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Any back problems?


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I have back problems, due to my other life in the Army and to be honest, it has not effected me at all (except - when digging the garden, which does hurt your back and that stops you training/flying)

‘Prevention is better than curing’ – Just be careful and try not to have the motor on your back for too long. When the motor is running thou you don’t feel the weight. On landing, I’ll not sure yet, because I’ve always landed on my feet then dropped to my knees. :)


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I have noticed the best thing to stop back problems is to warm up before putting on or lifting the paramotor. As they weigh around 30 to 40 kilos all fueled up with reserve and flight deck etc, its quite a weight to lift without being carefull. Any teaching gym will instist on warm up exercises before lifting. On a cold day outside, this is even more important. If you feel the back twinge at home or before flight think real carefully about lifting it. Thats when your back goes.



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I was bedded for 5 days just before the Skycar trip. I landed normaly, but when I turned to bin the wing my back just jolted.

I have no prior back problems, and its 100% again now. But F me it hurt!

Still don't know to this day why it happened, I guess I just turned akwardly / to quickly.


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had a few trapped nerves from being thrown about with the wing, i put this down to lack of exercise and not warming up before i do owt with the wing, im back in the gym now so no probs at all

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I have no prior back problems, and its 100% again now. But F me it hurt! :D

Unfortunately it's one of those things that creep up on you with age. I have had a couple of turns like that, then you can go years without any problem. One awkward turn and you get the twinges again. Keeping twisting and leaning at the same time to a minimum is the best thing to do.



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I have a broken back with 4 broken bones, think it was L2, T6,7,8 from a motorcycle accident in January.

OOh and my T8 is shattered and pushing into my spinal column.

I hope to be flying again, fingers crossed in septemeber. If the back is not healed i will have to try some of this "free" flying lark :shock:

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Thanks very much for all your advice.

The main concern for me, is not lifting the weight, I have lots of experience with weights as I have been in the fitness industry as a personal trainer for over 20 years and in that time I have come across many situations with thousands of different people.

However, funnily enough my experience hasn't spanned to, running across a field with nearly 40 kg on my shoulders and around 60kg of thrust pushing me forward (what am I thinking!!).

Even though I have had a long career in the fitness industry, I am still learning new stuff each and every day, so I am really grateful, and also reassured by the advice I have just read in this post.

I have a congenital problem with my lower back and have always needed to take special care of it.

Thanks all.


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As has already been mentioned, it's not necessarily the motor weight that's the potential problem, it's the uneven ground we run on, and all the twisting and turning we do when wing handling, lifting gear out of the car/van and unpacking/repacking rucksacks etc.

I've put my back out just getting off of the sofa before so the most stupid thing can do it.

Once you have an incident with your back then you are very likely to continue to do so especially where age is also a factor.

Be aware of your twisting and particularly if you are lifting/carrying something.

As you are familiar with the fitness industry it does not need me to say that if you can build up your back muscles then that will go a long way to help with back problems.

It's just a shame I don't practice what I preach :oops:



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