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What a stonking day!


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What a stonking day!!!!

Two first flights ( I am sure you will hear about at least one of those soon enough )

Two first dayers

A Fusion test flight ( I know you are going to hear about that one :lol: )

A decent flight myself.....

All in lovely dry sunshine :D:D:D:D:D

Same again tomorrow for me :D:D

This is why I do it.


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Well what can i say..!!!

The months of wondering what its like, the months of trudging up and down a field doing ground handling practice and in a space of a few seconds, i did it!!!!

What a day,

I met simon at the flagpole at around 9:30ish and it was blowing a gale! we chatted and had a cup of coffee and wondered if we would be able to do anything at all! We went and got his 12m wing and were met at the airfield by ian and co who were all as keen as me to crack on! Edmund turned up also a bit later looking for a first flight.

By 2pm the wind was almost nil so edmund got strapped up and away he went!! A big congrats to edmund for getting that one in the bag! By now i was pleading with simon to let me strap the parajet to my back and get the practice in but he said he had seen enough and that i was going flying!! My asshole was going ten to the dozen but a short forward burst and a yell of full power on the headset and after 10-15 steps i had realised a dream.!! I was flying! I pulled my knees up and got comfy in my seat taking in the views aswell as trying to comprehend what i was actually doing1 The sight was amazing and i headed over to the white horse. Simon was telling me to get over the inversion but i think i got into the middle of it as it was a beautiful hazy sunny evening, the flight was so smooth.

I then turned left and started heading back to the airfield.

Simon guided me in and i picked my spot and went for it, i killed the motor and the peaceful desent was superb, i pulled the brakes to shoulder height which slowed me down nicely then applied full brake for what felt like a perfect landing on both feet, i walked a few paces and turned to lower the wing..!

It felt like it was as perfect as it could of been and i want to thank simon for being great all day and also to all the others at the flagpole who i hope enjoyed it as much as i did!!! :D:D:D

Now, wheres that fosters!!

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You had the BEST first landing I have ever seen.

Lets hope you can keep doing them like that now :D


Wow thats put the pressure on me now!! Thanks simon, i put it down to the instructor!!!

Edwardc, it was all last minute as we couldnt guarantee the weather so i just thought stuff it im driving down! Thankfully the wind died down!!

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I did get to it in my rear wheel drive passion wagon today..

I will be there from 0900 and teaching from 0930.

I recon getting there before the sun gets on the track is how I managed it today. :lol:

I thought you had a 4x4? (let me guess, you dont want to get it dirty :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Damn you Frazer, with your stupid flying and perfect landing.

I have something on tomorrow but trying my hardest to get out of it!!!!

1 of the 3 amigos airborne...2 to follow....!

Well done mate, I had a huge smile listening to you on the phone, then lots of kicking the wall when we hung up :D


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Got a phone call from Frazer this afternoon shortly after he landed, to say he was excited is an understatement, I could herdly get a word in edgeways :D

Top job mate, i am so jealous, as soon as my mobile rang and I saw it was your number I just knew you had made it up, just gutted I could not make today, but I will definately be joining you soon, you know you got to go buy a mototr now, youve no excuse :D

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