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Belt Tension

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There is also a clever way of getting the correct tension by twanging the belt at its mid point and using a phone app to listen to what frequency the twang is. Then adjust to get the correct frequency (370 Hz on my machine). This works incredibly well.

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Ok actual did it today with my Moster Plus.

Factory says use a 4kg counterweight if no frequency counter is available so I did both to see how they compare.

The frequency method has much higher resolution than a 4kg weight to be sure so app installed I now have a very fast way to pre-flight the belt.

FYI, belt at about 50 hours looks like new, no cracks or wear apparent. Starting frequency was 300Hz, well below the recommended 430-450Hz for the 13 tooth Moster plus.

Vitorazi do have a very goo Youtube how to video that made it a 20 min job so easy.

I used a bolt marker fluid, like green thick paint, to be able to make a visual check if anything moves.

Also found my small torque wrench is one direction! Had to eyeball the reverse thread on refit.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello David

Last week wr checked the belt tension from my friend his moster 185. it was only 150Hz. We adjusted the tension by using an app to measure the frequency, to 450Hz. After a flight (45min) we checked again after the engine had cooled down. The frequency was only 350 Hz. Does anyone know this is normal, I think not but we put nail polish on the bols and nothing had moved.

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I assume it is the grooved type of belt? It was probably just settling back in to its new tension then. After it had been quite loose it is likely the rubber was rubbed on the inside. After running much tighter for a while the grooves will have been better pushed into the pulley grooves. I usually find I set mine (Nitro) at 370 and it drops to 350 straight away.

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