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Everything posted by Flypapuk

  1. The Link 2 is a great wing for beginners and to progress on, yes I am biassed to the brand but there is always a reason, Niviuk's build quality is second to none and they fly great
  2. How far south are you, Bobby Benn flys around fort Myers area
  3. You won't go wrong with the link 2, it will progress as you do, build quality is like any other Niviuk wing ,second to none The sting power play is an old design, Most modern wings are pretty much the same with just a few tweaks between them Try and get to fly a few different brands if you can Good luck
  4. I'm surprised your having problems, every man and his dog sells parajet, did you not contact your dealer about parts, if you bought it direct then there's your issue, if you bought it 2nd hand just find a local dealer
  5. For those that don't follow Tucker Here's a great little video of him trying the new Qubik, for anyone interested I have a 21m and 25m demo and a new 25m in stock Visit www.flypap.co.uk for details
  6. Hi Tim, I train just outside of Crewe Cheshire, More than welcome to come over for a chat, www.flypap.co.uk for more details Many thanks Danny
  7. I'm saying nothing, I find the only pilot's who pay attention to notams are drone users and microlights, GA heli's and military are a pain in the ass
  8. I've got a guy coming down from Dumfries to train this month, I'm located in South Cheshire if you fancy a drive
  9. I've got one coming out, it will be here Thursday, so can be flown on Friday, here's my number, 07811345567
  10. It has to be the 250 really, a lot more economical and the extra power at your weight will help
  11. I will be there all week but I didn't bring the wing with me, let me see what I can do Cheers Danny
  12. Hi Dan, the new wings are completely different, they both have Ram air which unlike some other brands really help with the initial inflation, I too had a link 1 for a training wing and found it needed to open trimmers slightly for nil wind but the new wings are a lot better, if your based in Spain I'm working out at flyspain next week and I'm thinking of taking my demo wing with me if you want to try it, what weight are you Cheers Danny
  13. It depends what manufacturer you choose, Basing on your AUW @ 125kg then the 25 would be ideal Thanks Danny
  14. Hi , Yes the link 2 is still comparable to the R3, And for my students this is what I would recommend, However If you have flown for a few hrs and are looking for a wing that will last a long time ( something that progresses with you) then I highly recommend the Qubik, The link 2 is definitely a step up from the Gin in all areas but it lacks Tip steering , To put the wing into perspective, I'm a Niviuk comp pilot and fly a competition wing based on the Kouger 2 and doberman 2 but Since I've had the Qubik this is all I fly, Its just as efficient, not quite as fast (4kph slower) but has a lot more stability even in really rough conditions, It's very pitch stable and no oscillation, The perfect wing for going places. The Niviuk R&D team have really upped the game with the current models
  15. 25m Niviuk link 2 and PAP safari 125 or moster, both available at Flypap.co.uk
  16. Qubik is a lot faster, more agile but not scary, separate tip steering toggles, it's a great xc wing, as for low airtime pilots, if you are current then 20-30hrs on a beginner wing would be ideal but it depends on the pilot, It's the best standard wing I've flown by a long way and I've flown quite a few
  17. Have a look on www.flypap.co.uk for kit price, that will give you a rough idea, cheers Danny
  18. Sorry to here this, on the + side I can think of worse places to be grounded, maybe ask around on social media to see if someone will rent you a motor to at least see some sights good luck
  19. The problem occurs when motoring through a big thermal, on the entrance and exit you have a lot of sinking air just before the rising air this is what can cause collapses if you are not ready, paragliding you are flying actively and looking for the thermal, entering it and climbing with it so you are expecting to get thrown around a bit, theres no problem at all flying PPG in rough conditions if you know what to expect,
  20. Its been a long time coming but they are finally here Niviuk Link 2 ( beginner) and Niviuk Qubik ( Beginner/intermediate) Both wing are full reflex and feature all the latest tech, A few of us got the chance to fly both early in the year and they were a pleasure, albeit they were prototypes but the last version, I've since flown the Link 2 production and its a cracker, Simple/safe and fun, Easy inflation and Very stable in flight with the added bonus of actually having some flare authority which I know some pilots are struggling with from certain brands I am expecting the qubik tomorrow and hoping to fly it over Christmas so will report back then
  21. Hi guys and gals I've currently got a Christmas sale, 10% off everything at www.flypap.co.uk. Offer valid until 31st December Merry Christmas everyone Danny
  22. So today was the first time I got to try the production version of the new link 2, What a breath of fresh air, comparing it to other wings in it's class it's ie Roadster 3, it turns nicer doesn't sink when off power and has a lot more flare authority, the comparison wing was the same size, inflation was easy and effortless thanks to it's Titonol rods in the leading edge, as soon as it's out off the bag the cells spring open and once above your head it just waits for it's next command, The lift generated is great but that doesn't compromise the speed, the trim length is a lot longer than the original so the speed range is very good, All in all it's a perfect progression wing
  23. Hi guys, I train just outside of Crewe Cheshire, send me a PM if you want anymore details, Cheers Danny
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