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Spanish flying Police

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MARBELLA will boast Spain’s first ‘flying police unit’ from next month. 

It comes after the AENA, the State Agency for Aviation Safety (AESA) and the ministry of development gave the Costa del Sol town the green light to launch its flying policeman in the area.

According to La Opinion de Malaga, the small unit will initially be made up of two policia local agents, who are both trained to fly with the motor on their back.

The motors allow the cops to fly for five hours, using around 3.2 litres of fuel per hour.

They can reach speeds of 45km/hr. 

“It is a tool that has been successfully used by police officers in other countries and is very suitable for a municipality like ours, with 27 kilometers of coastline, because it allows services from the air to a height between 150 and 300 meters”, said Security councillor Javier Porcuna.

The ‘drone cops’ will scan the skies for emergencies, for example locating people lost on the mountain or at sea.

They will also be able to monitor landfill sites and urban planning sites for any potential irregularities.

Costing just €6,000, it is a much cheaper option than two actual drones, which would have set the town hall back €60,000.


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I've recently been thinking about this topic: Let's assume for one moment that the rules governing PPG in Spain are the same as the UK (which I always thought they were), i.e. you are not allowed to use a PPG for hire or reward, and I know for a fact that the Police have not been given any special dispensation (like the Police helicopter has),...and assuming these officers are flying during operational shifts, which they are being paid for..., are they not flying a PPG for hire and reward?

The reason I say lets assume the rules are the same is because AndyB has done some research (he's very good at that ;) and he'scommunicated with the Spanish equivalent of the CAA to try to establish exactly what the rules are, and it would appear that the PPG is not referred to at all, in any of the current regs...therefore maybe  the PPG is not classed as an aircraft over here (nice, no 500ft rule :)

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I have had numerous discussions with the Spanish equivalent of the CAA. The main air law excludes all small flying machines. A separate Royal Decree covers the small stuff....but then in one sentence EXCLUDES "anything that takes such effort to launch from foot". So to date I found no law covering PPG. :)

I am told by locals that the police are not really sure of the rules either but always ask for your insurance, your pilots certificate (proof of training) and if you have the land owner's permission. The only time I had the police waiting for me to land, they just wanted to have a chat about PPG!


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Think I'll 'buzz the tower'' at Malaga and see what happens. Here in Spain that's called grabbing the bull by the horns. I figure the worst that can happen is they'll slap an 'infringement of airspace' fine on me, which apparently is 400€. At ;least that way I get to find out exactly how the aviation laws affect Paramotor pilots i.e.  from the summons. Cheaper than hiring a Spanish lawyer to do the research. (....ok, stop typing, I'm only joking...I would never hire a Spanish lawyer, they're all bloody crooks).

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I learned to fly in Spain at a school run by, now wait for it....A Spanish lawyer. A bit of a prat because he is constantly flying tandem over the centre of Cordoba. He has done this for years and there are so many complaints the city of Cordoba are trying to get it stopped. When I say flying over I am talking of about the direct centre of the city at as low as 300ft.

He too is a bloody crook....

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