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Everything posted by outkast

  1. outkast

    Flying joke.

    A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink, and while he's drinking the monkey jumps all around the place. The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them. Then he grabs some sliced limes and eats them. He then jumps onto the pool table and grabs one of the billiard balls. To everyone's amazement, he sticks it in his mouth and somehow swallows it whole. The bartender screams at the guy,"Did you see what your monkey just did?" "No, what?" "He just ate the cue ball off my pool table... whole!" "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy, "he eats everything in sight. Sorry,I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff." The guy finishes his drink, pays his bill,pays for the stuff the monkey ate and leaves. Two weeks later the guy is in the bar again and has his monkey with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again. While the man is finishing his drink the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it. Then the monkey finds a peanut, and again sticks it up his ass pulls it out, and eats it. The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?" "No, what?" replied the man. "Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry and a peanut up his ass, pulled them out, and ate them!" said the bartender. "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy. "Since he ate that cue ball he measures everything first!"
  2. Hi Vince, welcome to the site, as the others have said there is no legal requirement for training to fly, however you should look at getting at least a good grounding(no pun intended) in the basics without wich you may well find your route very frustrating and costly not to mention potentialy dangerous, theres a good DVD called risk and reward wich is very informative as is the book paramotor bible, theres a bunch of us going to the splash show(see other thread) in a few weeks time so you mite want to pop along and wag your chin with a few of us, good luck in whatever route you choose, personaly I would not think of getting airbourne without some tuition, niether does my mate Mr T: "I pity the fool who dont get no proper training........GGRRRHHH!"
  3. Ben its www.paramotormag.com not www.menintightshorts.com thats where you are going wrong....again
  4. oh why not give me a nice big paper cut and pour vinegar on it
  5. maybe it should be renamed the paramania confusion
  6. http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/FREE/day ... de=Swindon
  7. Norman I told you last time im In to PVC now, leather harness is SO last year honey. Pete b ps you never called me back!!! oohhh get her! you tell him girlfriend
  8. if there was a "I am green with envy" smiley then I would be using it in spades.
  9. outkast

    For xmas

    are you saying my misses is fat with facial hair?
  10. outkast

    For xmas

    it was a lot easier when i raced quads as they were kept down at my mates wharehouse so she never saw the new shocks wich I had biult in the US and came in at a shade under 3K
  11. Thanks for the offer mate, but as I said earlier I am going to have a go myself, the only bit I may need to suss out is setting up the carb and setting the pop off pressure, I will be in touch if I have any problems, once again thanks for the offer.
  12. is it true that his wing is rainbow coloured?
  13. outkast

    For xmas

    my chirstmas note to santa will be left under the christmas tree and will read "Dear santa, I have been a very good boy this year and would like a brand new shiney parajet volution compact please, and if you could stretch to the titanium version that would be great" what do you recon my chances are?
  14. goner have a crack at it myself, whats the worst that can happen?..........dont answer that Got myself a tourqe wrench tonight
  15. I am on the lookout for a mechanic whos knows their way around a solo210 motor, I need the following jobs doing Carb rebiult and set up including the pop off pressure setting, I have a rebiuld kit new pull cord fitted, I have the cord HEIS coil and surround fitted, this is just the coil and the surround thats been modified to take the coil, not the whole HEIS system. The head needs tourqeing down correctly, I tightened it the best I could by hand but did not have a tourqe wrench to hand. thats about it, I would have a crack at it myself but dont have the correct tools cheers, Dave.
  16. saturdays looking good http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/FREE/7da ... de=swindon
  17. outkast

    Flying joke.

    A spinning prop respects no one, advice from a nine fingered pilot
  18. outkast


    Anyone into boxing? I have just listed a load of stuff on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0311413533
  19. Yep rode bikes for years, first one I had was a honda SS50, followed by a yamaha dt125lc, then an suzuki X7(see below) Then had a couple of Elsies, followed by a fireblade when they were first released, then decided to concentrate on my karting so sold the bikes, about 7 years ago I fancied owning another road bike and found a nice little VFR400 NC30 in a shop near me so I bougt it, great little bike especially on trackdays for showing bigger bikes how to corner. done a good few trackdays on that one and then got greedy and bought another and one for the track I had also packed up racing the karts and took up racing quads
  20. outkast

    Vario? altimeter

    Thanks guys, a lot to think about, I already have a garmin GPS 3 wich is good enough to navigate with, I just thought if the altimeters on the current crop of GPSs were any good it would save me having to buy a vario.
  21. outkast

    Vario? altimeter

    I was looking at buying a vario but then thought that I dont really need to know if I am rising or dropping, just my altitude will tell me that, so I thought of maybe buying a GPS that has an altimeter included, has anyone got one of these or could recomend a good one. Cheers, Dave.
  22. I better dust off my digd and get blowing
  23. if you ever need a didg player
  24. just make sure you order some good old blue skys weather for the 15th
  25. Yes just locks the throttle in one what ever positony want, very easy to use
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