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Really good intermediate wing - which one to choose?

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I'm looking for a really good intermediate wing. Choices are:

Paramania Fusion or GTX

Dudek Synthesis or Nucleon

Ozone Speedster

Awesome wings, very easy to launch, loads of fun and plenty of speed to keep up with friends.

Anyone tried any of the above combinations can advise?


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I like and fly a Paramania wing. My last wing was the Fusion and my current wing is a GTR i have also tested the GTX. I loved the fusion it's a perfect intermediate wing and can learn a lot from it, but they have stopped making it. The GTX feels even better then the Fusion (more stable, faster,turns better). The fusion is based on older technology (Revo 1).

If it was my decision and I was after a second hand wing then it would be the Fusion, if I was after a new wing then it would be the GTX. Hope this helps.

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Very helpful advice guys.

I33sno on Paramania:

Best secondhand wing - Fusion

Best new wing - GTX

bholleran on Nucleon versus Speedster:

Speedster - excellent launch & ground-handling, speed, stability, wing-tip steering, glide ratio; needs more active steering in rough conditions

Nucleon - as the Speedster but slightly faster, more stable


Just loves the Fusion - consistent with what I hear from everyone I know who has a Fusion


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depends what you want it for

synth: forget its really a beginners wing.

Fusion: good wing but not too stable in the rough stuff.

GTX: good wing but like the GTR they are really built to go round corners, fast, wich means they suffer the unexpected oscillations wich occur on the GTR also.

Nucleon: best all round intermediate wing out there, does everything the others do but excels in all other areas too, most stable of the bunch, best XC wing of the above too, great glide rate and as stable as a wing can get.

if you have not guessed already I fly a Nuc, I am on my second, only wing I would buy right now is the WRC version of the Nuc.

but don't take my word for it, ask Michel carnet, he won multiple world championships on one.

go out and fly the above wings and see wich you feel most comfortable on. :D

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Good point Outkast.

I was a Marshall at the British Open and was very impressed with the performace of the Nucleon across all the tasks (speed, handling, economy, etc.). Importantly we saw this not just in the hands of the seasoned pros like Michel Carnet, but also in the hands of some normal, have a go, pilots.

Andrew McMahon did a fantastic job demonstrating how good the Speedster was by beating a lot of seasoned pros and coming third overall.

Interestingly, the Paramania GTX beat the GTRs, although this could possibly be explained by the fact that the GTX pilot was Dean Eldridge.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dom

If you would like a demo you can come and demo, Speedster, Slalom, GTR, GTX with us give us a call .

You Need to ask yourself what flying you want to do.. GTR and Slalom are excellent wings BUT on an XC in windy or thermic air they do my head in.. as they just want to turn all the time.. but around Pylons tree's following river ditches and having a good throw around you can't beat them. Even for really windy free flying there great.

GTX Speedster and nuc are good on XC... The GTX IMO is less of an XC wing and tweaked more for wanging around general flying... The speedster for me is a GREAT all rounder free flying thermaling XC and general wanging.

NUC rock solid xc wing.

Don't let comp results sway you to be X or Y wing...

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Thanks for the offer of a test flight Morgy. I appreciate it.

And thanks for the great advice.

To answer your question, I'm not really interested in going long distances, I'm more interested in having fun - turning, flying low and generally wanging around. If I was at a high enough level the ideal wing would be the GTR, but since I'm a few years away from being able to make full use of the GTR, I'm pretty looking for a wing that does as much of it all as possible - i.e. is fun, turns well, is stable in flight, will keep up with friends. The Fusion sounds ideal, but I understand that Paramania have stopped making them and I suspect that the GTX is more a different animal than a genuine replacement. High on my list of great wings are Speedster, Nucleon and GTX, although they're often pitched as XC wings. Perhaps the Speedster is the great all rounder. What do people think?


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Thanks for the offer of a test flight Morgy. I appreciate it.

And thanks for the great advice.

To answer your question, I'm not really interested in going long distances, I'm more interested in having fun - turning, flying low and generally wanging around. If I was at a high enough level the ideal wing would be the GTR, but since I'm a few years away from being able to make full use of the GTR, I'm pretty looking for a wing that does as much of it all as possible - i.e. is fun, turns well, is stable in flight, will keep up with friends. The Fusion sounds ideal, but I understand that Paramania have stopped making them and I suspect that the GTX is more a different animal than a genuine replacement. High on my list of great wings are Speedster, Nucleon and GTX, although they're often pitched as XC wings. Perhaps the Speedster is the great all rounder. What do people think?


Michel carnet won multipul world championships on a Nucleon.

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Is that because he was given one of those instead of something else though?


No Simon, he is just a fecking awesome pilot who knows how to get the best out of the kit he is flying, wich when you consider he is still winning on a Nuc, you realise just how good this older reflex design really is.

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That's very true mate.

I am in no rush at all to upgrade the Fusion ( which I still don't fly to anywhere even close to it's capabilities !!)

There are lots of people out there flying the GTX / GTR who will never use it for the purpose in which it was intended, or fly it to anywhere close to its capabilities, and at the cost of loosing a shed load of stability during longer XC flights.

Give me a nice mellow stress free wing any day of the week!! If I wanted to fly fast and twitchy I would not have chosen to fly a paramotor!!


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Dave is correct the Nucleaon is a Great wing... Even tho Michel Is On the, WRC NUC. It is a great wing and should not be dismissed.

Also you will need to make sure you have enough power. No point in buying a motor to find out you don't have enough power in a 6 months/year when you upgrade wings.

I have a Moster zenith with GTR20m, I used this at the Uk Open this year and got two 1st, two 2nd's, and a 3rd Place in the Slalom's. The GTR is a really good wing but i have have now changed it for a 19m Slalom for more speed.

IMO these wings really should not even be on your list for at least 50-100 hours. NOT 50 hours over 2-3year's :wink: I know people with low hours who have bought a GTR. I don't agree with this at all.

Speedster, GTX and WRC

Fusion IS OLD Tec now... You can not use brakes when in full trim... You Need to be able to use brakes to fly low level properly. Fusion is a great wing i had one for my first wing.



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and just to prove how good the Nuc is for cruising, I had an hours flight this evening, flew with a friend who has a reaction 29, I have a Nuc 29, he was on full fast trim and had trouble keeping with me when I stayed on take off trim, 2 out on the trimmers, we fly at about the same weight, I used 2.5 litres of fuel through a polini 110 :D

Loving it! :dive:

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There was a mix up when I bought my Nuc (they sent me a 29m, I wanted a 26m. Im 80k and fly in shorts)

I was not to stressed (easy to sell here in Brazil). I had no issue flying the wing under weight (great glide) when things got a little thermic the wing tips came in out no issue and fast.

Anyways I sold the Nuc to the teacher here. He really loves the wing.

He did a Tandem on the wing last weekend he likes it that much lol. We had about 5-6kns on shore that day the glider came up they took a few steps and off they went lol.

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