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Hi all Nigel at UKPPG has started a petiton about a proposed windfarm on his flying site, this will seriously affect his site, its a super place to fly around and its criminal that we will lose yet another flying site.

So please help follow the link and sign the petition we need as many as we can get.




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Hi all Nigel at UKPPG has started a petiton about a proposed windfarm on his flying site, this will seriously affect his site, its a super place to fly around and its criminal that we will lose yet another flying site.

So please help follow the link and sign the petition we need as many as we can get.




aint being funny mate but in the face of the money to be made through windfarms and the fact due to a europeon directive we have signed up to meaning we have to double the amount of turbines in this country, the chances of a petition stopping it are minimal, the powers that be dont give a fuck for us taxpayers. :twisted:

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OK so here we go......

I actually like wind farms and the idea of wind energy :shock:

Its' just a fker when then end up on your airfield / race track / any other large enough lump of land being otherwise used.


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As with so many things that are fundamentally good ideas, wind power has been drowned in politics and nimbyism (the 'not in my back yard' brigade).

I wonder if there was the same degree of ill feeling when the country's largest windmill was built in Old Buckenham in 1818?


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