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No Spark Question

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Yes, you are correct.

But... just resting the plug on the head might be producing a spark somewhere other than the plug gap.

You really need the plug held firmly against the head (so the movement of turning the engine doesn't bounce it off at the moment when the spark should happen).

The HT lead and plug cap should be away from the head - a tiny puncture in the rubber can allow the HT charge to spark from the lead to the head, often where you can't see it.

Personally, I simply hold the plug in place with my hand. Yes, I've had a few minor shocks from doing this, but at low speed the HT output is low and the shock is no more than a sudden tingle.

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OK, I was in my garage with the lights off and I bungee'd the plug on the head. So I guess, if there were a spark I would see it somewhere.  I presume the HT lead was touching the head, but the motor is new with only 10 hours on it!!!

It there is no spark then???  what else do you think it might be?

Many thanks in advance.

Afternote:  It is a shame that no one can run a 2 stoke (PPG) mechanic type course.  I am sure there are other guys out here with no idea about engines and would love to learn!!



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Do you have problem,or just make experiments? ??

Moster 185 plus have most of the body Anodized black (cylinder head,carter)or silver (cylinder block)

Anodized surface are electric insulator

To test spark plug like posts above you need to find clean not painted(not anodized) piece of surface or zink coated bolt




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Cheers Steve - Just ordered one.

Had an engine out  - motor just stopped dead at 600ft after 4 minutes flying. It was my first flight of the day and I did a GOOD 3 minute warm up with the engine, it was on full throttle for at least 15 seconds at the end.

Motor is a new (10hr) moster plus

Now, not able to start at all.  I can see fuel up to the carb and it seems to pull OK.

Any idea




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Sometimes very rich mixture especialy in break-in engine ,shorting  lifespan spark plug

1 Get new spark plug -chipest way

Best plugs are NGK B9ES

do not use BR9ES unless you don have resisor in the cap-you not need double resistor  (cap resistor+spark plug resistor = poor spark

I have like others sytuation where plug gone for unknown reasons.new nearly always help.

2 check wires ,especialy under kill switch in your throtle handle,and connection with ignition coil- sometimes wire cracking and make direct connection with body

3 very rare sometimes sparkplug cap can gone ,most of manufactures fit in there resistor ,can fail

4 coil pack fail  ?


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RE thee two stroke mechanics course I agree! I know almost nothing about the engines, sorry to say, and would love to learn even if its only used in a frustrating 'engine won't start' in the field moment - not that thats ever happened as Mini Planes Top80 is a fantastic starter!


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11 hours ago, asquaddie said:

Cheers Steve - Just ordered one.

Had an engine out  - motor just stopped dead at 600ft after 4 minutes flying. It was my first flight of the day and I did a GOOD 3 minute warm up with the engine, it was on full throttle for at least 15 seconds at the end.

Motor is a new (10hr) moster plus

Now, not able to start at all.  I can see fuel up to the carb and it seems to pull OK.

Any idea




Has to be a process of elimination, of course. Blocked carb or check for spark, of course. All the bleedin' obvious tedium, of course! Have you tried a fresh plug (which you have, of course ...)?

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I've been in Derbyshire for the week now, so unable to do anything with the motor.  I have purchased a new plug B9RES (same type os the original one) also the spark plug checker which Steve mentioned.  So when I get back next Monday I'll try them both.

If not it will be a call to Parajet I guess :-(

Just hoping there is no internal damage now.....


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It was strange, because when Clive handed the motor over to me (new) the plug wasl used!!!!

To be honest, I'm not even sure it is the plug yet, because I brought a new plug straight away and tried it and I still did not see a spark.

I will use the 'spark tester' first when I get home and go from there.  

It still gave me a bit of a shock, because I did not expect my motor to stop in mid-air so soon.  Not a problem thou, because my old motor done this  and I ran out of fuel a few times, so emergency landing around my area was not a problem.  Just a shock :shock:


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Asquaddie hi there i have had this problem before on a moster 185 with 13 hours on. 

Mine was initially pointing to be faulty kill switch wiring however by the sounds of it if you don'5 have the spark plug issue it could be a Ht Lead or cap replacement. 

Hope it gets fixed soon :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update.

After discussions with the Parajet team they think it is a faulty CDI unit.

So that's on its way. They also send some photos and instructions to replace the new one.

I asked them, if they are short on technical mechanics in the work shop I'll be happy to stand in for them.

John said he'll pass my name to HR :-) :-)




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8 minutes ago, cas_whitmore said:

Hi Tony while your waiting for parts .   See if you can un screw the plug cap from the ht lead hold end of it near a bolt head pull the starter cord . Not sure you might have a resistor cap fitted try it . 

Cas . 

Not sure what you mean - I do have a resistor cap fitted.  My safe option is wait until the part arrives and following the detailed instructions (with pictures) for the replacement.

Must repeat again - excellent service from Parajet

Obviously, 'My' best option would of been Parajet picks up the motor fixes it and returns it, because it is still under warranty.

But the best practical way is Parajet sends me the part with detailed instructions and I learn how to replace it myself, and if I get any problems I phone them and they talked me through it. If I get major problems 'My best option' above comes into play.

This is why we need to run small courses on all PMC fly-ins.  Which will give the newbies confidence to check and repair their motors.



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