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I have a bike in my garage so keeping things secure has been a big issue for a long time for me.

As well as having an alarm on the garage which is linked to the house (I don't set the alarm at night but the garage doors are on a chime so i'd hear them open)

The best investment is a wireless baby monitor.  I picked up an old analogue one from ebay for about £20 and its been running non stop for about 8 years now.  It's up in my bedroom so any noise and I hear it straight away.  It's not perfect for me now since moving as the garage is next to a busy road so I also get the noise from that but it soon fades into the background.


You're never going to stop people from trying to steal things, but if you can hear them trying to get into your garage you've got a chance to scare them off before they even get in.



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From previous experience of keeping motorbikes, if someone really wants to steal it there is nothing at all you're going to do to stop them.  

I'm fairly new to all this and don't have any gear yet but when I had bikes it was always a case of a good ground anchor, a good quality chain and then either piling stuff in front of the bike to make it awkward to get to and wrapping it in a tarp or plastic sheet using bungee cords to secure it (this makes a ton of noise when you try and take it off)  Thieves don't like making loads of noise and they don't want to do any work to get to what they're trying to steal, if you make access very awkward all but the most determined will give it up as a bad job.

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from knochee advice is good...  dont tell anyone how you make secure your paramotor... full stop ..the less anyone knows the better!!. a good anchor and really thick chain. so any bolt croppers wont snap the chain .   if i had my way ill wire the paramotor to the electricity. and if anyone touches it. trying to steal it.there get a very good shock.

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I'm yet to find any home  insurance policy that covers it, despite having been recommended insurers in the past from others who say they got their equipment covered by. When I tried they refused it. 

If anyone knows different please share the name of insurers. 

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That's odd, I am currently insured with LV and have asked them on several occasions to cover me exactly as you have mentioned but they will not as soon as I tell them what a Paramotor is. Some people have suggested that you do not go into any detail in this explanation so as to fool them into thinking its nothing to do with aviation. In the event of making a claim they are going to find out exactly what it is for with or without my help. 

Edited by paulg18
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My machine was insured as an all risks, itemised item on my house insurance. When I claimed they said it was an aircraft and therefore not insured. I told them they agreed it as an itemised risk and that in CAA parlance a PPG is not an aircraft. They paid up. They then insured it again! The next year I had a different machine so had to inform them of the change. They refused to insure it!

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I arranged my insurance online with axa and was able to fully itemise my paramotor, wing and gear as individual items insured for theft at home or away. When I called them to check that it was all definitely insured I was asked ‘what exactly is a paramotor?’. When I explained they decided that they would not insure it and had I made a claim it would not have been honoured, despite the fact that I was able to add it to my policy online. It’s in the small print apparently!

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