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Air Conception Ultra 130


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Well this is light!

"Total weight 20 kg with optional titanium exhaust (ready to fly harness included) "

Thats if taken with the Titanium exhaust.

And only 1kg more with normal exhaust

And includes electric start.

High Hang points...Not so keen on that.

I noticed they have cloth wrap around the exhaust like fress breeze.

Could be very quiet? 64kg static thrust.

25hp at 9700 rpm, wow a high rever then from a 130cc!

Electric start and centrifugal clutch!

Sure is interesting.

One thing that is weird, is the first picture top left on the Ultra 130 page. The prop looks bigger than the cage??? Must be an optical delusion!

Mike :D

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  • 4 months later...

This paramotor still looks like it hits the weight/thrust sweet spot ..

Makes the 30Kg backnankelsnappers look a tad portly :-)

here is what they emailed me:

Thanks for your interrest in our paramotor.

It's right that we worked hard to design and produce this paramotor.

did you saw this small video ?

You can see exact weight of our ULTRA 130 paramotor with titanium exhaust on this video.

The frames we produce are very strong too. The circle is made with 16 mm titanium and connected with 3K carbon pipes.

Price for Titanium ULTRA 130 or MOSTER 185 is 4800 euros, with carbon propeller and two batteries for ULTRA 130.

Extra cost for titanium exhaust is 400 euros.

We can ship to UK for almost 100 euros including insurance and express timing.

We tested our ULTRA 130 engine during 3 years, to offer high reliability. We just started to sell it from middle 2010 year cause we are now 100% statisfied with it. Full paramotor (frame + engine is 100% full warrantee by ourself).

Our main market is USA and France.

and in reply to further q's: ...


Hello Mark,

We are sorry, we still didn't found time to write english manual for our products.

About our paramotor, no special maintenance is needed, just need to reload inside of the silencer after 100 hours...

Grease is inside the reduction gear, no need to change oil.

Maintenance is very easy, you can of course do it yourself, but if a problem appear, we can do it too, it is very easy to remove the engine from the frame, and you can send the engine to us.

Express shipping including insurance cost 170 euros to UK.

It is very cheap to send spareparts to UK. For exemple, shipping for one propeller cost 25 euros including insurance an tracking number.

All engine and frame is warrantee, and free of charge first year of use.

64 Kg of thrust is obtain with 130 cm propeller. We usually have between 60 and 62 Kg of REAL Thrust with our usual 125 cm propeller.

Eric Dufour is our official agent in USA, he can say you about the power of this engine. You can contact him here :


Here is review of american testing of our paramotor.

http://www.footflyer.com/Equipment/Para ... tra130.htm

Best regards,

This is all very tempting .. even the price is OK .. I only wish they had more UK presence - I'm not sure I want to be a guinea-pig.

Anyone else tempted ?



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  • 11 months later...

HI, I bought a Moster from these guys, 22.4kg with 70kg thrust These paramotors are really nicely made, they are more or less a tweaked version of a miniplane. I would definitely recommend one. I have bought spares and had lots of helpful advice from these guys no problems at all and postage is pretty quick, normally around a week from France. Don't let it put you off because they are in France. Regards Gary

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Not cheap! but looks like a nice unit.

One of the most powerful and light weight units on the market.

Titanium cage and frame, with Ultra Ventor 130 engine

Electric Start Quiet Comes with low or high attachment points

Option of a titanium muffler

130 lbs of thrust

46 lbs / Ready to fly

Comes with a 2 parts 125 cm composite propeller

Optional 130 cm composite propeller for more thrust

Price: $6,990.00


If you need the 130cm that puts the unit into 7,300 + tax 8k

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I am always wary of people who register and leave 1 post to big up a product to say its all good. Im not saying it isnt but just my opinion :wink:

Nice looking motor but I think they need a slightly larger frame. One slip and it could end up very costly. Not a chance I would start it on the ground either lol

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Hey hey hey its fiberglass and Aluminum!!!! :roll:

Yea I wonder what the safety aspect really is. It has the normal netting like most all motors. Aluminum cross bars only the round outer ring in fiber glass. So is there really any more or less protection? I'm of the option its not much different.

But when I watch people helping others into their motor and I grab the mini by the shoulder strap and throw it over the other shoulder I grin everytime

One thing I will say I will never buy another motor without low hang point weight shift. Man its a really dream. I don't know how the guys fly high hang point solid.

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Some one asked me how I got the large 130 prop on the miniplane

Looking at this picture its exactly what mine looks like with the 130 prop its almost equal to the cage.

Its always a fight weight vs .........

I've never had an issue with forward or reverse. Maybe not the best setup for a beginner. But if you want a light motor with good thrust this would be the ticket.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I realize the question was asked over a year ago but I have had mine for a few months now and really like it so far. I'm in my 50s and only weigh 75kg so I really appreciate the light weight. Even the throttle is carbon fiber and very comfortable but has no cruise feature.

Frame is titanium and simple but solid. The cage is carbon fiber rods with a titanium rim that assembles very much like the Miniplane. It's strong enough to use considerable power during inflation. I use just enough thrust to help me keep moving forward.

Basically, it is the Miniplane design only made of stronger materials throughout. Whether the extra cost to do that is worth it only you can decide. The Ventor engine seems to have plenty of power. Haven't had it long enough to say much about reliability yet. Electric start and a clutch are a winner to me.

I have the 125cm prop and it is well inside the cage diameter but has no protection for the propeller if you "turtle".

The harness is minimal but functional and reasonably comfortable. Haven't quite been able to eliminate the torque twist at full throttle yet but it's manageable.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure how you got that it's a tandem from the name but no it isn't.

Since I last posted on this in May I've added about 60 more flights and am very happy with my Ultra 130. The very light weight allows me to take my time on preflight since it isn't tiring to wear. Of course one should always do preflight carefully but it is easier to actually do if you aren't feeling the strain on your back.

No reliability problems with over 40 hours airtime so far. It folds up enough that the entire paramotor with wing fits easily in the trunk (boot) of my sedan.

I did get it trimmed out so that it flies perfectly straight at cruise throttle and has a small amount of torque at full throttle which is easily compensated with a little weight shift.

I get about 3.5 ltrs/hr cruising trimmers out on a 23m Revo2 with an all up weight of around 120kg.

My only real complaint is that the Air Concepcion paramotor manual is in French and the Ventor engine manual is in Polish while I don't read either. Oh well, I figured it out eventually.

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I am currently flying the AirConception Titanium with Moster and a 130cm carbon prop.

Here's a video, not much to see but one thing that makes me chuckle each time is where I grab the wing in my left hand and my paramotor including reserve chute with my right hand and walk over the stones.

Low weight shift has been improved and replaced by swan necks. These are off set and work the best of all systems. Swans or S arms are my favourite hang point.


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  • 8 months later...

me holding up my Air Conception Ultimate with 1 hand :)


19.74kg on the scales complete, I have now fitted a 130cm e-prop and dropped the weight by a few hundred grams, while improving noise, economy & power. The ultimate is 130cc pull start with 60-65kg of thrust.

85kg pilot should expect 3.5lph on normal or slow trimmed wings and 4.5lph on reflex.



If your on a budget or just hate titanium, no idea why but if you do there is now a cheaper alloy version. or the electric start with clutch version, or as mentioned earlier the Moster with 75kg's yet still at only 22.8kg

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Confused to begin with because its a completely different photo on the App on my ipad (a wing at distance in front of a White House).

On Safari I can see the holding up shot. Weird!

I do like the idea of the lightness, even with the Moster I would need, but I cannot convince myself, that as a beginner it will cope with the knocks it going to get.

And yes, I've seen the crashing video, but you haven't seen my landings!

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Pat, I'm not sure any motor handles the knocks well. These guys crash quite a bit and I've seen every type here have the cage replaced. If your landings are a bit lose (like a Mexican hooker during tourist season). As long as the unit you buy has easy cage and prop replacement I would not worry (most do these days)

Go on foot flyer this unit is highly rated I wish I would have known about this before I bought the miniplane. But I can not complain about the mini. It has a figerglass cage that I think would be the worst for taking knocks. I actually have another replacement sitting at home that Ive never needed but being a long way from a dealer its nice to have.

But one thing I will tell you if you come in hard or bad its nice having a light motor. It's a ton easier on the legs.

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I have tried on two paramotors over the last few months (not flown) Zenith top 80 and an Air conception ultra 130 and I have to say when I stood up with the 130 I thought I'd left it on the floor! I'm used to a macro and honestly think I could run to the flying field with one of them on :-D

The Zenith was light too and better looking IMO but only a top80 so not powerful enough for me...

If only I had 5500 to play with :-(

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Yes weirdly that image does the same with me, not the pic I was expecting to see when looking from the iPhone app.

Besides our original custom-air machine this is one of the toughest light motors going. Being light it has less inertia and force when there is an impact. That all said it will still bend and can be bent back and a bit easier with some heat applied. All motors will bend and break.

The titanium is stronger than stainless, lighter than alloy & doesn't scratch or mark like carbon, I think it is the best of all the frame materials, It is what it is & not everyones cup of tea.

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