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I'm trying to persuade my 66 year old friend to join me at Skyschool later this month. He really wants to learn, but he says that he thinks he would feel out of place in a school full of much younger men. He feels that paramotoring is a young mans sport.

Although I instinctively disagreed, stating that a lot of young people haven't got the money to afford the training or equipment, it did get me wondering:

What is the average age of the paramotor pilot in the UK.

Any ideas?


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From where I'm standing it looks to be a lot older than you might think.

Middle aged I would say with a fair smattering at either end. One we know well is in his late sixties. Quite a few in their fifties, loads in their forties. What is the definition of middle aged might be an interesting question - isn't it all in the mind?

Then of course there is Pete Baldwin :explode: who is at least 86 if he is a day. :roll::D

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From where I'm standing it looks to be a lot older than you might think.

Middle aged I would say with a fair smattering at either end. One we know well is in his late sixties. Quite a few in their fifties, loads in their forties. What is the definition of middle aged might be an interesting question - isn't it all in the mind?

Then of course there is Pete Baldwin :explode: who is at least 86 if he is a day. :roll::D

Why O why does my name always come up in this sort of post??

Im only 51 Norman.

there are a lot of " older " pilots flying

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well, 3 so far mate.

56 is the oldest and there are 3 here somewhere.


PS this poll is 100% confidentual I dont get to see who voted what, its not even stored in the database.

This is a very intersting one. Please vote if you have not already done so.



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Come on! If I'm gonna sell a famous Tom Jones lyric to my 66 year old mate 'It's not unusual to be..... paramotoring at 66 years old', I need to see some 60 somethings stating their age and declaring their youthful pursuits. We're a decade off at the moment :(


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Come on! If I'm gonna sell a famous Tom Jones lyric to my 66 year old mate 'It's not unusual to be..... paramotoring at 66 years old', I need to see some 60 somethings stating their age and declaring their youthful pursuits. We're a decade off at the moment :(


ok POZ.

am 62. started paramotoring at 59, paragliding at 60, do about 8000m per year on my motorbike

play competitve squash and earn a living as a tandem parachute instructor (do about 15 tandems a week)

Just getting into powerboating.

Thinking of slowing down when i get old.

Tell this guy to get a motor on his back and start living.

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ok POZ.

am 62. started paramotoring at 59, paragliding at 60, do about 8000m per year on my motorbike

play competitve squash and earn a living as a tandem parachute instructor (do about 15 tandems a week)

Just getting into powerboating.

Thinking of slowing down when i get old.

Wow impressive ! :shock::shock:
...Tell this guy to get a motor on his back and start living.
A case of "here endeth the lesson" me thinks :wink:


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Tell this guy to get a motor on his back and start living.

Great to hear from you Slapper. Inspiring

I'll pass that message right along.

Now, just his missus to convince :shock:

Thinks I'll tackle this one the insurance route :wink:

Did you never fancy rock climbing? There's a place just up the road from where I live called El Chorro....... :D

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I have taught a 72 year old how to fly.

and he is well hooked!

Not sure how to deal with the wife thing... Mine is just ace! she lets me spend money on stupid stuff and is happy for me to spend time doing stupid stuff also.


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Of course. :D

list includes,

a 300bhp Impreza

a 170bhp motorcycle.

a 200bhp motorcycle.

a 320bhp motorcycle. which I drag raced at the weekend and rode to work during the week. (I got in to the 200 mph club a few times on this bike)

A number of other streetfighter self built motorcycles cost in to the several thousands over the years....

and a paramotor or two.

All in her stupid list.

But odd that they are in my top 10 toys list. LOL

But she has never moaned about them as long as they keep me happy.


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