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First solo

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I had my first solo flight 20 Jan. Still have the grin on my face.

What a rush...thrill...buzz.

I've been chatting to friends about it and seeing them visualise the event

in there own minds and grinning.

The point I'm trying to make is that after a couple of days I realised that

something happened during that first flight.

"Total event involvement"

For the ten minutes of flight all work, stress, aches and pains were gone because

the act of flight under that wing was all involving.

We carry all this mental baggage around without even realising it but after that flight I

was "cleansed"

I used to experience this with diving underwater and post dive you just feel good.

This paramotoring has bought that sense back and I can't wait for that next buzz.

Bring on the summer



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Fantastic, it's just great isn't it. Someone said to me tonight, when I was telling him about flying " Yes, but what is going to keep you interested in it , when you've master it?"

I then showed him one of my videos of a flight over a frosty Wiltshire. And he was just gob smacked, even a pretty average video was enough to convince.

Then, of course, we've still got to master it anyway!

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Well said Richard, and also congrats on your first flight.

Many times I have tried to describe to friends what it is like to fly, but they just can't appreciate what I am saying. It's one of those things that you have to try for yourself to really understand what it's all about.



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Well done!

Glad you were able to get off the ground without braking a prop!!!!!

Awesome feeling isn't it.Can you remember it ?I had such a flood of emotions and adrenalin that I was unable to really remember much of what happened on my first flight.

Congratulations and see you at the airfield soon.

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Hi rich it's lee I watched your first flight amazing well done, and then it was my turn four failed attempts remember how muddy and wet I was after my face plant haha and then I was up only a short first flight as couldn't get in the seat but in those short few minutes what an amazing feeling the adrenalin the shock relief so many sensations but I did make sure I had a really good look round while I was up there apparently the look on my face when I landed was a picture the grin facture still hasn't stopped I just keep finding myself laughing and say yes I did it. It is a drug and can't wait until next time.you took a phone video and pic if you've lost my email let me no hope to see you again soon lee :D

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Fantastic, it's just great isn't it. Someone said to me tonight, when I was telling him about flying " Yes, but what is going to keep you interested in it , when you've master it?"

I was always taught about flying, if you think you've learnt all there is to learn, it's time to give up flying because that's when it'll turn round and bite you in the arse!

Congrats on your first flight Rich, can't wait to start flying!

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