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Parajet or Fresh Breeze ?


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Hi All,

I’ve whittled down my short list of Paramotors to partner my Synthisis wing to 2 candidates the Parajet Volution and the Fresh Breeze Simonini and I’d be interested in any feedback that could help me to make up my mind.

I’ve spoken to the owners of both types of machine and they all speak highly of their chosen Paramotors, from what I’ve heard from others and from my own observations the main plus and minuses seem to be as follows:


:D : Low hang points, well engineered, comfortable, local spares/support.

:( : On the heavy side, bulky throttle, cost.

Fresh Breeze

:D : Good power to weight, low noise / low vibration.

:( : High hang points (?), High mounted fuel tank.

I should say that I weigh 95kg and the old under carriage has quite a few hours on it so ease of launch and weight are a consideration. I should also say that the style of flying that appeals to me is x country and that I have no desire to do spirals etc.

So what do you think?



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Hi All,

I’ve whittled down my short list of Paramotors to partner my Synthisis wing to 2 candidates the Parajet Volution and the Fresh Breeze Simonini and I’d be interested in any feedback that could help me to make up my mind.

I’ve spoken to the owners of both types of machine and they all speak highly of their chosen Paramotors, from what I’ve heard from others and from my own observations the main plus and minuses seem to be as follows:


:D : Low hang points, well engineered, comfortable, local spares/support.

:( : On the heavy side, bulky throttle, cost.

Fresh Breeze

:D : Good power to weight, low noise / low vibration.

:( : High hang points (?), High mounted fuel tank.

I should say that I weigh 95kg and the old under carriage has quite a few hours on it so ease of launch and weight are a consideration. I should also say that the style of flying that appeals to me is x country and that I have no desire to do spirals etc.

So what do you think?



Interesting dilemma Togsie.

Fresh Breeze does seem to push out well made kit. They are now using Titanium which streamlines and lightens the kit still further.


Though I have a Parajet I can appreciate your quandary, I wonder if FB will supply with low hang points which must be better for weight shifting when cruising on your cross country's? Ever flown with high hangs?

It will be very interesting to see which way you go.

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"have I ever flown with high hang points" - now you know very well that I've yet to get off of the ground :(

The perceived wisdom is that low hang points are best and in support of that view I’ve heard arguments about the potential for riser twist and the lack of “feel” as well as the point you yourself mentioned about the inability to weight shift all mentioned. I know that all of the top pilots fly with low hang points and I’m sure that when the results of the World Championships are posted that low hang point machines will have dominated. BUT are they the best choice for the type of flying that I want to do i.e. x country in comfort?

Fresh Breeze have the option of the original ‘J’ bar or their new Comfort Bar system neither of which are low hang points.

I had an interesting chat with Clive Bunce the other day, he’s got the Titanium option that you mentioned and speaks very highly of it.

I know ithat it's illogical but the sheer good looks of the Parajet are highly seductive.

All the best.


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High Hang points ;-) I know Togsie, I should have said, 'ever hung with high hangs'.

Jeff Goin (the US luminary for PPG)makes some comment here you might find useful. They use slightly different points but I believe they achieve similar geometry's as our hi/lo points. I have hung in the garden from a tree (in my rig) for around an hour and found it to be very comfortable. Quite how it would have felt with high hang points I don't know - but less so I think.

The Parajets are probably comparatively slightly heavy, but they are also comparatively strong and well made. Once you are off the ground then all the other stuff really matters doesn't it. Nothing in aviation comes for nothing, even Titanium has its down side - (repair complexity, cost.)

I would talk to experienced paramoteurs Togsie, I know zip about this game at the moment and don't want to lead you up the garden path. The rest of the aeronautical stuff has lived in my brain for years but making an expensive decision about the motor.... Clive sounds like a good source.

i love my Parajet and I suspect those who go that route feel the same. I was given a Rolex in 1977 when I started flying - 'had it ever since. It's heavy and it doesn't keep perfect time, but I wouldn't change it for another. :wink:

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I have a pap and have tried high hang points (did not like it one bit) hard to launch(compared with low hang points)

When it got a bit rough I preferred to get shaken from the waist than from the shoulders.

Freesh breeze are bring out low hang points in about 2-3 months they are testing them now I think.

Give piers a shout http://www.freshbreezeuk.com/


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thanks for all the pointers. I've contacted Fresh Breeze to enquire about any new models that may be in the pipeline, I'll let you know what they have to say.

Jeff Goin's views were very interesting, the bit that stood out for me was his comment about "whatever system you choose it has to be correctly adjusted".

The search goes on.



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Swingin' there in that tree in my (carefully adjusted) Parajet harness was very comfortable.... :twisted:


is this some kind of hammock substitute thing that you’ve got going on in your garden with your motor. I'll start to worry when I find out that your making engine noises while you're hanging there :D

I like the new Avatar by the way.



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Pete B, you were spot on Fresh Breeze do have a low hang point motor in development. This is the reply I received from Piers:

Thanks for the enquiry.

The High/Low debate has been rumbling along for years now!

My personal opinion is that lots of free flight pilots have come into the sport and prefer the more direct feel of low hangpoints so a lot of the machines now have that system.

The fact of the matter is that high hangpoints are much more comfortable in bumpy conditions, but you will have less weightshift capabilities.

Fresh Breeze’s new “comfort bar” floating harness system is a fantastic compromise of both systems allowing good weightshift and excellent comfort. You can view a “comfort bar” machine at www.freshbreezeuk.com – just wait for the first page to load. The two bars connecting the harness to the machine “float” in and out. (it looks a little restricted in the pictures because they are both pointing inwards)

Fresh Breeze are working on a low hangpoint machine at the moment, but it will not be ready for about three months. They have to re-design the whole engine frame because they have to mount the motor much nearer the pilot to achieve the right balance. This in itself does not allow for such good vibration dampening as usual, which I guess might be another advantage of the high system.

Anyway, we are trying to cater for everybody’s taste!

An interesting reply but I still can't make my mind up and now I'm worried that if I leap in now I'll regret it when the new model is launched in 3 months time. Groan! It's a bit like the old chesnut about the best time to buy a PC; answer yesterday and tomorrow.

Regards to all.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't believe people in the motor market are so slow to catch on to weight shifting!!!! I started this whole para experience this spring, started with free flight. This summer i tried a woody valley peak harness with low attachment points... OH WOW it was like going from a fourwheeler to a bullet bike!! I bought a paramotor late in this year, and didn't even know they made low hang points till some recent study. Hello! its obvious... not only is it a more efficient, and funner way to turn, giving the ability to weightshift is important in collapse recovery as well! beyond that, it gives you a feel for the glider that will help you to ACTIVE pilot to reduce the chance of collapse in the first place! hmmm well it seems obvious to me, but whatever hang high if you must. I must eventually pry my black devil motor off my skycruiser/apco harness and find a system that will let me weight shift!!! it gives you a lot more instant response! Are we clear ? :wink:

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I know I am a dealer for Parajet so this will not hold as much water as it should but.....

Every time I fly the Parajet I am so very glad that I have one! it is simply a great bit of kit. I have had my Titanium Compact now for 2.5 months and I have close to 40 hours on it already!!

Giles and the crew down the road will give you the best customer service that I have ever had the pleasure to deal with as would I of course :D

Parajet / Giles produce the very best quality kit and I do 100% belive that.

I am going for ANOTHER fly on my Parajet today.... :D:D:D:D

Hungerford yesterday.... who knows where the wind will take us today???

You are feeling sleepy.......very sleepy...........look in to my eyes..... not around the eyes :roll: .......into the eyes :shock: ........you want a Parajet...........when you wake up you will make your mind up and start flying... :D:D:D

Parajet owners will of course also be warm in the winter due to the heated vests / Jackets that we will have :D I have one here on trail ( I can see me keeping that you know..... LOL ) from the 9th.

Waffle Waffle Waffle.....

If you have any Parajet questions just call.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sharp intake of breath through teeth. "Weee'll, are you sure now Togsie, you never know, that Fresh Breeze might have been just the ticket?" :lol:

Well done, it will sparkle and glitter in the corner of your garage. Only the heated jacket to come and the strobe and you are loaed for bear eh?

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