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First time PPG wing


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Having recently done my PPG conversion I've bought an 'as new' Miniplane & I intend to do my first few flights on my Mentor 3. I'm an experienced free flight paraglider pilot. 

I know that I'm soon going to feel the need for extra speed flying the Mentor with no trimmers. 

I've read up a lot about popular first time ppg wings such as Roadster 2, Revo 3, Universal etc, but I'm also keen to know if anyone has any experience with the SOL Flexus & Niviuk Link. Both from well known manufacturers but I find there isn't half as much info out there about these two gliders, especially the Flexus. Is there anyone out there that has one or at least flown one that can share their honest opinion of either wing?


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Hi Morgy, thanks for your reply. My intentions for paramotoring at the moment would be to fly cross country. For now I will be looking at flying in benign conditions to gain some paramotoring experience. My choice of paramotor wing would be a reflex glider that offers good speed with trimmers off but has good solid stability with good launch/landing characteristics. 

At first I had the idea of paramotoring to gain height with some engine off thermalling, but I'm coming around to the idea that on thermic days I'm more likely to go free flying. Maybe over time I will prove myself wrong. 

So, going back to first time reflex wings, is there any that you would particularly recommend, including the two I've mentioned above?

Thanks again,


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Come and have a go on one of our Universal 1.1's :-) Super floaty very PG like with trimmers in, goes like a fking rocket with them out and super stable. 

I have seen a few comments around where people that fly both are suggesting that it IS a wing that is good at both jobs should the desire take you. :-) 

Many have claimed to be good for both jobs, I don't PG so can not tell you first hand I am afraid. 



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Having flown the original Universal all the way from Russia, I can't recommend the Universal 1.1 enough for what you need it to do.

The Universal gets overlooked because it's considered a beginner wing, it's also probably the best allrounder out there, IMHO. Stay in the top of the weight range to keep it fun.

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Agreed, they are all great wings, the Spyder launches the easiest of the lot as its made from light weight materials, but the Universal is the fastest on trimmers alone (which is what the op asked for). Personally I would stick to wings from the well known manufacturers, it's a false economy to buy cheap from a less popular manufacturer as they are difficult to sell if you want to upgrade afterwards. 

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Many thanks for all you replies. The Universal 1.1 does sound like a favourite. The lead times for delivery are good too. Ozone were estimating 68 days! That's the autumn!

I'm still interested in the AD RAMA Flex. From reading up on it, it does seem to tick all the boxes & is apparently one of the easiest wings to launch in nil to light winds. It also has a really neat, clutter free riser set. Usually most models & sizes in stock too so delivery should be quick.  Air Design are a well established brand in the free flight paragliding community & seem to produce some class leading stuff. I would just like to hear from someone that owns one or at least flown one. 


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Thanks Bluebanshee,

It's good to know it's easy to launch. If you can keep me informed on how it goes when you start using the motor would be great. 

I believe Kangook sell the RAMA Flex in their own design scheme. Kangook are a respectable paramotor company & I'm sure they wouldn't put their name to a glider they didn't believe in.

Thanks for the info. 


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just thought i would also ask and make an observation about the Niviuk Link mentioned by O.P. 

I notice that is has a very small trimmer range 10cm...this makes me think it isnt reflex?



if that is the case, dont bother with it...it is a school wing, go with something like the Dudek Universal instead.

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Hi adamjedgar,

I had looked into it & no, the Niviuk Link isn't a reflex profile. 

Kind of narrowed it down to the Rama Flex & Universal 1.1. Both reflex profiles although the Rama Flex has a shorter trim range but still has a good turn of speed apparently. The Universal's trim range is huge! Over 20cm I believe.

I'm planning to demo fly both wings to make up my mind. 

Thanks for your input. 


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HI Justin, I've flown, trained students on the Spyder, Roadster 1and 2, Revo 3 and many other wings including non reflex wings.  I do agree from the above the Spyder is the easiest for launching and flying but all above are fun and suitable for someone coming from free flying and skill needed to fly the Mentor. Do think about an intermediate as I think you'll be bored on a beginner wing.  What ever, have fun


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Thanks guys,

I had originally brought up this conversation regarding flying an intermediate after flying a Mentor 3. 

It all seems quite different in the paramotoring world what is deemed a beginner or an intermediate wing. 

For example, Ozone seem to produce a few non-reflex wings such as Spark, Mojo Pwr & Kona & then full reflex wings such as Roadster 2, Speeder 2 & so on. 

For comparison, would the Kona be deemed more advanced than the Roadster 2 as regard to handling & safety, although non-reflex yet both are classed as beginner/intermediate, but the Kona has two classed gliders below it? It all seems a  bit of a grey area as I'm a beginner regarding paramotoring but I'm experienced at paragliding. Basically, are they classing beginners wings for people who have never flown paragliders before?

Sorry if I'm not making much sense!


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Hi Justin, you are understandably apprehensive about your choice of first ppg wing.  I have not used the Kona but have used both Alpha, Mojo and Buzz5 Power.  These are all great to fly as a beginner and most paraglider wings are also suitable for motoring.  The main difference is the trimmers. I recommend going for a reflex due to the security and stability offered by reflex technology.  If you want to complete xc flying the reflex allows you to have speed in a relatively safe way.  Best thing is meet some ppg pilots and chat, try some wings before you buy. Paramotoring is really not difficult for people coming from a paragliding background but there are new skills to learn.  Have fun



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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have an opinion on the durability of the Ozone Spyder? I've been reading up on this wing over the last few days & really like the idea of easy launching. It also seems a good compromise between a beginners reflex wing & an intermediate wing. Comparing it to the Roadster 2 it offers slightly better handling due to the lighter fabric. My only concern is the durability of the fabric. 

I guess comparing it to paragliding where you could be launching from rocky hillsides with long bracken etc, paramotor sites are predominantly going to be grassy field launches which are kinder to wings. 

Anyone flown both Roadster 2 & Spyder that can give a comparison?


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I don't trust any reflex wing which has a manual that tells you not to trust the reflex profile and to actively fly it if the conditions get slightly iffy. Or any wing manufacturer which moves the A lines back too far from the leading edge (IMHO). Or that uses shark nose. But that's just me. 

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1 hour ago, Steve said:

I don't trust any reflex wing which has a manual that tells you not to trust the reflex profile and to actively fly it if the conditions get slightly iffy. Or any wing manufacturer which moves the A lines back too far from the leading edge (IMHO). Or that uses shark nose. But that's just me. 

That rules many out then! :)


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