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Forward launching


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Why is it when I have my wing nicely settled above me, everything is just right and I turn round to start a forward run....I can't??

I am unable to take one single stride. Its like trying to pull an artic, then I get dragged back and the wing collapses. I watch all of you having no problem. Help please :(

When I have my motor on will it naturally alleviate the problem & do you lot pump iron in the gym all day? :lol:

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Hi Sally Ann,

A) you wing is old and slow (for training not flying) so when the wind is on the upper end for a forward launch (like today) you wing will struggle to penetrate in to wind.

The new RE Actions / Synthesis wings fly much faster.

B) When you have a motor on your back pushing you, you will find it much less effort to penetrate into wind.

In a nutshell, your wing is not up to the job.


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At the moment you are trying to propel yourself forward through human power. When you are ready to fly with your motor the propulsion comes from the prop and your legs are just there to keep you moving forward and not falling over.



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Hi Sally Ann,

Quote from my wife...

look carefully at these middle aged men in a field. Pay particular attention to their waistlines, with the exception of Colin, do any of them look like they pump iron?


On a more constructive note, I find that any hesitation as I turn and it all goes to pot. It really helped me to always make sure that I turn the same way so I know exactly where everything is going and I don't have to think about it. Also - the engine helps a lot. That is, after all, what it is there for.

Perhaps see you later today.


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Hey Sally-Anne,

All you need is a good wing and a push in the back (as the sages here have said) and you'll be up there with the (rest of the) birds. It is like a mini ballet really, it should flow in virtually one continous movement from raising the wing to soaring into the sky.

Think positive! Think Judo and a strappin' 'orse person such as yourself will crack it. Simon and Weesplat said so, so it must be true. :)

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Thanks all. I went up to the field today as I saw you all playing. Got everything ready and stood there like a lemon for ages as the wind dropped off immediately. Bet it increased seconds after I left! The science is correct and the wing/motor combination should have it in the bag. Pete, I do have a slight issue with the brakes.( just ask a very patient Simon) :lol: The husband did say he has noted an excessive, sudden use of the brakes when I drive too - perhaps that has something to do with too much forward propulsion?! I need to keep my arms straighter and not hestitate in the turn. This is where the tow up has been so useful on many levels. To understand how it all comes together, to get my confidence, increase the need to get up there for real and to see that you lot obviously don't work out in the gym!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Got time off on friday. Sky gods willing, there will be perfect conditions. I think I have seen all of you take off whilst I am still ground handling and its wearing a bit thin now...... :lol:

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Positive mental attitude

Run through every thing in your head first

All checks done

all straps done


now imagine your wing coming up

turn and apply power in one smooth motion a few steps

a little brake and your feet leave the ground

gain hight and sit in to the harness

Now do it for real no problem honest



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I was interested in the fact that someone ran out of fuel and had to land pretty soon afterwards at the weekend. Obviously you lot are far more technical than I, but I was wondering why there is no fuel gauge or way of showing how much you have in the tank. I assume you take into account how much fuel you have to how much flying time you have before you take off. Now I make no appologies, but being of the fairer sex :? ,I am prone to 'being away with the fairies' and as such it is highly likely that I will encounter this situation at some stage in my paramotoring career.( sorry Simon) :oops: . I can see that a float in the tank would not work as you can be bumping around up there. You can not have fuel lines where you can see them due to the lay out of the motor and the cage. Do I simply set my alarm or take to wearing a watch rather than relying on my 'phone? I am also assuming I am not the only person who has pondered on this point. Just something I thought I would throw out to you lot out of sheer curiosity.....

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Hi Pegasus,

I am assuming that someone else ran out of petrol, as mine stopped in mid flight due to an electronic prob, and still had about three lires of fuel left, but thats getting sorted out now. In answer to your question tho' is that most PPG pilots mark there tank off in segments and the main thing is to take a mirror with you either tied to you or fixed to the inner circumfrance of the cage.

and allow a little for headwind of course :D

Regards Mike

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  • 1 month later...
Why is it when I have my wing nicely settled above me, everything is just right and I turn round to start a forward run....I can't??

I am unable to take one single stride. Its like trying to pull an artic, then I get dragged back and the wing collapses. I watch all of you having no problem. Help please :(

When I have my motor on will it naturally alleviate the problem & do you lot pump iron in the gym all day? :lol:

from paddys at paddys paramotor training when its quite windy and the wing is nicely above you, you have to turn quickly and when everythink still feels right put power on straight away, it does not matter if you cant move forward as the wind is holding you there, you will just take off a little more upwards which is ok, remember lesser the wind more forward speed and power, stronger the wind lesser the forward speed and power.

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Thanks Paddy for your reply. I am being a wimp and staying on the ground until the warmth returns. I have now stollen a rather lovely Micro motor off another Lambourn Club member which is suited for me and am keen see the summer return to be able to play. Simon and his electric trousers now rule the sky here! (Talking of which if you read this Simon, you were right, that strobe was a military distress signal so I probably will not be using it after all!!)

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