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Guildford to Membury


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I would love to dude but my motor is still not ready i hope by thursday next week i will back in the air....

Good luck dude


I am about so if all goes wrong i could recover (for small alcoholic+diesel fee) :D


I think you still owe me some fuel from our XC.... :roll::wink:

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Hey Dean,

Weather is looking good for tomorrow. There are now two of us planning on making the journey; leaving Barry's at 8-9am. It will be cold, but other than that, a beautiful day!!

Give me a call on 07968345554 if you want to join us.

All the best,


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I will make sure everyone is aware before we takeoff.

Fog may delay our launch, but i will text you when we are leaving. There may be four of us now, but we won't muck about over the airfield when we get to you. We will come straight into land after making sure all is clear.

Chances are we will be freezing and eager to land anyway. :D

Should be a good laugh! :dive:

All the best.


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I used today to test my resilience to the cold and failed miserably. I'm having trouble staying up for more than 40 mins at a time in the cold so for the second time in as many weeks I'm going to chicken out of this flight. First light-wind 10 degree day this year I'll be taking it on.

Conditions were beautiful in Oxfordshire today and I'm sure they're going to be even better tomorrow. Had one of the best day's flying of the year so far and sure I'll be kicking myself tomorrow for not trying to milk more out of this beautiful window.

Best of luck.



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What a great day!!

A long VERY COLD cross country flight...

Then...Seeing lots of familiar faces and then another very cold cross country flight back home including a close encounter with a chinook and a spiral down to the deck in smooooooth air.


Awesome fun! Great to see you guys over in Membury. We'll definitely be doing that again......when it's warmer!


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Great to see you guys!

Well done to all for having the salt to get it done! It was a chilly day and required a certain determination so well done to all.

Kudos points to all. :-)

Also very well done to Andy and Claire ( a his an her ) for both having there first flights today! :-)


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A great day indeed!!!......I even got my first flight on "The Big Synth" .........

All I have to do now is make sure all the straps are adjusted properly, so I can get into the harness :oops: I'm definetely getting there....

A big thanks to Scottish Colin for all his help.....A big thanks to RAF Colin for his advice on balancing props, and a big thanks to Simon for.............installation of necessary cable ties on my paramotor!!!!

Neil.. :D

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I flew from the farm yesterday and had a really nice smooth flight, with just a hint of thermal activity. There were buzzards and seagulls circling at about 1,000 ft all over the place, but not enough lift to keep me up without power. I need a bigger wing. Hit the coast at Butlins holiday camp and went as far as Pagham Harbour, then turned around and flew low over the water to Littlehampton, then followed the river home. A bit chilled after 1 3/4 hrs but happy.




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If you guys are planning anouther flight like this.

And like HAZE did, had an encounter with a Chinook Please let me know and i will inform Station Ops here at odiham of where you guys are likely to be taking off from and where your going to .

Then at least they are aware of your precence and can look out for you .

Even better if you can give me a rough idea of your track and turn points If you have any .

All in the name of Flight safety .

Thanks jim

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Hey SpeedMouse,

That'd be great to be able to let you know.

Sometimes if we are out in the field and it's a slightly more spontaneous decision (as that particular route back was) it would be good to be able to phone.

Is there a good number to let the guys there know?

As for the Chinook...

It wasn't a real danger. It was close...but not dangerous close.


All the best,


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NATS UK AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION CIRCULAR, low flying notifications. There's an 0800 number & an email address. Can't cut & paste on this means but a v. Simple Google search should find it. All mil flying have a pre-flight brief about known low level flying.


SAR also get similar updates, so the coast flying guys might also want to consider this!

Hope this is handy.


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Hey tj,

It's no worries, and Jim has given me a number that we can ring to let these guys know directly if we do this route again.

To be honest, it was a spur of the moment decision to fly that way during the flight and in retrospect, yes it would have been better to plan that more and have notified them, but we made the decision in the field just minutes before leaving.

Interestingly, the chinook actually came close to have a look...so he definitely saw us, and like I said, it wasn't dangerously close, just close enough to unnerve a bit - more due to the risk of wake from something that size.


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Nice one if you have a local contact. The stuff above gives you national coverage. There's a handy checklist at the back of safety sense leaflet 18 if you google that. It's not just the chinnys from Odiham, you've got pumas & merlin from Benson, lynx & those other army ones (can't remember what they are if they're even still in use!) From the air corps in the plain. Then don't forget the griffin & squirrels from Shropshire and the hercy birds...! using these numbers will keep them all know.

At the same time if you just fancy a spontaneous blat then you'll probably miss their briefs anyway and a good lookout is the thing that will save you! That's the beauty of the sport! Hurry up flying opportunity! ;-)


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