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Everything posted by Fly_mow

  1. [youtubevideo] [/youtubevideo]Found this on the net and just after your opinions.
  2. I started off on flex wings. Felt safer on my first flight on a ppg than I did first solo flight in a flex wing after 20 hours tuition. Loved flying them but there is so much more involved in flying and for me that spoilt it a bit, Flex wings give you good feed back and after I while you fly them by feel, pritty impressive when they are chucked about, I only experienced that as a passenger tho. I've been in choppers, gliders and an airobatic plane (when I was in the air cadets) but being in 100% control of a paramotor and doing whatever you want and how ya want to do it is the best, Always good to try new ways of flying, I want my next one to be with mr Branson!
  3. I put a 6ft x 4ft picture of the mother in law on my garage door. Had jet skis motor bikes and now paramotors in my garage and they have never been touched.
  4. Hey Scott. Where ya from. Post your location and people will be able to point ya in the right direction. Loads of people willing to help ya on here. And more so if you are local to them and want to go have a look.
  5. Hi Gary. I started learning about 6 months ago. I met up with a few blokes as above( Southend). I live in east tilbury and work in Basildon. More than happy to share anything I have learnt from these peeps with ya. All be it new info to my self but still may be of help to ya. Also if ya want to have a look at the kit I'm local to ya if ya want to, the offer is there. Pm me your number if ya interested. Think you will be impressed with the sport! Stu
  6. Is it just me or did anyone else think about putting a wing on one of those blower trike thingy's. Just seems like such a waste.
  7. As will all DIY maintenance, you need a hammer (bigger the better), gaffa tape, zip ties, and some wd40. Every thing can be serviced like this
  8. Ye you would think. Guess who else pops up on YouTube when ya see the recommended vids after this one????
  9. [youtubevideo] [/youtubevideo]Or human beings. But it is pretty cool. Plus I wanted to try putting a vid in a post
  10. I'm not and after me nil wind attempt last night I think we will go for 300m lol. Just to be safe
  11. I've started back on my rampage of hunting down local land owners and keep being confronted by the same question. "how big do you need it". My answer is normally very vague as I don't want to give them an easy way out and the option to say "sorry I haven't got anything that big!!" But in reality how big is big enough?? I know it's not the size, it's what ya do with it. And I have taken in to consideration the surrounding of the field (trees, pylons, major airports and pubs ) Next time I am confronted with the question it would be nice to be able to say .................. Thanks peeps. Stu
  12. Can't see that vid. And while on the subject, how do you put YouTube vids in a post???? Im using an iPad but have got lap top as well
  13. Ah but would it work for 2 broken legs???? Mine are fine I just wondered Flight sounds awesome tho!!!!
  14. Like the sound and look of the power take off. Wind is looking exactly the same at present so might get another chance to practice later. If not I hope for a slight breeze so I can defiantly get my rear end off the deck. To the other extreme I have been VERY selective of when I fly and have only flown in wind below about 4 miles an hour. In your opinion what is the max wind speed I should be attempting with 5 seccessful flights under my belt? Thanks peeps. Stu
  15. All good points. I was on neutral trim as i noticed the wing was a lot harder to ground handle with trimmers right in. Kinda decided neutral was a good place to launch on because of this, but totally agree with what ya said. Will def try that next time. And I had a wind sock and done the old "through he grass in the air" trick but nothing at all, maybe a better result with smoke. Another thing I will have to try. But on the plus side I got a nice bit of exercise this evening!!
  16. That sounds like a Pukka idea. It's only my 5th flight so no doubt with more experience it might have been doable. Think I was just shocked by how much of an effect a small breeze can have. It's gonna have to be some place to have indoor launches!
  17. Thought I would seize the calm eve and go for a fly. Set up as normal at edge of the field where I launched in 2 or 3 mph wind 2 weeks ago. All set up. Ran forward, wing came up nicely, full throttle, legs going flat out, plenty of break, but absolutely sweet F A by the time I reached the far side of the field. Safe to say I underestimated how important that slight breeze is for launching. 3 attempts and I called it a day. Has any one got any handy tips for launching in nil wind other than run faster fatty!!! Ps I'm 85kg on a revo2 23 and a pap Ross with 6L of motion potion. I know I'm slightly heavy on the wing but with a slight breeze I launch fine. Thanks peeps. Stu
  18. Happy birthday mate. That explains the new sporty wing happ flying.
  19. Same as in it flys but different coz it's faster, more agile, and more responsive?
  20. Glad ya enjoyed it mate. Look forward to seeing you fly with it. Can't wait till I am at a stage where a can trade my revo 2 in for something a bit sportier. Even tho it's the best wing in the world at the min! Is it much harder to fly than the revo? How many hours did ya have on the revo when you made the jump?
  21. Well said. And I have a lot of respect for a person who is a paramotor instructor, being so level headed. And as for aquanaut, please do what ever you feel comfortable with and apologies for your post being side tracked!! Sure you will love the flying and it will def fill the hole of scuba and then some!!!
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