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Training options

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OK So...Any advice on which training route to take as I can't seem to decide. I'm (initially) on a fairly tight budget and obviously want to get the most from it. The choices are

BHPA paragliding to EP on the winch (i've done the first day/taster) then decide on next step. 

Direct Ppg training - obvious choice but distance* to nearest school and initial outlay may be an issue. 

Anyone local to me* fancy letting me tag along to watch / pick their brains (I hate that expression!) and buy them a pint or 5.

I have a wing & intend to keep practicing ground handling at every opportunity.

I even toyed with the idea of self teaching but at 51 I should know better right?.....maybe 30 yrs ago...

Any opinions / advice /  help gratefully received.

*I'm near Redditch, Worcestershire.


PS ignore the silly profile name..thought it was funny at the time of signing up but stuck with it now!

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Having converted to paramotoring in Spain after a few years parawaiting in the UK I would advise you to go for a 7 day a week school in a climate where theres is more chance of every day flying. You may have to do EP for a week then CP motor for a week. Go abroad if you can afford it. It will save time and money in the long run and have you in the sky far sooner.

I converted from EP to CPmotor in the summer and never looked back. If I had tried to do that in the UK especially Scotland I'd still be trying to catch a weekend here or there and spend all my time traveling to a school.

I also spent/wasted 2 years doing a parachute RAPs course in the UK years ago and watched numerous students go abroad and get qualified in a week with AFF and come back exceeding my progression. I truly regret not doing that also. Get qualified abroad and enjoy the sport at home and far sooner if you can afford it.


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Paralytic, you are welcome to come and pick my brains, watch the technique etc, but I am not quite on your doorstep.

I'm near Dudley in the West Midlands if that is any good.

I did the direct PPG training, in my book you don't need the PG experience beforehand, a good instructor will only get you airbourne in the right conditions.


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alrightscud, alan-k, Thanks both for the advice, the point about time (and money) wasted by making the wrong choice is one of the reasons I asked the question and it's good to get sound advice rather than find out the hard way. Fly Spain sounds good, I did consider it but will take a closer look now. Alan, I'd say "near Dudley" is right on my doorstep so would be happy to pop over for a nose some time to suite you (PM me?). I'm partial to a drop of Bathams now & again so that could work out quite well!  Incidentally, how far did you have to travel for instruction?

ps.. yes i did notice the correct spelling!

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, kiwi k said:

Mark i'm not from your area but hear good reports unless someone else disagree's about Manchester Paragliders (Paul Kilburn) And is part of the Lancashire hotprops and also has paramotor school on the East Lancashire Road nr Astley.


Hope this helps Kiwi.

Thanks for the link kiwi. Will look into it otherwise be on a adventure to simons place in the near future.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Dave, been a while since I checked this thread so should probably be asking what you have decided to do? ... in answer to your Q, jury's still out on this for me: was initially only interested in ppg but after taking a  paraglider taster day on the winch, I realised I may want to free fly in the future as well so would have to go bhpa paraglider Ep + Cp+ power conversion...more expensive, potentially much longer course completion time but less initial outlay to get started and of coarse, the ability to free fly from bhpa controlled sites.....Having said that I will probably still take the more affordable, more direct, PMC course in order to get flying independently much sooner...

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