS ROLE

1 X Motorcycle With basic tools, First Aid, Radio, Mobile Phone, Money, Spare GPS, Batterys, (medical Qualification, I can arange a FREE course for this person.)

1 X 'Fixer' in car With Tools, petrol, first aid, spare motor, Radio, Mobile Phone, Money, Spare GPS, Batterys, Emergency Kit. (Job is to sort out any local issues BEFORE landings.) The Fixer has the most important job in an event like this! It is YOU that will make sure that there are no last min problems, farmers, landouts, any unexpected events. You drive like the wind (ahead) of all of the crew!.

Route Planner Passenger in Car with Fixer, It is your job to make sure via, radio, phone, e.t.c that we all (the pilots, including clubs joining a leg or 10) stay pointing in the correct direction, It is also your job to keep a ground eye view of the weather and any other possible hazzards, you must carry, Spare Radio, Spare phone, Spare Batterys for Pilots radios, maps compasess, Vario, and Altimeters. (also a very important job!) THANKS TO NORMAN FOR FILLING THIS ROLE

Site Admin This is also a key part of this mad idea working! This person will need to the route planner and ensure that we have the permission / accom (be that tents or B&B's for ALL involved including ground crew and local clubs)

Safety Officer in own car follows pilots With Tools, Local Emergency Services numbers, Emergency Pack, Spare Emergency pack, Food, Water, The Safety officer should ensure, All above have first aid kit and working comms & Emergency pack before first take off, at half way point and prior to final landing.

Air Crew.

I hope......

Video / photographer Someone who can fly, film, and take pics!, we need someone to act as a filmer. You will also be a part of the advance party (the fixer) but in your own transport with your own kit.

We need someone who can not only read a map for this job but, take off and get the footage for this event. 10 min you tube videos, loads of pictires.....and so on (this person can fly as much or as little as he or she wants, the footage though is very important for maximum effect.) so is NOT expected to fly the entire route but expected to be in the air at least once every two hours (which will be hard!)

Pilots Confirmed

Simon Payne Happy to fly for 2 hours + most of the time he flies! ( will be expected to loan his van as well 'please' )

Pete Boldwin Great guy, used to comps, good few hours under the belt, Just a person that I think can do it! (you may need to carry your leatherman!!!)

Myself Tagging on for the ride! or..... something I have wanted to do since I first straped into a Paramotor! This would be a great way for the team to raise a chunk of cash for a charity and be involved in something that you can be proud of for ever!


http://www.forceschildrenstrust.org The Forces Children’s Trust is a charity devoted to helping the dependant children that have lost a parent whilst serving with the Armed Forces. (Enough Said?) no, not enough money to shout loud enough. I served with a guy who died in action and left a family behind. 'rip Cpl Prichard' This Charity has donated an Xmas gift to them.

UK Air Ambuulance Trusts On route As people who Drive to work, Fly, surf, ride mountain bikes, motorbikes, Ride horses, sail boats and just about anything else that is fun!! we all NEED this service. (The Cornwall Air Ambulance more than likely saved my dads life many years ago)


If you want to get involved with this, NOW is the time to get in touch......

Yippeeeeee!!!!!! how great is this!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

SW Very Happy

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We are having some problems with the system this morning and so I am posting this message on behalf of Andy_Hereford

Hi Simon,

A great adventure indeed! It's seven years since I did this, so

it's about time someone else had a go! The idea of doing it with a group

sounds fantastic and I'm sure you'll get plenty of support along the way. My

old website is still up (surprisingly) at

http://www.flight.firstnet.co.uk/ if you're interested. I also

still have the project plan and other documents which you are very welcome

to - it may save you some work. The style is strangely reminiscent of the

NATO sequence of orders, so it should make sense to you!

Please give me a shout if you'd like to chat over lessons I learned and/or

any other aspects of the trip - I'd be really happy to help.

As a bit of inspiration, I'll send you the photo I took of Duncansby Head

(the end of the land mass beyond John O'Groats) at the end of the trip which

you may want to post. I can't work out how to show it here...

Finally, best of luck with the trip - I'm sure you'll have an unbelievable


Best regards,

Andy Phillips

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COuld you keep an updated map on the site mate? Now for example, we have Somerset, Berkshire (lambourn), Liecstershire (AS LANDING PLACES FOR THE TIP 2TIP) not all of the clubs as some may not have an established LZ.

Like the one you did to locate your club but the entire UK map? I have skyped you a postcode for our newest site.


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Hi Simon

Just to say that I'm more than happy with the charities you have suggested.

To all others This trip will only be possible with the ground crew,

If you are considering doing this then please do

as this is more important than the flying.

You can drive the route without the pilots BUT

the pilots CANNOT fly the route without you.

Pete b

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TV South West (ITV) have booked us into there filming diary for 01-05-07 (training and prep, build up....) location Dartmoor LZ. And Also at the launch point at Lands End on the 29th of July. ( That's 240,000 people watching us take off already then!)


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Hi Norman,

I would love to see how little of the total distance this is on a full map of the UK if you have the image (and time of course)

In other words..... same map as now with route line but the tip 2 tip :D


Could someone come up with other ways to raise money from this (other than corporate sponsorship of course) I can focus on the corporate side, can anyone think of other ways to raise funds?

How about the Regional Clubs, (maybe raise some locally to you)


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This is a great idea and something I will get involved with.

Think bigger (I never thought I'd say that to Simon... ;-) Every year hundreds of people must do the Tip to Tip by various means. Could we offer them a home and/or branch sites to help/share routes and knowledge. A map with everyone's progress would be cool and potentially popular making it attractive to corporate sponsors. Something like http://www.landsendjohnogroats.info/ on steroids.

Should it be a few weeks earlier, near the end of term. Most schools are winding down and the teachers may value this trip to keep their kids interested. Seeding some aviation, engineering and adventure may stimulate the next Giles?

How about adding another charity? Botham walked the route for leukaemia. The UK's leading children's cancer/leukaemia charity is http://www.clicsargent.org.uk/Aboutchildhoodcancer

Meeting some of these kids and their families, making them smile :D while helping them, would be the business and make it real.

Sorry if this confuses things... I just wanted to get my thoughts out before they are lost on coconut airways...:-)



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Hi Paul,

Please pick a job from the remaining crew :D:D

I feel that in order to have a BIG effect on existing charities I feel as though we should not dillute the raised money further... We will hold another event next year I am sure. :)

Andy from ABC Studio is going to build a Tip to Tip website over the next week or so, with maps, tracking, pilot diarys and a forum.


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If you need someone to keep their eyes on the long and short range weather forecasts and pass on info about weather fronts, wind speed and direction plus in depth analysis from the Met Office synoptic charts then I reckon I can help.

This should help time your stops and help predict how far (and how long) each leg can be if required. You will be the best eyes and ears for the local forecast but knowing what you will encounter each day and being able to plan for this will be very useful.....



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Hi All

I would like to offer my services to you, I have a van and would carry any equipment that would be required. I could cover the middle of the country and we have numerous landing sites on the Fylde Coast.

Cheers Paul



Thanks for this message,

We need a Lanacashire Club for out route :D You are in Lanacashire :D We will have to work out what we can do here :D

Give me a nod if you would be happy to run / become a Lanacashire Paramotor Club and I will make it so ASAP.


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I got a very snazzy Paramotor T-shirt the other day that my wife got for me off the internet.

The artist trades as Buster Lung, and mainly creates 'diving' related art.


He is however producing artwork for the Tip to Tip 2008 Pilots and Ground Crew T-shirts! I just can not wait to see what comes out of his head onto paper.

Visit his site for a load more pictures.



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