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The flagpole sunday

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Already commited to Weston Beach with my mate that lives there so if anyone wants to join us then shout and we'll arrage a meeting point! Wind down there should be a smooth 3-4mph all day and miles of take off and landing space! :D

sounds great Malcs, I would love to join you but weston for me is a good 3 hour drive, as it is lambourn is 2 hours.

Let me know when you are doing it again and I will atempt the trip.


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Is it just me or was it one of those excellent days today, I think we had 13 motors at one point and most were in the air 8) and then queueing up to land :shock: perfect conditions and great company. Will have some pics in my blog asap..... also nice to meet you Dave, looked like you enjoyed it.

Am tempted to take tomorrow off work - another nice forecast.


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Wish I'd joined you lot now, had a poxy half hour in the morning from a field north of Weston whilst we waiting for tide to go out and then headed down the beach and parawaited for the wind to drop below 12mph but it never did, apparently just a few miles in land it was completely still, oh well, ya live and learn, at least I managed to get one in and do another bloody awful landing straight on to my arse!!

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Your not wrong Dan it really was a top day, got 2 great flights in myself, first one was my longest yet, around one and a half hours, went up to the white house and out over the wind turbines back around over ashdown house etc, apart from being a bit lumpy early on it was fantastic, met some great people from the site, the sun shone, everyone seemed to get airbourne ok and land safely, to be honest I was crapping my pants before my first flight as the wind was changing direction by the minute and much more experienced pilots than me we having a bit of a trying time, not only that but there were a few spectators, I thought, if I make a hash of this I am going to look a right tool, but both reverse launches went as good as as I could have wished and I was up and away, not only that but I nailed both my landings too, I think I have got over my initial problems of braking too early, my second flight was around 3.30 and things above had calmed a little,it was silky smooth, myself and collin flew out to the white horse and then returned at low level, observing the 5oo ft rule of course :wink: I tried out my GPS and even managed a few pics, al in all a great day, I only had one small problem when my carb kept leaking fuel out of the air filter so will have to take a look at that

Bring on a few more like that I say :D

Heres some pics

Just a general shot


a couple of ashdown house



A happy chap


later in the day


and just for Dan, the now obligatory "dirty boot" shot :D


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I too had a very lovely day on Sunday, I am a recent convert from Para - gli/waiting - to motoring - :D

in order to complete the sex change - transition, one only needs to see ones wing being overtaken at high speed by a reflexer :shock: ,(Dan) to see how the other half live.

At which point I just had to have macey2kk's wing thanks.

There is nothing quite like the feeling of pulling up the trimmers for the first time :wink:

my speed was 25mph on the way to the white horse and 40 on the way back yipee.

Charlie kindly took this lovely photo, if only I knew how to post it

PS weather brilliant all week


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Wow whats cool is seeing me on there (red Fusion wing), didnt think I actually had an audience other than Colin, let alone it being filmed

My launch actually looks pretty rubbish.

I am wearing a helmet cam and have the footage from the hot seat - bit boring though really

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