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Everything posted by enzo200500

  1. Peoples Front of Judea....SPLITTERS!!
  2. And who would fund/moderate this site Simon?
  3. Not much use, but.....my father in law runs a bakery up in 'ossie'! Welcome to the forum Carmen.
  4. enzo200500


    Not in any way directed at you or Barry. But I am quite dissapointed by the fact we are paying for this field and its also being used for another income! Which then effectively restricts our use Belonging to the short arse clan, makes wading through knee high grass a drag!!
  5. Some interesting grammatical mistakes on the APPI site! Almost as if its been translated, and not checked!!
  6. Looks like its broken already Even P/jet would be proud of that... Got one in yer garage yet Morgs?
  7. I started nigh on a year ago and have only 5-6 flights to my name.. injuries (some mine and some other peoples ) and weather have conspired to keep me on the ground since November 2011.. be prepared for delays and set backs is all I will say. On the upside..the first solo flight will blow your mind.. dont tell anyone this, especially not Mr Haze..but I had a litle tear in my eye when I walked away from my first flight I was that overwhlemed. I told you Darren, the leg straps were too tight!!
  8. enzo200500


    Thats a valveless pulsejet. Eric Beck does some brilliant work with these...
  9. Well, looks like I'm busy then............
  10. Will we all fit in the atom?
  11. Well done. I did not know Parajet supplied Left handed throttles?
  12. enzo200500


    Proper leafblower!! Lovely shot through the reed block, showing combustion process. [youtubevideo] [/youtubevideo]And side on... [youtubevideo] [/youtubevideo]Although easier to build, the reed material is the limiting factor to running duration. Not a problem when its all going to go pop! Commonest material is spring steel, but this tends to break down/melt at the edges, resulting in a loss of sealing ability. Its classed as a consumable item.
  13. enzo200500


    Afterburners with pulsejets, proper night time entertainment...
  14. enzo200500


    Don't get me started on Pulsejet technology!! Either Lockwood/ Hillier or reed valve (doodlebug) !! Get a local fly-in arranged and I'll bring some along..... They'll rock yer world. And seriously piss off anyone within 1/2 mile radius...
  15. Can't you pay someone to drive a load of stuff down? What you done with those lovely dogs?? I thought you boys had hercs for all your luggage 'requirements'? Or, how about paying for someone to split it into their luggae. Aboard easyjet etc.
  16. Mark, get the poxy grass cut at hambrook, then you may get pies AND pizza! When that diesel lump yer peddling puts out 10 more hp and has lost a few kg's, then I'll have one!!
  17. And we always have plenty of pies........ None of that silly waiting list malarky!!
  18. Yep, collection only though....
  19. Can't open your link Pete?
  20. Just up the road from me. Welcome to the forum....
  21. He's probably heading up R&D for the Acme Company!!
  22. Nice one guys, lovely day for it. I got some beach 'action' as well. Only took 2 hours to hose all the kit down........
  23. Funny... but I look the same in a Wingsuit ..especially the bit in the middle... Nah, your thinking about that 'onesie' you romp around in.....
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