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thats a valid point and i thought the same, but i think that naming the person would be better. As already said, if it is in your experience then that is ok to say. naming them would also help other people make their own opinion and if it became a regular gripe then the evidence would speak for its self.

How about a section for 'Reviews by rating" or something similar, with a rating system so that we could pass on our ratings on different things to do with kit, no words, just ratings of 1 - 5 (like a poll) ie:

"fly fast paramotors"

Build quality



spares availability

Customer service

one other point, surely naming an offending company or person is similar to something like wing numbers on aircraft - accountability, and consequences

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I could do this, I think...

Ratings 1 to 5 as above...

and a comment box, for things like. (glad I purchased it) or ( would not consider another one) or similar. All reviews to be accompanied with the real name of the poster.

I know the web geeks are a V busy at this moment, but that will give us time to work out exactly how to do it.

I am starting to think that we can make this happen. :D


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I would have to agree with the above post, I am still new to paramotoring and did the usual searching the Internet and was unable to find anywhere that had good reviews of paramotor equipment, etc

I realise that some people might be biased as they may be involved with the manufactures and will most likely will not want to upset them with some comments on a forum.

I am sure there is enough people out there who dont have any involvement that could give the views on equipment they have bought used etc.

Personally If I am going to purchase a paramotor again, I will be going for costumer service and reliability of a machine full stop. I have being down to the Parajet factory when i did my training and met some of the guys who work down there, Yes if i had the cash I would probably get one but then again I put one on my back and it nearly pulled me over with the weight of it. Very heavy indeed.

I am getting my paramotor back on Monday and cannot wait to be flying again. Bring it on.

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A rating system sounds like a really good idea and something that would benefit everyone.

I would raise the question of the comments box as this could give rise to a similar situation arising as a post. What would stop someone ranting in the comments box? Unless you limited the number of words or something, that might be one way....

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A rating system sounds like a really good idea and something that would benefit everyone.

I would raise the question of the comments box as this could give rise to a similar situation arising as a post. What would stop someone ranting in the comments box? Unless you limited the number of words or something, that might be one way....

The moderator

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