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Another one breaks the law and is caught on camera.


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What pisses me off is seeing what a nation of wingers and complainers we've become. Mostly due to our vile press who's primary mission seems to be to keep the population scared and angry. When I flew microlights in Spain in the 90's, the lovely folks in my village wanted me to fly lower so that their kids could see me waving back at them.

It's still like that in Spain. The kids and parents love you to fly low so the kids can wave.

Don't worry - some decent parts of the UK are still like that too. At our local field the landowner and children all come out to watch, as do people from the nearby pub. They insist on at least 10 minutes of low level action before we fly off or they feel cheated. Of course all abiding by the arbitrary imperial measurement rule .... :roll:

Of course every video like this brings out the usual cries of "coulda, woulda, shoulda" from anyone with a high horse or axe to grind .... I mean he could have caused damage to that derelict, soon to be demolished building. None of "us" would ever dream of breaking a rule (such as a speed limit)... The Jeremy Kyle generation pre-programmed to chant "but think about the children" at anything out of the ordinary.

This just seems another non-story, the latest video to produce the usual hysterical witch hunt with screams of 'banning the sport', 'impending regulation' and 'reckless endangerment'. Well deliberately causing danger to the public should always be penalised - but I didn't see any of that here. "Distracting motorists" is a pathetic excuse - they have their own duty to observe traffic laws and concentrate on the road. If a motorist sees a girl walking by in a bikini should she be sent to jail ?? As for the waste of emergency services resources, the member of the public should face action for making an improper 999 call.

It seems it is also still cool to vilify old Francis for making what I thought to be a reasonable comment ... albeit with his usual caveat that there should be some accountability for anyone who claims to be a "qualified instructor" for the purpose of financial gain in what is accepted to be a high risk pursuit. Well we expect this from every other profession, from builder, teacher, doctor to lawyer - so why the outcry over "professional paramotor instructor" ?

I'm not supporting the guy in the video (didn't even think it was anything too special) but the reaction seems a bit OTT as usual, and is one reason I only post video's privately among a few people these days. Shame really as it is sometimes good to see what other people get up to when the weather is naff like this week. :P

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Thanks Morgy - and well spotted ! I spent 10 years working with those "where there's blame" scoundrels .... which may have shaped my opinions that people should take more resposnibility for their own actions and not focus so much on others .... :lol:

Matt - ah, thanks - I didn't think anyone had missed me, and thought I may have upset Simon as I can't post any more from my own computer - only mobile ?!? Apart from the Alps & Turkey, I'm off to Thailand next week for some paramotor flying (amongst other things :oops: ) with some chilled out local pilots. Almost anything goes over there, so I might be able to put a video up without issue. 8)

Temperature in low 30's out there so should be great flying in t-shirt & shorts, no instruments, maps or reserve - will have to stay low enough to read the road signs on a borrowed motor but my own wing .... then hopefully some snow flying when I get back after Xmas (if paramotoring hasn't been banned or regulated over here by then) :mrgreen:


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