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British paramotor championship

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This year's championship is being held on the 29th August-2nd September

Location is nr Crewe in Cheshire


The new format for this year's championship is more XC orientated with less time briefing and more time flying, those new to competition can enter into the discovery class where any flying aid is allowed.


More details and registration can be found on the comps website www.ppgcomps.co.uk 

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An All-new XC format for 2018...  

(Adapted from article published in Skywings, March 2018)

For the 2018 British Open and National Paramotor Championships, we present a significant shift in the entire PPG Comps philosophy. We want to offer pilots the opportunity to maximise what they enjoy doing the most, by enabling as much flying time as possible, navigating over a wide area of terrain, supported by an organisational structure to assist with retrieves, refuelling points etc, and with an absolute minimum of rules, restrictions, and lengthy briefings. We want a championship to be perceived as an enjoyable fly-in type event, a gathering of friends to fly together on their own terms, as opposed to a high-intensity and intimidating competition environment. That said, it is still an official national championship, and we therefore also need to ensure that we do have a rule structure that is clearly enough defined to remove any scoring ambiguities and is sufficiently challenging for the team pilots who do want to push their skill level and go on to represent the UK at international championships................

To read more or to register for this visit www.ppgcomps.co.uk



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  • 2 months later...

The comp was good fun. Lots of xc and turnpoints to find with embedded other tasks on route such as flying the snake track marked on the map. 

The nice thing was the lack of pressure, constant live tracking. Helpful marshals, well equipped campsite with showers. Lovely spot. My highlight was a trip to Wales, picking up points on the way. Landed and refuelled by marshals. Then fly home.. plan .. tripped on takeoff and broke prop!  so returned to base by car/ trailer provided by comp.

Planning to go again in Aug 2019.

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  • 9 months later...

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