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:?: Reserve re-packer?


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Hey Norman;

could you let us know how this went? It looks like a novel idea, compact and organized, right there handle for tossing...oh shit this is an European forum eh...how do you get rid of your reserve over your way "throwing" your reserve I meant to say. I want to know if you find it bulky for launching and how you mounted your bridle - if ya don't mind, thanks.

Marko D, Canada

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Hey Norman;

could you let us know how this went? It looks like a novel idea, compact and organized, right there handle for tossing...oh shit this is an European forum eh...how do you get rid of your reserve over your way "throwing; your reserve I meant to say. I want to know if you find it bulky for launching and how you mounted your bridle - if ya don't mind, thanks.

Marko D, Canada

Hi Marko,

I am new to this game but I will answer your question as best I can. Perhaps others more knowledgable will step in at some stage.

Yes, tossing is good in Europe (for laughs), throwing might produce less red faces in polite company. :lol:

Launching with the reserve/cockpit combo would be much the same as with (our normal) lap hung reserves. It bobs around a bit but is tolerably located. Very handy to get at if you need to with either hand as the handle/ripcord is centrally located and pointing ahead.

The bridle has a choice of mounting using this method, either the main riser karibiners (low hang - European style) or routed through to mallions at the shoulder/main harness.


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Hi Norman,

Just to let you know I talked to simon about transfering your reserve into your new sup'air container. He said it shouldent be a problem as its just changing one outer container for another and not really a re-pack as such ( the reserve stays in its inner deployment bag ). He reckons it will be about Tue coming when he will be back and starting training again which I believe matches in with your plans to be at the field flying. Hope that helps. Take care mate and I bet you are making them engine noises :lol: .

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Thanks Col,

Yes, I did look at doing just that myself but as it is seriously safety related item I just wondered what would go through my mind as I threw it for the first time. I also wonder whether it will fit. Although Sup Air say it will fit any reserve, mine is a 200kg jobby and I have my doubts looking at it. Still, we will find out when Simon returns.

Engine noises? mental preparation matey! - wandering around the garden on the mower rehearsing....

Thanks for taking the trouble Col, I hope to see you on the 18th!

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To confirm.

I do not have any reserve packing training. I am going to GIN for 2 days just as soon as I get the time.

As Colin says, Packing a reserve and moving it into another container are very different. I personaly would not let anyone other than me do my reserve container. If you want it done by someone close to you Norman you can go and see Gilo, he will be happy to help you I am sure.

NOTE: The reserves I sell come PACKED BY GIN STAFF, I dont touch them. :D

Ref, Re-Packing course, as I say as soon as I get the time I am going to GIN for two days (as invited)


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