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The 500 foot rule

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Or is each structure/person counted as one instance?

I am glad others can see the same as me. I was thinking of counting each occurence (be it plural) as one instance, in this case I spotted 8 occurences. I may have been generous when over the built up area as I guessed it was over 500 feet.

With your individual counting Tom I spotted 13 x 3 pilots, but I'm not sure the 3 pilots full flightpaths were shown. You probably spotted more than I did.

I was in two minds as whether to post this but if it highlights the requirement to others then I think it's probably for the good.

I spotted 1:32, 2:04, 2:32, 2:47, 3:07, 3:22, 3:49 and 4:20.



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I probably counted the same area a few times, they look like they had a great flight anyway what a lovely place to fly.

It will not be so great for the sport though when the fun police take over and start putting legislation in every corner of our sport. The same thing happened in microlighting and look how expensive that is now....... it's coming

Tom :acro:

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... they look like they had a great flight anyway what a lovely place to fly.


Yes a very nice place to fly, but it's so easy to do it legally, just fly at 500+ feet AGL :o

It's my guess that these chaps have come into PPG from the PG route, but NO EXCUSE for not knowing the rules.

IMHO the 500 foot rule is for the general safety of Joe Public, if anything comes off the motor hopefully it travels less than 500 feet.


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[i was in two minds as whether to post this but if it highlights the requirement to others then I think it's probably for the good.

Absolutely right to post it Alan. I think most of the regulars on this forum, and other forums, know better. Any club membership would have given the information about the 500 ft rule too. I hope someone will recognise these chaps and make things clear to them soon.

The camera can be your friend too. If you film your entire flight with the odd glance at the altimeter, it can be good proof when you're NOT breaking the rules

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Hi guys

I dont know who these flyers are but I have just sent a personal message to the person who put the video on youtube. It can be found below.

Dont be afraid to send people a quick PM if you can help keep our sport as fun as it is.

PS hope the message isnt too preachy! :oops:

Hi Tim

Just a quick one to say that your pub crawl vid was excellent but please try not to fly below 500ft as it is illegal in the UK (unless taking off or landing or over private land). I love flying my paramotor free from constraints like radios, registration, flight plans and licences but those guys at the CAA wont blink at introducing new laws if we get caught flaunting the few current restrictions that we have- just like they did with microlights.

Im not a moaning minnie but just want to preserve our sport regulation free for as long as possible (untill AL-Qaeda try to fly one into the houses of parliament and they are banned altogether! lol)

I can tell from the video you are a skilled paraglider pilot but if your more a free flyer than a paramotorist a quick look at the extra restrictions a motor adds can be found here:


Like I say, im not a moaning old duffer and you can tell me to mind my own buisness if you like but the CAA could possibly prosecute you just from the evidence in the youtube vids so I wouldnt be much of a fellow flyer if I didnt let you know would I?

Apart from that the rest of the vids are tops! Keep up the good work and fly safe.


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Now look whats happened..........he has took the video down... :cry: ......perhaps its for the best.....

just a thought here.....this type of flying is shown widely in all the mags skimming water ect following trains and boats flying aroung cars and buildings under bridges great fun I know :oops: (Mathew of the Rouanet ) fame ...is a prime example of this but is not alone look at the trouble he got into in New Zealand for tippy toe on the roof of a train and then put as feature in the paramotor mag this artical resulted in me and I know others cancelling their subscription....

its all good fun untill your caught ..... :oops: so why take video or pictures of something your doing that you know is against that countrys rules and then show it to everybody :!:

its just asking for it ...if your going to do it do it low profile.....the lower the better...... :wink:

ps if I am doing a foot drag am I flying (have I found a loophole)

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You might be taking off or landing which modifies the rules a bit. If you are being sufficiently irritating to cause a court case you might find the beak interpreting your actions to get to the bottom of them. :lol:

How the sport advertises itself is a major question as you suggest. The wrong message is passed if quality graphics of the stars are seen doing all the bad stuff. Irresponsible to do it, even worse to compound that by publishing it imho.

We need a better ethos within that frowns on such activities so that when people embrace it they will understand where the 'line' lies and follow it for their health and that of the sport.

Comment made a lot earlier.

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Hi guys

I have recived a very nice reply to my letter (above) from the pilot Tim.

I wont post it as it was a PM on youtube but the gist was- hands up to it , should know better (he is an advanced pilot). Although some of the low stuff

was done over private land he should have mentioned that in the text that went with the video and he has decided to remove it of his own accord. His

letter was very genuine and Im sure he wont fall foul of the 500ft rule in the future.

All's well that ends well then.... :D


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I agree with all of the above posts and applaud Si Morts proactive approach to keeping a positive image of our sport but I just wanted to clarify something.

Hi guys

Just a quick one to say that your pub crawl vid was excellent but please try not to fly below 500ft as it is illegal in the UK (unless taking off or landing or over private land).


It is not illegal to fly below 500ft in the UK, even when not taking off or landing as long as you obey any local flying restriction and "Except with the permission in writing of the CAA, an aircraft shall not be flown closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure."


In addition I would say that although this is the letter of the law, common sense should also prevail if we are to promote our sport, create good PR and try to ward off punative restrictions being imposed on us.

Best regards,


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