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Just testing the water...


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Hi people, im just in two minds at the moment whether to sell my flying gear or not, I'm hardly using it and when i do get the chance the poxy wind is always against me also i dont have a local field i can use either, Am looking at getting another road bike which i must admit miss loads. Think im gonna decide this week so if anyone's got an interest for motor/wing/reserve then do pm me

cheers Gaz 8)

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Gazfreefly- Have a passion for bikes its in my blood!!

outcast,i've not flown with andy from bennington yet,i think he normally flys with simon, i know i will miss it IF i do sell up just dont see the point it just sitting there collecting dust!

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Gaz, when my local fields were not available, I was doing 48 mile round trips to fly with Tony & Paul at nights & weekends. And I still do just for a bit of social as well! If you don`t get flying, I will tell Tony! Think of the good flights, like when you flew to Sturdy`s pub with them.

The day of my first attempt flight at Bloxham, I kept looking at you circling the field thinking how lucky you were up there. Think hard about giving up.

Do you fancy a weekend up Banbury or Chippy, with me, Tony & gang. We have got a few things planned soon, 1) XC flight to Alconbury. 2) fly above the clouds. and a few other things!

I will get Tony to ring you tomorrow & talk you out of it :D

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Perhaps you should think of paramotoring as a

Bike in the Sky with no speed traps.... :D ....cars pulling out :( white lines :? slippy grids :oops: the list goes on :(

My bike sits in the garage most of the year doesnt get used much at all.......

On the other hand my paramotor and microlight get used all the time :lol: ( its on another level ) :D

youve made me think about selling the bike :(

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When i started paramotoring my bike just sat in the garage too- when i wanted to take the bike out, i had to replace the battery every time- and when i did take it out, i was looking at the sky!!!!

Also it was taking up valuable hangar space (garage) so it had to go... no regrets... paramotoring is way cooler! Sometimes when i'm flying the bikers actually stop to watch me landing/taking off!

Relatively speaking- the dangers of biking are much greater.

Stick to the flying.

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part share??? U aving a laugh!! I may if cash lets me to get another bike too and keep flying gear. freefly im an all yr round biker mate! weather dont bother me nor do i think of the dangers because the more you worry the worst rider you become, i've always enjoyed riding! I took mates R1 out saturday and loved it then he told me hes selling it,that was salt in the wound to me!what bike you got then?

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Also the other reason why I dont get much flying in at the mo is because we've had our second child (13wks old)which for those that have kids know how much time they take up! putting them to bed at 7ish then trying to get up the field to find yet again the weather has changed,i tend to get back home with the hump!!

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Mate I'm in the same boat - 2 kids (youngest just 1yr) so time to fly is very hard to find, for me this makes the time I can fly even more precious - hence I have relatively low airtime compared with most people I know.

All that time babysitting is great for checking the forecast and making sure your gear is in tip top condition.

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Got one over on you mate..........got four kids........................cant even believe it myself??!!!!! Yep and I agree with your comments entirely.

I am looking to get a Harley just to do something when the weather is not flyable, that will be parked next to the Jetski!!!

I have an understandable wife who appreciates that I need to unwind in one form or another and boy this sport gives you a buzz like no other I have found!!!!!!!.

If you sell your kit you will be kicking yourself th every next day when the weather comes good!!


ps pissing down at th emoment as I writ ethis

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