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Everything posted by Trevsked

  1. Good luck with the test flight and hope you get set up with problem. Look forward to hearing how it all went. Pat, nice report and well done. Trevor.
  2. Can’t believe it’s taken this long for decent weather for a second flight! Had that this morning and happy to say it went pretty well with the exception of letting the wing come a little too far forward initially but recovered from that and pushed on. This time I was able to use my Maverick and Universal 1.1, happy with Botha nd looking forward to good weather next week hopefully. Lovely group of students at Membury too and think this is the best thing I’ve done for long time, really enjoying the tuition. Trevor.
  3. Congrats on the new Peabee, I love the idea of them. Do you plan on completing a full microlight license or just flying instruction? Trevor.
  4. I know I’ll have much greater opportunity to fly once training has completed with the calmer evenings and early mornings but for now it’s sloooooow going. Trevor.
  5. Yes I visited Sutton Meadows to see him off the back of picking ng up a leaflet I found when at the PMC meet. He was good enough to demo it for me and I really liked it but was won over by the portability of the Paramotor, still am really just looking unlikely I’ll get a calm enough day for some time. Trevor.
  6. I didn’t know you got 6 hours in the Peabee but do know currently you can get 5 hours free training with the Eurofly Snake. Came very close to buying one but decided to carry on with the Paramotor training. Given I just can’t get a day to fly because of the wind conditions and not looking likely either, I should have got a Snake as weather has been perfectly suitable. Trevor.
  7. As a pupil under instruction I have so far been frustrated by the winds, just one flight. Trevor.
  8. Lovely evening today and saw a Paramotor close to home (Rickmansworth) and as I’m new to the sport and would like to meet others locally, I tried to follow. Last saw it landing inside the M25 near Maple Cross but couldn’t find the site. Anyone here? Trevor.
  9. Thanks to Simon, Colin and Freya for their expert tuition which culminated in my first flight at Newbury this morning. Ideal conditions I have to say but all the same a huge smile as I’m sure all fledgelings have Many thanks and hope to be up again in the morning. Trevor.
  10. I love the idea of these and went up to see Ben a couple of weeks ago. I’m a bit torn as I like the idea of PPG being so portable, easy to store, transport, set up etc. A little more involved with the Peabee and Snake and think it may be better stored at an airfield/club. Where are you planning to keep it? Done any flexwing flying before? Trevor.
  11. Sounds like a positive experience over all given you learnt and walked away. Thanks for sharing, will remind everyone to be vigilant. Trevor.
  12. Ok thanks for the reply, wasn’t sure if it had been reviewed by potential customers. Trevor.
  13. Anyone got any opinions or experience of this new wing? Going to finish of training having started and stopped and this sounds as good as any. Or any opinions on the Roadster 2 as you’d hope the 3 would be as good or better. Trevor.
  14. Hi Simon,

    As I saw you had bought a trike, does that mean you will be teaching trike paramotoring now?


    Regards Trevor.

    1. admin (Simon W)

      admin (Simon W)

      Yes :-) 

      Give me a bell for a chat when you have a moment. 

      07983 428 453

      SW :D

    2. Tunny


      Hi simon is there any body getting to the Bore chase Thursday night or is it only open Friday

  15. Agree, well done for highlighting the odd error and your feelings about the flight, others can learn from that so very useful. Trevor.
  16. Thanks for the clarification. Trevor.
  17. An you enlighten me about what the old and new rules are regarding trikes please? I assume something has been relaxed? Trevor.
  18. Congratulations. Been following your journey and you’ve done a great job of telling your story ? Trevor.
  19. I agree with the above and yes I’d prefer a clutch, I was just taking issue with the statement that less drag is created with a spinning propeller. In the case of a power off approach, a spinning prop will create drag where a stationary prop will create less. Trevor.
  20. Are you sure about that. My experience with model aircraft and full size helicopters tells me there is more drag with a rotating prop. After all, a helicopter without power falls a lot quicker without a turning blade, as per a Sycamore leaf. Trevor.
  21. Can you put me on the list as a visitor please Simon. Trevor.
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