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Mid day flying?

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Hi all.

With the lovely summer days here I was just wondering if anyone flys in the middle part of the day rather than first or last thing.

I'm wondering about thermals? How bad are they and how do people cope with them if they are present. Just wondering if it's possible to widen the window of opportunity for flights.

Cheers Lee.

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It helps a lot to be confident with ground handling.

I would recommend to start early in the day and get a feel for the thermals when they start to develop during the day. Land if they get too strong or if it feels unpleasant. Important to know the weather as well, how the clouds develop.

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I will normally fly during the day and it can be great. But if you don't know what you're doing best to stay on the ground. I flew yesterday midday 1-2pm on a little XC after flying into seymour's for a pub lunch. I was hitting 10up in some place's with some very strange sea breeze convergence mixing it all up. It was fairly rough even for my liking :lol:

Have a look on the rasp and use this as a guide and go out early as they start to develope and have a go.

What wing do you fly?

Remember the Old saying... It's better to be on the ground wishing you were up in the air than being in the air wishing you were on the ground...

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I fly a 34 synth and as you say I really don't have the experience to messing about with really rough air.

But if further training opens up a flying window then I'm all for it. I'm not interested in paragliding but does that training open up greater possibilities ?

Cheers Lee.

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I fly a 34 synth and as you say I really don't have the experience to messing about with really rough air.

But if further training opens up a flying window then I'm all for it. I'm not interested in paragliding but does that training open up greater possibilities ?

Cheers Lee.

You need to actively fly the wing as they do in paragliding :wink:

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I've been looking into this aspect. I'm happy enough with the theory but then that's always the easy part doing it is a different matter.

When not active flying ie brakes clipped just how much will a reflex wing take and sort out itself with regards to bumps and small thermals.

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I've been looking into this aspect. I'm happy enough with the theory but then that's always the easy part doing it is a different matter.

When not active flying ie brakes clipped just how much will a reflex wing take and sort out itself with regards to bumps and small thermals.

key question - at what point do you come off full reflex and start actively flying and does active flying mean you need to be on full slow and brakes or could you be on neutral and brakes? (PS I PG also so I know what active flying is..just have not done it on a PPG before)

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I've been looking into this aspect. I'm happy enough with the theory but then that's always the easy part doing it is a different matter.

When not active flying ie brakes clipped just how much will a reflex wing take and sort out itself with regards to bumps and small thermals.

key question - at what point do you come off full reflex and start actively flying and does active flying mean you need to be on full slow and brakes or could you be on neutral and brakes? (PS I PG also so I know what active flying is..just have not done it on a PPG before)

Gainers answer is, a lot.

Davidreckitt answer. There is no set point. I paraglide and can actively fly. I always fly active on slow trim and enjoy moderate thermals. I will fly active up to neutral if it's windy and I 'need' the speed (not much good for thermaling though as the sink rate is fairly high also the wing is no longer certified here, so best to avoid collapses, I should imagine). I have had the odd small deflation when active flying, but never with trims out and I have switched to trims out when it's been getting too much for me to actively fly (i.e. take me home now coz I've had enough of this!).

As someone else suggested, fly in the morning and aim to stay up as the first thermals appear, then try to use them and get used to them, active flying is not rocket science and if it gets too much you can always trim out and zoom home with your tail between your legs.

Read the manual though, not all reflex wings are alike. I take no responsibility for anything if you follow my advice, I'm just telling you how I did it and I had no issues. I am probably more likely to actively fly all the way to the landing now (rather than land with trims out) just because I am better and more confident with it now.


Gin Airflex 28 (flying every day at the excellent pmc flyin).

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